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Landforms By. Butte Wind and water erode the sides away.

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Presentation on theme: "Landforms By. Butte Wind and water erode the sides away."— Presentation transcript:

1 Landforms By

2 Butte Wind and water erode the sides away

3 Mesa Sides eroded by wind and water

4 Canyon Carved by a river

5 Cave Formed by tectonic forces, water erosion, chemical processes

6 V-shaped Valley Formed by flowing water when the channel erodes at a higher rate than the sides

7 U-shaped Valley Formed by glaciers

8 Cliff Formed by tectonic movement, earthquakes, or landslides

9 Arch Formed by wind abrasion and water erosion

10 Lake Formed by volcanoes, tectonic uplift, landslides, or glaciers

11 Mountain Formed by volcanoes, earthquakes, or faulting and folding of plates

12 Delta Formed by deposition where the mouth of a river flows into another body of water

13 What would the Earth look like if there wasn’t any weathering, erosion, deposition, earthquakes, volcanoes, or uplift?

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