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Knitting Our Souls Together in Love 1 Samuel 17:55 - 18:1.

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1 Knitting Our Souls Together in Love 1 Samuel 17:55 - 18:1

2 Comradeship Built from Common Cause Jonathan & David shared the same cause   David had gone forth to battle & defeat Goliath   Jonathan had also battled Philistines (1 Sam. 14)   Self-interest may have caused slander & hostility   But their souls were knit together in love: Why? Devotion to same cause brings unity of spirit   “…that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one soul striving for the faith of the gospel; and in nothing affrighted by the adversaries…”   Sunathleo = Strive together, as on the same team

3 Value of Such Friendship “He that maketh many friends doeth it to his own destruction; But there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother” (Prov. 18:24). “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow; but woe to him that is alone when he falleth, and hath not another to lift him up” (Eccl. 4:9-10).

4 Nature of Friends Is Important Not good to have friends of the wrong kind   Prov. 25:19Have no confidence in unfaithful man   Prov. 22:24Make no friends with one given to wrath Good to have friends of the right kind   Prov. 17:17Faithful friend remains true in adversity   Prov. 27:6True friend will oppose us when needed   Prov. 27:17Takes iron to sharpen; velvet will not do Principles of friendship learned from book of Job   Job 19:14So-called friends forsook him in trouble   Job 42:10God blessed Job “when” he prayed for them Friend gives self & urges obedience (Jn. 15:13-14)

5 Comradeship in the Gospel John’s love for Gaius in the truth (3 Jn. 1-4, 8)   Had confidence that he loved & lived according to truth   Viewed one another as “fellow-workers for the truth” Paul’s love & respect for Timothy (Phil. 2:19-22)   Born of fact that each was selfless & solely focused on good of the cause of Christ   Service was result of respect for work in kingdom   “Served with me in furtherance of the gospel”   Later urged Timothy to continue in same (2 Tim. 1:8, 13)   Selfish desire will destroy comradeship in cause of Christ Without common cause, no such comradeship exists

6 Learning Comradeship from Jonathan & David   1 Sam. 18:1Souls of each were “knit” together   1 Sam. 19:1Jonathan delighted much in David   1 Sam. 19:4-5Defended David when innocent   1 Sam. 20:4Servant’s heart = do as he desires   1 Sam. 20:17Loved him as he loved his own soul   1 Sam. 20:42God was between them & future seed   1 Sam. 23:16Strengthened hands “in God”   2 Sam. 1:26fDavid comments at Jonathan’s death   Elements that knit them together will knit us as well

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