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Globelics Academy 3rd June 2004 B.Mahesh Sarma PhD Candidate, Center for Studies in Science Policy, JNU.

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Presentation on theme: "Globelics Academy 3rd June 2004 B.Mahesh Sarma PhD Candidate, Center for Studies in Science Policy, JNU."— Presentation transcript:


2 Globelics Academy 3rd June 2004 B.Mahesh Sarma PhD Candidate, Center for Studies in Science Policy, JNU

3 Nation system of innovation (NSI): A Case study of public sector R&D system in India

4 The Indian case….. Has been an early disciple of S&T for development paradigm Spectacular successes and abysmal failures Unique amongst the third world experiments Well developed institutional structure

5 Hypothesis My research hypothesis, as it currently stands, states that that India has thus far pursued an implicit innovation system skewed towards, learning and competence gains only in certain strategic sectors like space, defense and nuclear energy at the cost of rest of the industrial edifice.

6 Sub-hypothesis- I With respect to defense, space and nuclear energy, the system was able to set specific objectives and milestones in line with international achievements, integrate their specific sectoral goals with broad national objectives, and provide sustained and substantial resources. It thus, developed tightly knit user- producer linkages, and created a dynamic learning ambience and ensured the achievement of substantial technological competence

7 Sub-hypothesis- II With respect to rest of the industrial edifice, the system exhibited only a strong conception of a system of production. And attempts where limited in terms of creating market conditions, institutions, and polices to generate a dynamic learning ambience and attain technological competence.

8 Research Questions I. What kind of a knowledge-creating infrastructure was developed in India as represented by its higher education system and national R&D system in terms of both polices and institutions, specifically with a focus on knowledge generation and transfer. II. What are the policy and institutional measures adopted, which led to the attainment of a very high level of sophistication in learning and competence building within the strategic sectors?

9 Research Questions III. To examine the reasons for innovative backwardness in industrial and social sectors, barring a few exceptions, using the case of one or two critical sectors namely, heavy electrical industry or machine tools industry or automobile industry. IV. Do nations have relevance in an era of technological dominance by TNCs? What are the elements, which characterize the current international innovation regime and can the NSI framework, incorporate them?

10 Methodology Aggregate data analysis Critical Case studies

11 And now it is For me to face the music Thank You!

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