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Effective September 18, 2014 Submissions for 2014 - 2015 accepted November 1, 2014 through January 31, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective September 18, 2014 Submissions for 2014 - 2015 accepted November 1, 2014 through January 31, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective September 18, 2014 Submissions for 2014 - 2015 accepted November 1, 2014 through January 31, 2015

2 Community Enrichment Award Hazard Control Recognition Award President’s Award

3 Recognizes 1 (one) member organization that has contributed significantly to their local community in areas of safety, health or environmental efforts. – financial contributions – manpower – material resources – or other services To apply for the Community Enrichment Award submit a presentation or report (word, pdf, etc...) on how your company has made a difference in your local community, based on the criteria listed above.

4 Send your supporting materials to: Community Enrichment Award Attention: Logan Vaughan Iowa-Illinois Safety Council 6200 Aurora Ave Ste 604W, Urbandale IA 50322 Or email your information to: BE SURE TO INCLUDE: Organization name, contact, & contact information – BEFORE January 31, 2015

5 The Hazard Control Recognition Award is based on implemented hazard controls within IISC Member Organizations. A Hazard Control is a specific, identifiable change implemented to reduce or eliminate an individual’s exposure to a hazard in the workplace. – Engineering control, redesign, guarding – Work practice changes that eliminate or reduce the risk to a hazard – Improvements to the personal protective equipment used by workers – Changes for previously uncontrolled environmental risk – Training on its own for workers will not qualify as a hazard control. Training in conjunction with controlling a hazard can qualify, as long as there is documentation of the hazard prior to the training, along with the controls put in place to eliminate the hazard.

6 In addition to receiving the Hazard Control Recognition Award, five (5) member organization applicants will receive the President’s Award for their outstanding contributions with controlling hazards. The IISC Board of Directors President, President-Elect, and Past President will select the five (5) President’s Award recipients.

7 Each member organization may submit as few as one (1) and up to five (5) hazard control projects for consideration by the awards committee. – Organizations meeting the minimum requirement will earn an award. – Five (5) organizations judged to have outstanding controls will earn the “President’s Award”, in addition to the Hazard Control Recognition Award. Each hazard control is to be submitted on a single PowerPoint Slide (see instructions and examples on slides 9–17) Applications to be submitted to after November 1, 2014 but BEFORE January 31, 2015 for consideration by the Awards Late submissions WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR 2014 AWARDS!

8 In an effort to share best practices received from the Hazard Control Recognition Program applications, IISC will publicize your success stories. – IISC’s 2015 Professional Development Conference & Expo, April 22 – 24, 2015, Grand River Center, Dubuque, Iowa – IISC’s Members Only Website – IISC’s Members Only Safety Awards Newsletter

9 One PowerPoint slide per hazard control Any layout, you can: – Include pictures (before & after) – BRIEF descriptions of the hazard and benefit from control – SHOW HOW UNIQUE YOUR PROJECT IS! – Include organization contact information in notes section (see next slide for template information) – Send to before January 31,

10 Include organization contact information in “NOTES” section of your PowerPoint. -Organization Name as it WILL appear on your company plaque & in the Professional Development Conference & Expo program: -Contact person for this application: -Contact phone: -Contact e-mail: -Mailing and Shipping address or addresses:

11 Hazard Control Recognition Safety Award Program Example Slides Follow

12 On the rare occasions we need to access the roof at Logan’s Soap & Safety, we wanted to ensure the ladder would not be blown down by the wind.

13 Applied Safe Lifting Here at Logan’s Soap & Safety, we are a close knit family and we often eat lunch together on a picnic table outside our offices. Often two of us would move this table around to minimize wind and sun/shade. This has often lead to much grunting and straining. After discussing proper lifting techniques and back injuries during a safety meeting, Joe, one of our employees noticed that it would be better lifting technique if we always had four people lift and share the load. Now we share the load as well as our lunch!

14 Hazardous Material Spill Response Teams Before: For the past several years, Logan’s Soap & Safety had one full Hazardous Material Spill Response Team, but they were all on first shift. We have been expanding our Second and Third shift operations. After: Recently, we were able to train enough employees to have full HazMat response on all three shifts, and several back-ups. We are now equipped to handle a spill within the facility during all shifts.

15 New Safety Award Program Slide Templates Follow For Example ONLY! Not required Formats! Contact Logan Vaughan with questions 515-276-4724 ext. 225 or

16 Explanation of Project Before Before picture can be inserted here After After picture can be inserted here

17 Brief explanation of hazard After Photo of the project may be inserted here. Photo of hazard may be inserted here Brief explanation of how the hazard was controlled.

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