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SIP for QIPP: Stimulating a Culture of Service Improvement Yvette Sheward, Director of Quality Assurance and OD, NHS Walsall, Dr Robin Gutteridge, School.

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Presentation on theme: "SIP for QIPP: Stimulating a Culture of Service Improvement Yvette Sheward, Director of Quality Assurance and OD, NHS Walsall, Dr Robin Gutteridge, School."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIP for QIPP: Stimulating a Culture of Service Improvement Yvette Sheward, Director of Quality Assurance and OD, NHS Walsall, Dr Robin Gutteridge, School of Health & Wellbeing, UoW Kirstie Macmillan Research & Governance Manager, Sam Kumar, Research & Governance Administrator, NHS Walsall

2 Background drivers University implementing NHS Institute (free) offer to embed Service Improvement methodology in undergraduate curricula NHS Trust R&D committee stimulating Service Improvement culture: – Quality enhancement as a collective responsibility –Simple processes, realistic for all – Contribute to QIPP agenda

3 Aims of this collaboration To enable Trust staff to understand and utilise the methodology students are taught –For Organisational Development, iteratively to build quality, safety & patient experience –To support practice learning more effectively –To minimise theory/ practice gap –To instil confidence in graduates to grow the desired culture for the sustainable future

4 Actions –Joint meeting NHS Institute Lead, Director of OD, NHS Walsall, Associate Dean for Curriculum Innovation, SHaW –PDSA (Plan Do Study Act) Cycle selected –Joint workshop for staff, of both organisations and students –Small projects scheme funded by NHS Walsall, managed by R&D committee –Follow up work with Practice Placement Teams and curriculum design teams

5 Small projects scheme R&D committee made a case for funding to Exec and Board 16k set aside for 6 month pilot, publicised via health economy Intranet QIPP Criteria developed by R&D team Individual mentorship to successful applicants provided by R&D members Outcomes presented at Quality event

6 Learning for future sustainability –Small funds are sufficient to stimulate and impact –Careful marketing is needed to achieve positive perception –Dissemination needs to be a requirement –Co-ordination and administration takes more time than anticipated –Most projects over-run slightly; needs to be managed with care

7 Conclusion This approach to Service Improvement has potential as a relatively low cost, high impact approach to embed a culture of quality enhancement as everyone’s responsibility The collaborative, joined up approach was helpful

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