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? I am a llama.. Peru Ecuador Bolivia Chile The Andes Mountains I live in the Andes Mountains in northern South America where the weather never gets too.

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Presentation on theme: "? I am a llama.. Peru Ecuador Bolivia Chile The Andes Mountains I live in the Andes Mountains in northern South America where the weather never gets too."— Presentation transcript:

1 ? I am a llama.

2 Peru Ecuador Bolivia Chile The Andes Mountains I live in the Andes Mountains in northern South America where the weather never gets too hot.

3 We are used as pack animals in the mountains.

4 A close relative is the alpaca. I am an alpaca.

5 They use a spinning machine to make yarn. Then they knit the yarn to make clothes. Some people who own llamas and alpacas shear their fleece.

6 Sweaters hats rugs Y a r n S p i n n i n g

7 Now many people in the USA are raising llamas and alpacas.

8 Would you rather have an alpaca? Or would you rather have a llama? To choose an alpaca Click on the picture To choose the llama Click on the picture

9 The Llama's Secret: A Peruvian Legend (Legends of the World) by Argentina Palacios, Charles Reasoner (Illustrator) How Llama Saved the Day: A Story from Peru (First-Start Legends) at Your Brother, by Janet Palazzo-Craig, Charles Reasoner (Illustrator) Stop Spitting Life Lessons of a Rocky Mountain Llama by Diane White-Crane (Illustrator); Harley by Star Livingstone, Molly Bang (Illustrator); Llama in Pajamas by Gisela Voss Click on me when you are finished

10 Hats On For Polka Dot by Kathleen Sampson Not many books about alpacas. Maybe you could write some? Click on me when you are finished





15 CHECK – OFF LIST TO USE FOR FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS (p1. of 2) Student Name: _________________________________________________ Assessment date Directions:  Use a check marks ( √ ) to indicate an acceptable performance  Use a zeros (0) to indicate a performance that did not meet criteria  No marks indicate no contribution Times Assessed and Rated CommentsAssessment Criteria Makes predictions about a story after looking at illustrations and hearing the title Draws pictures of animals that do belong in a category. Answers questions about what animals should be excluded from a category. Answers yes and no questions using physical signaling. Uses creative and critical thinking by contributing ideas during cooperative grouping.

16 STUDENT BOOK-MAKING SAMPLE (As a group, students have decided to use two animals.) Bears do sleep at night. Bats do not. (teacher makes last pages for book) But both bears and bats like to sleep in a cave.

17 UNIT ASSESSMENT CHART (p. 1 of 2) Student Name__________________________________________ Assessment date_________________________________ Directions: Do this together in small groups or individually Read the criteria to the student that you will be assessing and give examples Let student predict what he expects to earn. Let the student color a face in the PREDICTED column one for each row Assess by highlighting a face in column YOU ARE GREAT or YOU NEED PRACTICE When choosing YOU NEED PRACTICE make a suggestion of a method so he can improve. This is what I predicted This is what you had to do: YOU ARE GREAT! YOU NEED PRACTICE SUGGESTED PRACTICE ☺☺ Follow directions for book making: Drawing pictures ☺  ☺☺ Follow direction for book making: Telling the teacher what to write ☺  ☺☺ Organize the information: Draws or gives the idea for an animal for the group description ☺ 

18 UNIT ASSESSMENT CHART (p. 2 of 2) ☺ ☺  Cooperates in group contributing ideas ☺  ☺ ☺  Cooperates in group shares ideas about categorizing animals ☺  ☺ ☺  Cooperates in group: Takes turns drawing and coloring ☺ 

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