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{ Geology Unit Review. Choices:  Subduction  Sea-floor Spreading  Uplift  Convection 1. Identify the different processes shown: A D C B.

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Presentation on theme: "{ Geology Unit Review. Choices:  Subduction  Sea-floor Spreading  Uplift  Convection 1. Identify the different processes shown: A D C B."— Presentation transcript:

1 { Geology Unit Review

2 Choices:  Subduction  Sea-floor Spreading  Uplift  Convection 1. Identify the different processes shown: A D C B

3 2. The process occurring at A is 3. The process occurring at B is 4. The material at C is

4 5. What process is happening at A? 6. What landform is made at B? B A

5 7. What is the Volcano Type? A. Sunset Crater, AZ B. Mt. Hood, OR C. Kahoolawe, HI

6 8. Which volcano would most likely have slow lava flows of basalt?

7 9. Which Rock has a fine-grained texture? 10. Which rock cooled slowly? 11. Which rock has visible crystals? BA

8 12. Which plate is the Pacific Plate? 13. How can you tell the Pacific Plate from the others? A B C D E A F

9 1. A. UpliftB. ConvectionC. Sea-floor Spreading D. Subduction 2. Weathering 3. Erosion 4. Magma 5. New ocean floor is made at Mid-Ocean Ridge (Sea Floor Spreading) 6. Ocean Trench 7. A. Cinder ConeB. Composite (Strato-) C. Shield 8. Shield 9. B 10. A 11. A 12. A 13. The “Ring of Fire” – many earthquakes and volcanoes around edge ANSWERS

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