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“You cannot teach anybody anything. You can only help them discover it within themselves.” ~~ Galileo.

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Presentation on theme: "“You cannot teach anybody anything. You can only help them discover it within themselves.” ~~ Galileo."— Presentation transcript:

1 “You cannot teach anybody anything. You can only help them discover it within themselves.” ~~ Galileo

2 Math Reading Goal: arrive at the “truth” Importance of “close reading”; an intensive consideration of every word in the text. For the parts of the text that explain the process or connections Rereading a major strategy Heavy emphasis on error detection Precision of understanding the essential

3 Chemistry Reading Close connections among prose, graphs, charts and formulas (alternative representation) Text provides knowledge that allows prediction of how the world works Full understanding needed of experiment or processes Major strategies include collaboration and transformation. Ensure your interpretation works across points of view, references or for modified situations.

4 Physics Reading It is a combination of both Math and Chemistry. All of these points are valid. The truth – if I start with the same beginning conditions (which need to be studied which conditions matter and which conditions do NOT matter) the same thing will happen every time Note on the text book: Some of the information is designed to keep student interest in the topic (application and real world examples) … this is not fundamental goal of studying physics. Learning the connections and principles is the goals of physics study.

5 Contrast with History Reading History is interpretive and authors and sourcing are central to the interpretation (consideration of bias and perspective) Often seems narrative without purpose and argument without explicit claim (need to see history as an argument biased on partial evidence) Single texts are very problematic (no collaboration)

6 Example in Textbook Graphics Science Graphic often represent alternate forms of same information (scientist may make graphic if text doesn’t) Read recursively: from diagram to text, and back again. Being able to transform information from one form to another is evidence of full understanding of a concept. History Many photographs, artwork that are meant to be superfluous information to the text and may not be referenced to in the text at all. Graphs, charts and other graphics often new information that needs integration and interpretation (not necessarily explanation)

7 Science Language Technical, abstract, dense, tightly knit language (that contrasts with interactive, interpersonal style of their texts or ordinary language). May seem dry to student. Nominalization (turning processes and action into nouns) Suppresses agency (readers need to focus on causation not intention).

8 Science Language (cont.) Sentence density: unpacking complex nouns and verbs. Experimental verification of Einstein’s explanation of the photoelectric effect was made 11 years later by the American physicist Robert Millikan. Every aspect of Einstein’s interpretation was confirmed, including the direct proportionality of photon energy to frequency.

9 New Standards Multi step processes Multiple Sources Using the internet. Evaluate reliable and unreliable resources Evaluating Data and Explaining Concepts

10 Reading Questions What questions did you have while reading? Ideas or statements that surprised you? What statements do you have a personnel connection too? What statements have you connected to prior learning in physics or science ? What parts of the chapter did you ignore or skim quickly? Explain why? Word walls and reading questions expanded Go back and forth with definitions Term Define Picture Example Connection to other ideas

11 Solving Problems Write down the procedure for solving a problem. How many things did you skip or assume was unmentionable.

12 Assignment Ideas Word walls and reading questions expanded Go back and forth with definitions Term Define Picture Example Connection to other ideas

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