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B. Obama's Acceptance Speech Liceo Scientifico A.Einstein S.Y.:2012/2013 Class: 3°ALS Group: Francesca Cisilinio, Giulia Polonio.

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1 B. Obama's Acceptance Speech Liceo Scientifico A.Einstein S.Y.:2012/2013 Class: 3°ALS Group: Francesca Cisilinio, Giulia Polonio

2 B. Obama's Acceptance Speech Identify in the text the English words that derive from Latin and divide them into the following categories:  Nouns  Verbs  Adjectives  Adverbs  Prepositions

3 Nouns  Acceptance  Acre  Administration  Advertising  Advice  Aid  Air  Allegiance  Alliance  Allies  America  Army  Asset  Attack  Audience  Battery  Battle  Bomb  Campaign  Cancer  Candidate  Car  Carbon  Card  Career  Challenge  Charity  Chief  Christian  Class  Classroom  Climate  Coalition  Code  College  Commander  Commission  Community  Company  Competitors  Compromise  Congress  Construction  Convention  Corner

4 Nouns  Corporation  Cost  Country  Coverage  Creator  Crisis  Critics  Customer  Debt  Decade  Decision  Decline  Deductions  Deficit  Delegate  Democracy  Depression  Detroit  Dictate  Difficulty  Dignity  Disorder  Distraction  Dozens  Economy  Education  Effort  Eight  Election  Energy  Engineer  Essence  Experimentation  Exploration  Face  Factories  Factory  Failings  Faith  Family  Farmer  Fathers  Force  Foundation  Fuel

5 Nouns  Future  Gallon  Generation  Government  Governor  Grandfather  Grandmother  Grandparent  Heroes  History  Horizon  Hospital  Idea  Immigrants  Impact  Import  Inaction  Industry  Initiative  Issue  Jew  Joke  Legacy  Letter  Line  Madam  Magnitude  Manufacture  Math  Member  Mercy  Message  Mill  Million  Millionaires  Money  Monopoly  Monument  Mortgage  Mothers  Nation  Night  Nomination  Notion  November

6 Nouns  Obligations  Office  Oil  Opponent  Opportunity  Optimism  Parents  Part  Party  Patriotism  Pay Check  Peace  People  Plan  Plant  Politicians  Pollution  Poverty  Prescription  President  Price  Pride  Principles  Problem  Product  Program  Progress  Promise  Prosperity  Providence  Rate  Reason  Recession  Recipients  Recognition  Regulation  Responsibility  Role  Round  Rule  Sailor  School  Science  Scientist  Scripture

7 Nouns  Senate  Seniors  Set  Social Security  Soldier  Soldiers  Sound  State  Story  Street  Student  Success  Supply  Surgery  Surplus  Surprise  System  Table  Tax  Taxpayer  Term  Threat  Three  Tonight  Tower  Tragedy  Tributes  Trillions  Truck  Tuition  Turbine  Two  Uncertainty  Uniform  Unions  University  Use  Value  Victories  Vision  Voice  Wall  Year

8 Verbs  Accept  Achieved  Address  Advance  Approve  Based  Carry  Cause  Collapse  Collect  Compete  Continue  Control  Create  Decide  Defeat  Defend  Define  Disrupt  Double  Elect  Eliminate  Expand  Export  Face  Honor  Inspire  Instil  Interests  Invest  Know  Let  Limit  Lose  Matter  Move  Offer  Pay  Power  Pretend

9 Verbs  Promise  Protect  Prove  Pursue  Push  Rally  Reassert  Recover  Recruit  Reduce  Refocus  Reform  Refuse  Reinvent  Reject  Release  Remain  Remedy  Remember  Require  Stop  Support  Sustain  Test  Train  Triumph  Turn  Vote  Waste  Will  Restore  Return  Reverse  Roll  Sacrifice  Save  Serve  Sign  Solve  Spend

10 Adjectives  Another  Basic  Clear  Common  Corporate  Deferred  Dependent  Different  Economic  Else  Few  Financial  Foreign  Government  Human  Individual  Innocent  Innovative  Laid-Off  Large  Long  Loyal  Military  National  Natural  Necessary  New  Nuclear  Pacific  Persistent  Personal  Political  Poor  Possible  Principal  Real  Recent  Renewable  Republican

11 Adjectives  Reserved  Respected  Responsive  Right  Safe  Same  Second  Serious  Simple  Solar  That  Toxic  Trivial  United  Young

12 Adverbs  Actually  Directly  Exactly  Finally  Fundamentally  Just  Now  So  Out  Up

13 Prepositions  During  In  On  Through

14 Numbers and percentage of words derived from Latin  NOUNS: 223 words  59%  VERBS: 80 words  21%  ADJECTIVES: 55 words  15%  ADVERBS: 10 words  3%  PREPOSITIONS: 4 words  1%

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