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+ MELS 2014 – Digital Affordances in Phonics and Reading 21 JUNE 2014 -Training in HONG KONG Speaker : KHOO Kay Yong BSc.(Malaya); MSc(ITE) (HKU); Doctor.

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Presentation on theme: "+ MELS 2014 – Digital Affordances in Phonics and Reading 21 JUNE 2014 -Training in HONG KONG Speaker : KHOO Kay Yong BSc.(Malaya); MSc(ITE) (HKU); Doctor."— Presentation transcript:

1 + MELS 2014 – Digital Affordances in Phonics and Reading 21 JUNE 2014 -Training in HONG KONG Speaker : KHOO Kay Yong BSc.(Malaya); MSc(ITE) (HKU); Doctor of Education (HKU)

2 + Human in every culture have used stories to educate, inspire, entertain, and warn the next generation. “We are the sum total of all the stories that we see and hear in our lifetimes”(Walsh, 2007).Walsh, 2007

3 + According to the story from the Jewish Hassidic tradition, when the truth walks naked in the world, people turn and look away. But, when truth walks with story, he is invited into our houses and into our hearts. Human brains seem to retain material put in story form much better than a list of unrelated facts (Haven, 2007; Weaver, 1994).Haven, 2007Weaver, 1994

4 + English- Phonics

5 flag

6 a flag flag

7 Chinese— 看字识义


9 + 睛 清 蜻 晴 ……

10 Brother, father Toefl, fancl Tackle Towel, hostel Fast Clerk Got/pot Little, litter head, again Quay Three, tree Forever Coconuts Of, off sharpener magnet croissant muesli practised basket Wasted method

11 beat bit sad sat home, aim chef,example fat, Wednesday clap, egg, leg, hand market, again, umbrella plumber, bomber moonbook knife, knob caught, lounge Debt, sharpener their, aeroplane flour, flower tortoise

12 Knowledge? Or Skill? PHONIC S

13 atfl

14 ankth

15 a emfr

16 蛾我卞下蛾我卞下 e bian Xia ˇ ˋ ˊ wo ˋ 字 拼音 a-e ape ate sale ale /e I/ /e Ip/ /e It/ /e Il/ /se Il/ 字拼音

17 + SYNTAX 粤语:你瘦过我。 / 你走先。 普通话:你比我瘦。 / 你先走。

18 + leave You first thin YouI am

19 + hurdle Context

20 + hurdle

21 + hurdles

22 + sad Contextual clues

23 + Montessori Phonics-44

24 Phonics –44 English Words Spoken Written 24 consonant sounds 21 consonant letters 20 vowel sounds 5 vowel letters -------------------------------------------------- 44 speech sounds 26 alphabet letters



27 24 consonant sounds

28 20 vowel sounds

29 + act p m r at at at ebg itp orb uhg

30 + atfl ip ac mp or Initial blends Final blends Double consonant sounds Digraphs eb ll o b ss i sh p is nk

31 + ai ay a-e t e a Phonograms mai ays Initial blends Final blends Double consonant sounds Digraphs a e bl m a e sh k

32 a b c d e fl g h i j k ms r q p n x w o v u t y z /æ/ /b//h/ / l / / /k/ /e/ /f/ /z/ /j/ /ks/ /w/ /v/ /t/ /s//m/ /n/ /r/ /g/ /p/ /kw/ /d/ /k/ / i//Λ/ / dз/

33 + Children's literature covers many types of texts from picture books to biographies. Children's literature empowers children. It motivates thinking, enhances language, and promotes cognitive development. Children not only become involved in the story, but they connect with the characters. If children love to read, their comprehension is higher, their vocabulary is extended, and their fluency becomes more evident.

34 + Instil Critical thinking into reading

35 + The owner of a restaurant has a cat. The owner feeds the cat with the leftover food. Each time the owner brings a plate and walks towards the cat and bends down, the cat will meow in delight.

36 + While the cat is enjoying the food, the little rat squeezes through the gap and tries to share it with the cat. The cat is busy with its food and has no time to even look at the incoming rat.

37 + After the meal, the cat stretches out its front paws and meows. The rat takes a bat and invites the cat to play. The cat puts on the hat and glove and nods happily.

38 + After the game, the cat purrs to show its contentment. Then, it lies down on the mat.

39 +

40 + What can you see when you are on beach? I can see a crab. What can you hear when you are there? I can hear the waves.

41 + Why is it good for us to feel the food before we eat it? Before we eat we can use our fingers to check the temperature of the food. This can help us prevent the food hurting our mouth.

42 + Why do we need to have strong little feet when we walk along the beach? When we walk along the beach, the sandy ground can be very soft, so our strong feet prevent us from sinking.

43 + Multimodal teaching & learning

44 + Assessment

45 +

46 +

47 + Report

48 + (The Curriculum Development Council, 2006, pp.8)The Curriculum Development Council, 2006

49 +

50 + Instantly…..

51 + MELS introduces….. Six essential parts in English language learning A to Z -Words & Images -Words & Sounds -Words descriptions -Phonics sounds (Single letters) BASIC READING -Words & meanings -Basic reading -Responsive conversations -Phonics (CVC) CRITICAL READING -Words & meanings -Critical reading -Phonics (Phonograms) -Expressive conversations -Grammar EXPRESSIVE LEARNING -Words & meanings -Contextual reading -Responsive conversations -Phonics (Blendings) COMPREHENSIVE READING -Words & meanings -Critical reading -Phonics (Phonograms) -Expressive conversations -Grammar SYNTAX -Words & meanings -Sentences reading -Form sentences with words -Non-phonic words

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