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High Desert Montessori Middle School. Mission Statement Provide a nurturing community of co-learners Empower children’s self-construction Spark their.

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Presentation on theme: "High Desert Montessori Middle School. Mission Statement Provide a nurturing community of co-learners Empower children’s self-construction Spark their."— Presentation transcript:

1 High Desert Montessori Middle School

2 Mission Statement Provide a nurturing community of co-learners Empower children’s self-construction Spark their imagination Instil a life long love of learning

3 Developed by Dr. Montessori First female physician in Italy. Did extensive research with young children in the early 1900’s Believed the human beings learn best by doing. Believed in four development planes

4 The Four Planes of Development First Plane: Birth to 6/ The Absorbent Mind Second Plane: Age 6 to 12 / The Social Being Third Plane: Age 12 to 18 / The Neo-Nates (reborn)‏ Fourth Plane: Age 18 t0 24 / The Emergent Soul

5 3 rd Plane of Development: 12-18 Emotionality: (Neo-nates: the newly-born conscious mind)‏ Brain gains mass in frontal lobe: able to have abstract thoughts Physically weaker: get sick more easily, requires lots of sleep and good nutrition (Need parental protection)‏ Peers are of great importance (still need parents as cheerleaders)‏ Beginning to specialize interests (use it or lose it brain development)‏ Need to prove themselves to greater community (project learning)‏ Want to be involved in something greater than themselves or their families. (community service)‏ Impulsive, highly distracted, unfocused (need direct consequences)‏ Capable of great compassion or great cruelty (need to stand out)‏

6 Needs of Developing Adolescent (according to Robert Havighurst, University of Chicago)‏ Adjust to a new physical sense of self Adjust to new intellectual abilities Adjust to increased cognitive demands Develop a personal sense of identity Develop stable and productive peer relationships Develop increased impulse control and behaviour maturity

7 Establish adult vocational goals Establish emotional and psychological independence Expand verbal skills-meaningful expression Adopt a personal value system Manage sexuality as part of personal identity Needs of Developing Adolescent (according to Robert Havighurst, University of Chicago)‏

8 Fundamental Elements – Time Management – Problem Solving Skills – Conflict-Resolution – Risk Taking Skills – Organization – Initiative

9 Fundamental Elements – Connection to all members of the community – Connection with adults in the learning environment – Understanding of how one ‘s behaviour affects the community – Independence

10 The Montessori vs. NV standards Geography(Earth, space, universe, atmospherics processes, and physical science): How the universe came to be and formed the world as we know it today Biology(Life science and nature of science): How plants and animals came to live on our planet. History(economics, history, civic and) : How human beings came to live on our planet and how they have worked together to solve problems that face them. Language(Reading-literature and expository, writing, speaking listening): How human beings came to have spoken and written language to communicate these important ideas to each other and to future generations. Mathematics(Algebra, Geometry, number concept, and statistics): How human beings invented a number system to keep track of things. Art & Music (Fine Arts and technology): How human beings express their creativity to entertain each other and to satisfy our creative souls.

11 August Theme Disorientation HISTORY study history of Nevada through a key experience of camping outdoors LANGUAGE poetry, journaling Geography, Biology landforms, ecosystem MATHEMATICS graphing, coordinates Art & Music evening activities including singing, dancing, storytelling, and skits

12 September Themes Ecosystems HISTORY civilization's effects on nature LANGUAGE informative writing Geography, Biology watersheds, ecosystem, physical science MATHEMATICS proportions, rates, measurement, conversions Art & Music storytelling, drawing

13 October Themes Human Beings HISTORY advances in science in regards to human health LANGUAGE opposing view and persuasive writing Geography, Biology cells, DNA, heredity, human conditions MATHEMATICS number sense and percents Art & Music dramatizations

14 World Community Systems HISTORY study of human systems that have created our world LANGUAGE interview and letter to the editor Geography, Biology geographical impacts of basic needs MATHEMATICS data, probability, and geometry Art & Music public speaking November Themes

15 Community Service Project application of previously gained knowledge in all areas December Theme

16 Economics HISTORY study historical monetary systems LANGUAGE expression, critique Geography, Biology economic impacts on science and inventions MATHEMATICS algebra and linear expressions Art & Music advertising, cartoons, propaganda January Theme

17 Scientific Solutions HISTORY historical inventions LANGUAGE scientific writing Geography, Biology scientific studies and advances MATHEMATICS statistics, probability, data analysis Art & Music power points and displays February Theme

18 Nevada, United States and World History HISTORY Nevada, United States and World History LANGUAGE autobiographies Geography, Biology maps and topography MATHEMATICS geometry Art & Music monologues and oral history reports March Theme

19 Government HISTORY constitution, forms of government LANGUAGE opposing views and persuasive Geography, Biology FDA and socialized medicine MATHEMATICS data analysis and percents Art & Music mock trials April Theme

20 May Theme Governance and Trips HISTORY study of governmental systems LANGUAGE travel logs and diaries Geography, Biology government role in science MATHEMATICS mathematical reasoning and communication Art & Music expressive art


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