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Chip Cherry Jeff Grivno Ellee Hilley Jason Hayes Thermando Stephens Online Retail Bookselling Situational Analysis.

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1 Chip Cherry Jeff Grivno Ellee Hilley Jason Hayes Thermando Stephens Online Retail Bookselling Situational Analysis

2 Industry Overview Top 5 book online retailers (Amazon, e-Bay, B&, Wal-Mart, Books-a-Million) grew their sales by 48.5% compared to 19% for all other e- retailers in 2005. 2,295,000,000 books were sold in 2005 44 million less books were purchased in 2005 compared to 2004. McGraw Hill published that total books sales will again decrease 3-4% in 2006. Book revenues increased 2.8% in 2005 China's e-book sales volume reached 8.05 million with 148,000 types published

3 e-Commerce: Effect since 2001 E-books E-textbooks Content created for Mobile devices Lower Margins as a result of competition Advantage of proprietary systems are lost as these systems become available “off the shelf”

4 e-Commerce: Industry Threats and Opportunities Threats: Box retailer incentives, shop online for research and comparison then purchase from local book store Increased Completion due to the reduction of market barriers Opportunities: Web Portal/Purchasing Portal, using existing infrastructure to support marketing and sales of other non-related lines Virtual Web-based Library where customers would purchased access to a book’s text on line for a period of time instead of buying the book outright

5 Economic Globalization: Industry Threats and Opportunities Threats: Pricing Pressures Transaction Security Legislative intervention Opportunities: Comparison Shopping Portals Anything, Anytime, Anywhere Localized Partnerships

6 Economic Globalization: Effects since 2001 Online Retailing: $90 billion in revenues for the U.S. retailers in 2004, compared with just $8 billion in 1998 Retailers without stores may be "efficiency machines" or "niche leaders" –Internet provides worldwide scalability for low margin products –Global activity locations Sourcing and fulfillment processes: USA, Europe, Japan & China Development centers: Europe & India Customer Service Operations: Europe, Japan & China –Partnerships with traditional bookstores and retail stores Traditional Bookselling –Traditional bookstores opening international stores –Booksellers turning to publishing –Publishers re-entering the distribution business –Reentry of small sellers into the market place

7 The Amazon Model


9 Company Opportunities and Threats Third Party Relationships Entry in Internet Search Market Expansion into China Expansion in to web-based marketing of other retail products Service and license their own software suite for small book sellers Work with suppliers to develop a system of just in time supply or have vendors pay for the cost of inventory Provide a venue for authors to E- publish their books through a on-line service they create and manage Aggressive pricing and marketing from competition Seasonality of business Internet Regulation Required to charge and collect state or federal sales tax Pressure of free shipping policy on their ability to maintain a positive bottom line E-books and E-text books – sold directly from the publishers or authors Loss of used book and textbook sales because of E-books and E-textbooks THREATSOPPORTUNITIES

10 Competitors

11 Class Discussion What will the effect of e-books have on this industry? What other competitors may challenge for market share?

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