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Strategic Intentions 2012/13 – 2014/15 Mr Gerry Marr Chief Executive Mr I S McDonald Director of Finance NHS Tayside.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Intentions 2012/13 – 2014/15 Mr Gerry Marr Chief Executive Mr I S McDonald Director of Finance NHS Tayside."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Intentions 2012/13 – 2014/15 Mr Gerry Marr Chief Executive Mr I S McDonald Director of Finance NHS Tayside

2 Strategic Intentions Confirmation in writing from SGHD on 10 February 2012. Health in preferential position and equates to 34% of SGHD budget. Budget outlined a planned increase for Territorial Boards of £215.4 million and indicative £256.4 million and £247.7 million for 13/14 and 14/15.

3 Strategic Intentions NHS Tayside Uplift 12/13 c£6.7 million (1.1%). Gross Operating Expenditure 12/13 £0.891 billion. Pay Equates from 50% of total spend. Expenditure on Medicines will exceed £118 million. Capital Investment £65 million over next five years. Strategic Financial (Revenue) Plan and five year Capital Plan approved by Board on 16 March 2012.

4 Strategic Intentions Summary of Commitments 2012/13£m£m Pay Modernisation Low Pay Award1.3 Incremental Movement (A4C)3.3 Discretionary Points (Senior Medical)0.55.1 Drug Pressures3.8 Other Inflation (inc. Energy)1.2 Clinical Growth3.0 Waiting Times1.4 Developments Mental Health5.0 Assisted Conception/Nuclear Medicine0.5 Diabetes and Others0.56.0 N/R Achievement 2011/1210.7 Less Board Uplift 2012/13(6.7) Net Savings Target 2012/1324.5 Percentage Revenue Resource Target 2012/13c4.0%

5 Strategic Intentions Historically – 2010/11 Target £30.0 million Achieved £33.0 million 2011/12 Target £25.0 million Predicted £27.0 million Savings target 12/13 £24.5 million. Assessment is c2.0% can be achieved through traditional housekeeping measures. SBH Programme major driver for savings in 12/13 – c£10 million.

6 Strategic Intentions Board must look at retraction from sites assessed as sub – standard for both patients and staff. Potential Closure of Sites to be considered by the Board are - Little Cairnie, Montrose, Brechin, RDLH, Ashludie Services to be reviewed at - Blairgowrie, St Margarets, Aberfeldy Board has a proud record of meeting its financial targets over last ten years and predicting break even again in 2011/12. Delivery of greater recurring savings in 12/13 will reduce the impact in 13/14 and 14/15. Plan highlights the target reducing to 3%.

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