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A Good Place to Do Science: A Case Study of an Academic Science Department Diana Bilimoria C. Greer Jordan Department of Organizational Behavior Case Western.

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Presentation on theme: "A Good Place to Do Science: A Case Study of an Academic Science Department Diana Bilimoria C. Greer Jordan Department of Organizational Behavior Case Western."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Good Place to Do Science: A Case Study of an Academic Science Department Diana Bilimoria C. Greer Jordan Department of Organizational Behavior Case Western Reserve University November 18, 2005

2 2 Purpose  To identify work environment factors that facilitate high quality science and inclusion  Generate theory about how these factors create the enduring culture of a department or work group

3 3 Research Question How is a productive and inclusive work environment created and sustained?

4 4 Case Study Site  “Science” Department  Top program and NIH funding rankings  2 women chairs, different operating styles  Above average numbers of women faculty and students  Women faculty at all ranks

5 5 Methods Case Study Approach using:  Document & archival research  Direct observation  29 interviews of departmental members 16 primary faculty 4 secondary, active faculty 3 staff 6 post-docs and doctoral students

6 6 Learning and Inclusion Processes Findings - A Model of a Productive and Inclusive Science Culture Integrative Leadership Constructive Interactions Participative Department Activities Inclusive Science Identity Productive and Inclusive Science Culture Full report available at:

7 7 Findings - Inclusive Scientific Identity Values “Good Science” (significant, trustworthy) Doing science cooperatively (vs. competitively) Beliefs Interaction is part of doing good science Anyone can do good science if they can learn quickly, are well-trained (developed), are excited about science and willing to work hard

8 8 Findings – Participative Departmental Activities Team teaching with participation across faculty ranks A variety of department social events (different contexts, time of day, informal) Participative faculty meetings Regular meaningful seminars and presentations

9 9 Findings – Constructive Interactions Four Types Collegial Interactions: respectful, civil Tacit Learning Interactions: information sharing, modeling behaviors Relational Interactions: personal interest, caring Generative Interactions: problem solving and resource generating

10 10 Findings – Integrative Leadership Practices Treating everyone fairly and equitability Seeking input from faculty in decision- making Promoting meaningful opportunities for interaction Performing the role of chair as a service to the scientific community of the department

11 11 Findings – Learning and Inclusion Processes Transparent decision-making Open and inclusive faculty recruitment processes Formal and informal information dissemination processes

12 12 Conclusions  Creating an top-quality, inclusive, science culture within a department requires attention to a set of factors – values and beliefs, interactions, activities, leadership, processes.  Implementation does not need a particular leadership style  A key advantage of such a culture is its attractiveness to a wider range of scientists, both female and male, which has implications for recruiting and retaining faculty, post-docs, and students.

13 13 Suggestions for Chairs 1.Relate to Faculty Fairly and Equitably 2.Create and Maintain Open Information and Transparent Decision-making Processes 3.Use the Role of Chair in Service to the Department 4.Recruit for and Encourage Faculty Development that Supports Constructive Interactions 5.Engage faculty in a Variety of Participative Activities and Contexts that support Constructive Interactions 6.Check Assumptions about Who a Scientist Is and What a Scientist Does 7.Explore Ways to Make the Department a Scientific Community

14 14 Suggestions for Faculty Members 1.Check Assumptions about Who a Scientist Is and What a Scientist Does 2.Explore Ways to Make the Department a Scientific Community 3.Strive to Develop and Engage in Behaviors that Support Constructive Interactions 4.Support Opportunities to Engage in Constructive Interactions Across Demographic or Functional Differences 5.Value colleagues for all aspects of their academic performance, not just one aspect (research)

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