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Space Radiation Activities in the Solar- Terrestrial Influences Laboratory at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (STIL-BAS) D. Mishev, Ts. Dachev, (STIL-BAS),

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Presentation on theme: "Space Radiation Activities in the Solar- Terrestrial Influences Laboratory at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (STIL-BAS) D. Mishev, Ts. Dachev, (STIL-BAS),"— Presentation transcript:


2 Space Radiation Activities in the Solar- Terrestrial Influences Laboratory at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (STIL-BAS) D. Mishev, Ts. Dachev, (STIL-BAS), Sofia, Bulgaria Space Radiation Activities in the Solar- Terrestrial Influences Laboratory at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (STIL-BAS) D. Mishev, Ts. Dachev, J. Semkova (STIL-BAS), Sofia, Bulgaria

3 Personnel Total: 82 employees, including: in Sofia- 45, in Stara Zagora town – 37. 12 senior research scientists; 37 research fellows; 13 university graduated; 15 have Ph.D. degree; 5 have D.Sc. degree; 2 are academicians of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; 3 persons are full members of the International Academy of Astronautics-Paris;

4 Mission  (STIL-BAS) provides fundamental and applied research in the field of solar-terrestrial physics, in-situ and remote investigation of the geospace, planets and interplanetary space, optical atmosphere emissions and space biology.  Coordinate researches in Bulgaria in the field of solar- terrestrial physics and remote sensing of the geosphere and planets.

5 Scientific Council Chairman: Prof. Dimitar Mishev Scientific Council Chairman: Prof. Dimitar Mishev Solar-Terrestrial Physics Head: Dr. Ts. Dachev Solar-Terrestrial Physics Head: Dr. Ts. Dachev Remote Sensing and in situ techniques for examination of the geosphere and planets Head: Prof. D. Mishev Remote Sensing and in situ techniques for examination of the geosphere and planets Head: Prof. D. Mishev Atmospheric optical investigations Head: Dr. N. Petkov Atmospheric optical investigations Head: Dr. N. Petkov Structure

6 Scientific experiments on satellites and rockets  "Intercosmos" - 2, 8, 12, 14, 18, 24.  "Intercosmos­Bulgaria 1300" -1st and 2nd satellite.  The rockets "Vertical"-3, 4, 6, 7, 10.  Space Stations “Saliut “ and “Mir” - during the flights of the 1st (1979) and 2nd (1988) Bulgarian cosmonauts.  Etc.

7 Space projects with our participation  Bulgaria 1300 (1st and 2nd satellites)  VEGA – Three-channel spectrometer TCS  Phobos (1 and 2) – Video spectrometric system FREGAT  Interball (1st and 2nd satellites): 1)The Low Energy Plasma Composition Experiment (AMEI-2) 2) Magnetic field Experiment (IMAP –3) 3) UV-spectrometer UVSIPS  APEX - Magnetic field Experiment (IMAP –4)  Coronas - Magnetic field Experiment (IMAP –5)  SOHO – Participation in design of STOF analyzer of CELLAS system

8  Scientific program for the flight of the second Bulgarian cosmonaut : 1) Multi channel spectrometric system SPECTRUM 256 2) Dosimetry System Liulin  Mars-96/98: 1) Dosimetry RADIUS-MD2 package, 2) ELISMA for plasma wave measurements  E094 on the US Laboratory module of ISS. Space Projects with our participation (cont.)

9 Conferences organised Modern problems of solar-terrestrial influences (national conference, annually held), Physics and Agriculture (co-organizer, annually held) COSPAR Colloquium "Plasma Processes In The Near-earth Space: Interball And Beyond" SOFIA, Bulgaria, 5-10 February, 2002 Supported by: European Commission, Research DG, High-Level Scientific Conferences; United Nations, Office for Outer Space Affairs.

10 Training activities Scientists from STIL-BAS take part in training of: University students; Ph. D. students; Foreighn specialists at request of UN, FAO, etc.

11 Space Radiation Activities in STIL-BAS

12 Conferences organised Modern problems of solar-terrestrial influences (national conference, annually held), Physics and Agriculture (co-organizer, annually held) COSPAR Colloquium "Plasma Processes In The Near-earth Space: Interball And Beyond" SOFIA, Bulgaria, 5-10 February, 2002 Supported by: European Commission, Research DG, High-Level Scientific Conferences; United Nations, Office for Outer Space Affairs.

13 Main features Development and calibration of active dosemeters for cosmic radiation measurements. Radiation investigations in manned and unmanned space missions. Data processing and analyses. Study the dynamic nature of the Earth radiation environment, including slow variations over long time periods, as well as rapid changes, induced by solar proton events or disturbed geomagnetic conditions.

14 International Coperation in Space Radiation Detectors Development, and Monitoring of Earth Radiation Environment  IBMP, NPO -Energia (Russia)  CNES, IRSN, CESR, STEEL (France)  DLR  IASB (Belgium)  NIRS (Japan)  LBNL (USA)

15 Some Previous Research Activities 1988-1994- Radiometry - Dosimetry System Liulin onboard the Mir Space Station. (Collaboration with IMBP-Russia). 1992-2000- Investigation on dynamics of the radiation environment at low Earth orbit. (Collaboration with IASB- Belgium and IMBP- Russia).

16 Results Obtained by Liulin Instrument Onboard Mir Space Station

17 Some Previous Research Activities (cont.) 1991-1996- RADIUS-MD2 package and Dose-M for space dosimetry investigations on international Mars-96/98 missions. (Collaboration with CNES, IRSN, CESR and STEEL- France, and IMBP-Russia)

18 The RADIUS-MD2 system RADIUS-MD2 package was composed of one tissue-equivqalent proportional counter (TEPC - France), two solid state detectors (SSDT- Bulgaria) and one electronic unit (France).

19 Some Previous Research Activities (cont.) 1998-2001-Dosimetric mapping experiment - E094 for space radiation investigation on the US Laboratory module of ISS. Performed on ISS in March-August, 2001. (Collaboration with DLR).

20 Instruments and experiments on ISS Liulin-MKS Liulin-E094 Liulin-5

21 Liulin-E094 instrument SPECIFICATIONS OF MDU --Dose range: 0.093 nGy – 1.56 mGy;. -- Flux range: 0.01 -- 1250 part/ cm 2 s; -- Energy loss range: -- 0.0407 0.0407 – – 20.83 MeV; -- Size (including battery 70x38x20 mm battery -- Total mass (including battery pack): 0.23 kg. – --Power consumption: typically 72 mW; --Operation time 5 days MDU CIU

22 American astronaut James Voss working with Dosimetric mapping experiment on 26.06.2001

23 Example of Liulin – E094 observations

24 Second electron belt formation Second (electron) belt ?

25 R3D-B instrument for ESA Biopan facilityза on Foton-1M satellite launched unsuccessfully on 15.10.2002 4 channels UV spectrometer 256 channels absorbed dose spectrometer Weight: 129 g Size: 82x57x25 mm Consumption: 84 mW

26 Current Research Activities in the Field Liulin-MKS mobile dosimetry system for investigation of radiation dose and flux dynamics on the Russian segment of ISS. The instrument is included in the service systems of the segment and will work about 15 years. Launch - 2003. (Collaboration with IMBP-Russia and NPO- Energia).

27 Two of the Liulin-MKS dosimeters and CIU

28 Aircraft flight data taken by 5 Liulin-MKS dosimeters

29 Current Research Activities in the Field (cont.) Liulin-5 dosimetric telescope for investigation of radiation dose and flux dynamics in a human phantom onboard the Russian Segment of the ISS - MATROSHKA-R experiment. Launch - 2004. (Collaboration with IMBP-Russia).

30 Block - diagram of Liulin - 5 connections in the space experiment Matroska - R

31 Electronic blockDetector module Weight 0.57 kg, P = 330 mW. Liulin-5 dosimetric telescope Parameters measured by each of the detectors: Absorbed dose rate in the range 0.04 x10 -6 Gy/h - 0.6 Gy/h; Intensity of the particle flux in the range 0 - 10 3 particle/(cm 2. sec); Energy loss spectra in the range 0.09 - 200 MeV; LET spectra in the range 0.3 - 660 keV/micrometer;

32 Current Research Activities in the Field (cont.) Instrument R3D for space dosimetry investigation on SEBA facility on Express Pallet on ISS. Launch- 2004. (Collaboration with Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Institut für Botanik und Pharmazeutische Biologi, Germany).

33 Radiation Risks Radiometer- Dosimeter R3D

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