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Chapitre 4 Leçon 1 Le Vocabulaire. Chapitre 4 Leçon 1 Le Vocabulaire.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapitre 4 Leçon 1 Le Vocabulaire. Chapitre 4 Leçon 1 Le Vocabulaire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapitre 4 Leçon 1 Le Vocabulaire

2 Chapitre 4 Leçon 1 Le Vocabulaire

3 L’allemand (m.) Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

4 German Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

5 Les arts (m.) plastiques Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

6 Art Class Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

7 Aujourd’hui

8 Today

9 La biologie Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

10 Biology Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

11 La chimie Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

12 Chemistry Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

13 Les devoirs Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

14 Homework Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea This word that can used in both the singular and plural forms.

15 L’examen (m.) Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

16 Test Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

17 L’education (f.) musicale Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

18 Music Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

19 L’EPS - Léducation(f.) physique et sportive Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

20 P.E. Physical Education Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

21 L’espagnol (m.) Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

22 Spanish Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

23 La géographie Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

24 Geography Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

25 L’histoire (f.) Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

26 History Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

27 L’informatique (f.) Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

28 Computer Science Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

29 Le jour Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

30 Day Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

31 Maintenant

32 Now

33 Les mathématiques (f.) Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

34 Math Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

35 Les matières (f.) Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

36 School Subjects Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

37 La physique Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

38 Physics Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

39 La récréation Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

40 Break Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

41 L’algèbre (f.) Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

42 Algebra Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

43 L’arabe (m.) Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

44 Arabic Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

45 L’art (m.) dramatique Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

46 Drama Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

47 L’audiovisuel (m.) Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

48 Audiovisual Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

49 Le chinois Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

50 Chinese Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

51 La comptabilité Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

52 Accounting Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

53 La géométrie Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

54 Geometry Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

55 L’histoire (f.) d’art Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

56 Art History Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

57 Le japonais Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

58 Japanese Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

59 Le latin Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

60 Latin Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

61 La Littérature Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

62 Litterature Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

63 La ruse Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

64 Russian Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

65 L’entrée Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

66 Entrance Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

67 Les grilles Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

68 Gates Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

69 La cour Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

70 Courtyard Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

71 La sortie Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

72 End of school day, Dismissal Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

73 La semaine Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

74 Week Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

75 Le week-end Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

76 Weekend Noun: Person, Place, Thing or Idea

77 De l’après-midi (m.)

78 PM: In the afternoon

79 Demain

80 Tomorrow

81 Du matin

82 AM: in the morning

83 Du soir

84 PM: in the evening

85 Il est ________ heure(s).

86 It is ______ o’clock.

87 À quelle heure tu as…?

88 At what time do you have…?

89 Quand est-ce que tu as…?

90 When do you have…?

91 Quelle heure est-il?

92 What time is it?

93 Quel jour est-ce que tu as…?

94 What day do you have…?

95 Tu as quel cours…?

96 Which class do you have…?

97 J’ai ____ lundi.

98 I have _____ on Monday.

99 J’ai ____ le lundi, le mercredi et ….

100 I have ______ on Mondays, Wednesdays and ____.

101 Comment est ton cours de ______?

102 What’s your _____ class like?

103 Il est difficile.

104 It’s hard.

105 Il est facile.

106 It’s easy.

107 Comment c’est, _______?

108 What’s ______ like?

109 C’est intéressant.

110 It’s interesting.

111 C’est fascinant.

112 It’s fascinating.

113 C’est ennuyeux.

114 It’s boring.

115 D’après moi, c’est (cool) parce que______.

116 In my opinion, it’s (cool) because_______

117 J’adore le prof!

118 I love the teacher!

119 Ça te plaît, _______?

120 Do you like_____?

121 Je trouve ça genial.

122 I think its awesome.

123 Ça me plaît beaucoup!

124 I like it a lot!

125 La semaine

126 Week

127 lundi

128 Monday

129 mardi

130 Tuesday

131 mercredi

132 Wednesday

133 jeudi

134 Thursday

135 vendredi

136 Friday

137 samedi

138 Saturday

139 dimanche

140 Sunday

141 EXTRA:








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