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Entrepreneurship As a Community Development Strategy.

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1 Entrepreneurship As a Community Development Strategy

2 Entrepreneurship?

3 “ Most of what you hear about entrepreneurship is all wrong. It’s not magic; it’s not mysterious; and it has nothing to do with genes. It’s a discipline and, like any discipline, it can be learned.” Peter F. Drucker

4 “A person who creates and grows an enterprise from scratch” Entrepreneurs use innovation to exploit or create change and opportunity for the purpose of making profit. Entrepreneur who starts the business from scratch. for example, initiating the plan, materializing and implementing and also creating brand for his products and services. In simple words entrepreneur who run the business in a unique form It reminds that focus is the person, not the venture itself. “A business owner works ‘in’ the business while an entrepreneur works ‘on’ the business.”

5 Ingredients of the entrepreneurial spirit  Creativity  Innovation  Motivation  Capacity (Creativity is characterized by originality, expressiveness, and imagination) Entrepreneurship five capacities  Ability to perceive opportunities.  Ability to access and manage risks.  Ability to build a team.  Ability to mobilize resources.  Ability to sustain creativity.

6  Serial Entrepreneurs  Opportunity Entrepreneurs  Necessity Entrepreneurs  Social Entrepreneurs

7 There are three main types of entrepreneurial talent  Potential (those who may become entrepreneurs)  Existing business owners (some of whom may be entrepreneurs)  Entrepreneurs (including those with growth and even high growth potential).

8  Early in the venture creation process  Motivated toward making a life change  Researching and developing business idea  Crossed the bridge and made decision to start business  Gave thought to the business model, although there may still be some gaps  Some have formal business plan, although most do not Entrepreneurship training and business counselling programs Networking & Mentoring Aspiring and start-up entrepreneurs needs moral support, networking and mentoring, business counselling, and entrepreneurship training.

9 Have successful ventures but often do not have the motivation or capacity to grow Need support services as start-up entrepreneurs: Networking opportunities Training to build their skill sets One-on-one assistance Developing e-commerce tools Tapping new markets

10 Entrepreneurs - Growth Customized assistance Higher order assistance Networking Expanding/strengthening the management team Entrepreneurs – serial Potential – youth Civic entrepreneurship Networking and mentoring Entrepreneurial training and experience

11  Bill Gates Microsoft  Larry Page and Sergey Brin Google  Ted Turner Turner Broadcasting( CNN)  Sam Walton Walmart  Steve Wozniak Apple Computers

12  Prof, Dr. Ch. Abdul Rehman  Superior Group of Colleges  Mian Amir Mehmood  Punjab group of colleges  Mian Mansha  Nishat Group of industries  Malik Riaz  Behria Town  Ahmad Nawaz Chattha  Gourmet Bakers  Mr. Munir Bhatti  Mr.Denim

13 Create programs and resources that benefit our communities and our lives Need skills in planning their enterprise, marketing their product or service, earning revenues or obtaining funding to keep the organization financially solvent, and creating value.

14  Abdual Sattar Edhi  Edhi Foundation  Imran Khan  Shoukat Khanam Cancer Hospital  Zafar Roshaneh  Kashf Foundation  Akhtar Hameed Khan  Founder of grassroots movement  Siddiqui Tasneem A.  Homelessness and Housing for rural communities  Yacoobi Sakena  Afghan Institute of Learning  Etc…..

15 There is no single set of actions that a community should adopt to become entrepreneur-friendly. There are three levels of support. Basic Support Advanced Support High Performing Support

16  Investment  Leaders should...... Address any issues related to creating a positive entrepreneurial climate Take stock of current access to appropriate business services Create a focus on entrepreneurs, both business and civic Provide regular opportunities for networking and mentoring

17  Leaders providing advanced support typically: Link closely to the regional Small Business Development Centre office Ensure that an entrepreneur has access to appropriate financial capital beyond that provided by local banking institutions Implement programs that increase local entrepreneurs’ awareness of and access to new markets Encourage programming that introduces youth to entrepreneurship

18  To be a high-performing community entrepreneurs requires considerable community commitment and investment.  High performing communities are characterized by: Using strategies that offer customized help to the full range of local entrepreneurs. Building on current financing resources by creating area-based “angel” investment networks Integrating entrepreneurial opportunities into the core curricula of educational systems High-capacity organizations dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs.

19  The desire to start business extends across racial & ethnic lines.  Communities should be aware of the high propensity of minorities, especially recent immigrants, to start new businesses.  Leaders understand and serve their minority entrepreneurs.  Building broad networks is important to success.

20  If there is little current support for entrepreneurs in community, they can start the ball rolling by forming a team of leaders and interested citizens to lead the entrepreneurial effort.  Once the team has come together, one of its first actions would be to examine what the community is currently doing to foster entrepreneurship.  identification of entrepreneurial talent.  Focus on the type of entrepreneurial talent, plan visits to each and every entrepreneur on your list.  Assets assessment.  Take action! By Keeping in mind that entrepreneurs need better networks, not simply more programs

21  Communities recognizing – “entrepreneurship as a strategy of community development.  Communities – flexible & responsive to meet varying needs of entrepreneurs.  All entrepreneurs take benefits from networking and mentoring opportunities.  Basic support provides a positive climate and infrastructure.  Advanced support provides training, capital and access to new markets.  Finally, the highest order of support promotes customized assistance, “angel” investment networks, and entrepreneurial curricula in local schools.

22 A large number of International NGOs are working in Pakistan for its betterment. Few of them are listed below:  UNESCO  UNICEF  Swiss Red Cross  Konrad Adenauer Foundation  John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation  Japan International Labour Foundation  International Sustainable Development  Jay Salik Save Pakistan Foundation  Japan International Labour Foundation

23 More than 100 NGOs working in Pakistan in different fields. The prominent ones are given below:  Community Uplift Program – CUP (Agriculture)  Faran Education Society – FES (Business)  Child Care Foundation – CCF (Children)  Association for Social Development – ASD (Development)  Aahung (Education)  Anjuman Falah-e-Insaniat – AFI (Environment)  Azad Foundation (Health)  Edhi Foundation (Human Rights)

24 1. Formulate Policy 2. Business Development Services 3. Development and strengthening of SME representatives 4. Set up and manage a service provider database 5. Conducting sector studies and analysis 6. Securing financing. 7. Conducting and facilitating seminars and Trainings 8. Donor assistances 9. Assisting in getting international certifications 10. Identification of service opportunities 11. Cluster development

25  Gulalai Ismail (age 24) is working with a vision of Girls awareness.  “I became an entrepreneur because I cannot accept the deeply rooted gender inequalities, and I do not want to be part of the injustices! I want to change the world for myself and other young women”.  Khalida Brohi (age 21) a young social entrepreneur fighting Honor Killings in Pakistan (Youth and Gender Development Program).  Jamil Anwer (age 29) working on Cultural Classics. ( beautiful handmade crafts through precision, creativity and hard work)  Noor Muhammad (age 26) (Pamir Times & Pamir Media Services to promote the mountainous society in the Gilgit - Baltistan region of Pakistan.

26  Rana Bilal Ahmed (age 29) (Youth Alliance for Human Rights, awareness creation regarding physical health and disease)  Shamila Kiyani (age 28), “Tele-healthcare”, which is being implemented at UM-Healthcare Trust in rural Mardan. The aim of this project is provide affordable and accessible healthcare to underserved community in rural Pakistan. (Jharoka)  Zeeshan Shoki (PAK Education Society). Founder and Chief Executive of PAK Education Society (PES)/ Pakistan Development Network (PDN). PES/PDN is a social enterprise exploring innovative approaches to resolve various social issues by focusing on education, health,ICT, Youth and economic development.

27  NOW IT’S YOUR TURN But Remember “Nothing dies faster than a new idea in a closed mind”


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