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Coalition in Criminal Justice Adolescent and police interactions in London Jeffrey DeMarco, PhD Candidate, Centre for Criminology and Sociology.

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Presentation on theme: "Coalition in Criminal Justice Adolescent and police interactions in London Jeffrey DeMarco, PhD Candidate, Centre for Criminology and Sociology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coalition in Criminal Justice Adolescent and police interactions in London Jeffrey DeMarco, PhD Candidate, Centre for Criminology and Sociology

2 Aims and Objectives Ethnographic Power and hierarchies Interpretive Antagonism versus improvements Generalizability and transferability Quantitative Trust in the police Behavioural intentions

3 Background Volunteer organization for adolescents aged 14-19 Training for leadership and inclusion roles within community Instil discipline, knowledge and philanthropy Develop team-work, healthy competition and co-operation Interactions with police and other community leaders


5 Background characteristics Over 200 young men and women 58% were male average age of 15.7 years 1/3 were of BME background 49 % single parent homes 49 % had parental unemployment in the household Over 1/5 claimed that they had poor parental relationships conflict in the house, lack of praise, unawareness of behaviour and activities 20% frequently were truant whilst 23% had been excluded from formal education

6 Engagement through observation Power as a tool for good Youth-facilitators Peer leader-youth Youth-youth Foucauldian Discipline Structure Therapeutic alliance (Brodin, 1975) Bonds Tasks Goals

7 Trust in the police Improper policing Faith/belief Troubled relations Negative perceptions Improvement External antagonists

8 Trust in Authority Questionnaire (TAQ) 15-item measure Three sub-scales: TAQ General TAQ Authority TAQ police Reliability Internal consistency α = 0.81 Inter-rater α = 0.90 Validity Mass administration to come MPA Europol? Interpol?

9 Associations Quality of contact TAQ Policer = -0.28** TAQ Overallr = -0.24** Police attitudes TAQ Policer = -0.43** TAQ Overallr = -0.43** Psychopathology Conduct Disorderr = 0.36** Overallr = 0.30**

10 Intentions to co-operate Police InteractionsTAQ PoliceTAQ Overall Call the police-0.24* Interact if mugged-0.21*-0.16 Knife Crime-0.33**-0.23* Overall interaction with police -0.25**-0.17

11 Predictive trust model Trust in the police r² = 0.474 Quality β = -.42 Attitudes β = -.17 Conduct Disorder β =.29

12 Implications Baseline and follow-up for community programs Comparison group outside of police Dissertation contains qualitative output from other focus groups Funding/Expansion of community engagement programs Navy cadets, Project Trident Intergroup contact Optimal conditions to ameliorate the aforementioned issued Vicarious trust—proxy police

13 Conclusions and steps forward Difficult relationship Installation of authority Promising positive interactions Possibility of using other professionals Expansion of cadets?

14 Thank you! Questions? Comments? Queries?

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