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Arise for a versatile life Redefinition of rural development process.

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1 Arise for a versatile life Redefinition of rural development process

2 Objective Encouragement of security for wages and permanent employment in agriculture sector (66% of total agriculture area) which depends on rainfall in our country. Establishment of agricultural system according to the legacy of farmers of our country. Indian villages can achieve development goals only through an Indian model. Encouragement of environment friendly development by resolving internal conflicts between country’s development and environment. Connect small and poor farmers on the way of development Assure wages to the farm labourer

3 Policy  Sustainable rural development should be achieved through coordinated management of human, other living creatures, land and water.  Mixed farming and organic farming should be introduced in country’s all dry and semi dry areas for giving new direction to rural development  Though we have made urban economy machine-based, rural economy is still based on cattle, hence for rural development importance should be given to cattle use which is being given since ages.  Animal husbandry and crop production should be coordinated in a way that poor and small farmers get good wages through out the year.  Remove all the obstacles or laws which are against cattle resources, instead all the required measures should be undertaken to protect and increase cattle resources.

4 Programme  To implement these policies, three phase programme needs to be undertaken. In these phases, through various projects, objective of rural development will be achieved from local level to national level. These phases are as follows  During first phase, rainfall based 100 villages should be selected and within 2 years, various projects related to this policy, should be implemented. During this phase, all the central policies against cattle resources should be withdrawn.  Second phase would be of five years under which all the rainfall based sectors would be covered and based on the experience of past two years, policies will be implemented.  In third phase, based on experience and results of past events, policies will be implemented in all the agricultural sectors. The period of third phase will be of 10 years

5 Various Projects 1. Project to provide productive cattle and bullock to the small, poor and agricultural labourer. 2. Project to train and spread awareness among farmers regarding multiple use of cattle. 3. Project to develop “charitable knit house” and “cow pen” as a demonstration centre. 4. Project to develop infrastructure for marketing of cattle product, fodder and crop from village to town. 5. Various policy measures to protect cattle. 6. Project to resolve the problem of shortage of cattle- sanctuaries and grazing land. 7. Project for mass production of bio fertilisers and bio pesticides. 8. Project for research and development to promote intensive farming, mixed farming and organic farming.

6 1. Project to provide productive cattle and bullock to the Small, poor and agricultural labours. Government should provide free of cost, productive cattle like cow, buffalo, bullock and goat to this segment. Bullock will be very useful and cheap for poor and small farmers. For this work local “charitable knit house” and “cow pen” can be utilised to play an active role. By involving this charitable knit house and cow pen in this development activity, people participation will also be achieved. In the situation of draught, government should extend the help to the cattle holder in form of fodder and water through the medium of local knit house. Maintenance of highly productive hybrid animal will be costly for this segment, hence they should be given Indian breed animals free of cost.

7 2. Project to educate and spread awareness among farmers regarding multiple use of cattle. Cattle are also economically useful for purposes other than milk and milk related products. In this context, cattle's urine and dung are very useful to produce bio fertilisers and bio pesticides. Various other uses of cattle are portrayed in next slides. In various sectors, a team of experts and social workers should be formed which will work under the ministry of agriculture. This team will organise at least once in a year, awareness and training programme in different village through the help of young students from agriculture university set up in various districts. Government will give wages to the students for this work. Due to this students will get practical experience along with wages during their studies.

8 Various uses of animals Milk GheeCurdPaneer Other products

9 Urine & Dung Medicine production Bio Fertiliser/Bio pesticides Domestic fuel/gas production Electricity

10 Other uses Various other uses Transportation Crop production Ecological balance

11 3. Project to develop charitable knit house and cow pen as a demonstration centre. In various regions of India, religious and charitable association have formed knit house and cow pen. These can be used to exhibit and impart knowledge to the cattle holders. Hence government can coordinate with these knit houses and cow pens to develop them as a demonstration centre. While students of agriculture university perform work in villages, basic facilities should be made available by these charitable associations. Government should give upfront help to this association for their role in this project.

12 4. Project to develop infrastructure for marketing of cattle product, fodder and crop from village to town. 4. Project to develop infrastructure for marketing of cattle product, fodder and crop from village to town. With the joint efforts of Panchayat and charitable association, at least one warehouse in five villages, should be set up to store fodder and crop. To achieve this objective unused or useless government land should be used. At ‘Block level’, marketing centres should be set up for fodder, cattle and crop products. In this centre, bank, insurance, telecommunication and internet facilities should be made available. ‘District level’ a large marketing centre should be set up as coordinated centre of ‘Block level’. In these warehouses marketing centres, a database of farmers and cattle holders of villages needs to be maintained. Depending on the requirement, based on this database fodder, eatables, seeds etc should be provided either on cash or on credit. For this on the same pattern of farmers credit card system, animal holder credit card system should be introduced. To make it clear, in form of credit, rupees will not be given, instead different things in form of kind will be provided which according to the condition, animal holder will return in instalments during a defined period. In form of interest five to seven percent extra of borrowed items will be received from them.

13 5. Various policy measures to protect cattle. By discontinuing meet export with immediate effect, just for foreign currency equivalent to rupees four thousand crores, every year slaughtering of one crore cattle should be stopped. Young and productive cattle resources are slaughtered in almost all the sector of country. To stop this specials steps need to be taken immediately. Cattle smuggling are carried out at the borders of our nation, which needs to be stopped immediately. As per the latest reports, only in Bangladesh twenty to thirty thousand cows are smuggled everyday and in return weapons and grenade are sent to India to spread terrorism. It is very important and urgently required to stop this disaster in form of smuggling of valuable cattle resources Indian railway has granted permission to transport animals through train in year 2005-06. As a result, there is huge increase in interstate and international smuggling. Hence railway ministry should withdraw this sanction and stop smuggling of animals through railway with immediate effect. In whole country, thousands of illegal slaughter houses are operating. In Delhi only there are more than 11000 illegal slaughter houses are operating. Government should issue special orders and stop illegal slaughter houses with immediate effect.

14 6. Project to resolve the problem of shortage of cattle- sanctuaries and grazing land. 6. Project to resolve the problem of shortage of cattle- sanctuaries and grazing land. Shortage of traditional grazing land and forest land has emerged as biggest problem now a days. To resolve this problem, all the state government should frame a legal infrastructure and state level department of agriculture and the department of Panchayat Raj will take responsibility to implement the same. To cater the increased demand for “cattle-sanctuary”, at least one “cattle sanctuary” needs to be set up per 10 villages. In dry regions, railway system should be used to provide water to this type of cattle-sanctuary to ensure that it will remain always green. The responsibility of maintenance should be given to Department of Environment and Forest and Panchayati Raj.

15 7. Project for mass production of bio fertilisers and bio pesticides. Government should take significant steps to promote production of bio fertilisers and bio pesticides. Subsidies, which are given to producers of chemical fertilisers and pesticides should be gradually diverted towards bio fertilisers and pesticides. To establish the production centre at local level, Government should promote small industries.

16 8. Project for research and development to promote intensive farming, mixed farming and organic farming. Though research and development is going on in this field, detailed and in-depth research is required now a days. Till date main focus is on milk production and breed improvement, however we need to now focus on multiple uses of cattle. On the same pattern of “Indian Council for Agriculture Research”, one organization “Indian Council for Cattle Research ” should be formed and all the present cattle based organisations should be covered under this association.

17 I thank all the members of Planning Commission for patient and attentive hearing Jainacharya Vijay Ratnasundersuri

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