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Building Resilience for Improved Governance and Performance Dr. Merle Friedman & Craig Taplin Director, Research & Development Chief Executive is now…

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Presentation on theme: "Building Resilience for Improved Governance and Performance Dr. Merle Friedman & Craig Taplin Director, Research & Development Chief Executive is now…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Resilience for Improved Governance and Performance Dr. Merle Friedman & Craig Taplin Director, Research & Development Chief Executive is now…

2 How STRESSED are you REALLY? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Quick Quiz

3 How RESILIENT are you? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4 Stress and Traumatic Stress How will people start to react if they find this system just too damn hard and too damn fast for too damn long? (Thomas Friedman, 2000) THREE POSSIBLE RESPONSES Vulnerability Negative Resilience

5 Negative Resilience Unmitigated toughness towards self and others in the face of ongoing challenge

6 The Twin Peaks Effect Traumatic Stressors Traumatic Stress Response PTSD Burnout Negative Resilience (Denial & Dissociation) Dr. Merle Friedman 1994 Disenfranchised Distress

7 Normal Level of functioning Demands of the workplace TIME Burnout Vulnerability Burnout & Negative Resilience The Resilience Curve REQUIRED PRODUCTIVITY Work Pressure Life Pressure Increasing uncertainty UBILITY: Enhanced capacity through improved resilience NEGATIVE RESILIENCE

8 Hot & Cool Decision Making Pre-frontal Cortex Pre-frontal Cortex Hippocampus Thalamus (Sensory) Thalamus (Sensory) Amygdala & Cerebellum Amygdala & Cerebellum Stimulus Emotional Reaction Considered Emotional Reaction Hot Pathway Cool Pathway

9 The Resilience/Productivity Link Parameters Test/control group study n=30 Currency Traders London/Sydney 6 month study Resilience Coaching Outcome 170% uplift in Test group P&L Control group performance static

10 The Resilience/Productivity Link Parameters 3 month test/control group study in 2013 n=15, total pop 98 Outbound health insurance sales Single location, different team leaders 6 session resilience coaching program Outcome 15.1% uplift in sales conversion in test group over control group

11 How Resilient is your Board, Executive Team and Staff? Resilience Risk Assessment Q1. Q3. Q2. Q4. Do they have the resilience required to successfully navigate the uncertainty and challenge in your environment? What risk does this present to decision making quality, value creation and productivity? What mechanisms do you have in place to measure and manage resilience and decision making quality?

12 Questions is now…

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