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Summary and Outlook Paul Sheehan Director of Library Services, DCU TUM 1 st December 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Summary and Outlook Paul Sheehan Director of Library Services, DCU TUM 1 st December 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summary and Outlook Paul Sheehan Director of Library Services, DCU TUM 1 st December 2010

2 Summary Library brand a trusted, authoritative resource (La Trobe) Library space a safe, learning environment (La Trobe, Dr Faultstich) …online services now as important (TUM RK) “Librarians now at heart of change” (Dr Seidel) Need knowledge of information, HE, and wider environments (CPUT, NTU) Emphasis on knowledge management (TUM RK) –Discovery, creation, dissemination, evaluation

3 Summary Generic online info literacy embedded in curriculum (La Trobe, DCU) Provide research skills programs (la Trobe, CPUT) Advise on management of research data (La Trobe, CPUT, Dr Faultstich) Team approach - library information teams (TUM) Proactive: seek alliances with patrons and faculty (TUM, CPUT) Information industry developments (NTU)

4 Summary What are the key competencies for information librarians? (TUM, CPUT) Knowledge management + (TUM RK) New competencies – data (Dr Faultstich)...creative, soft skilled, experimental (TUM RK) Job families (BMW) Functional skills/personal skills (BMW) Social network as agent for competence changing (BMW)

5 The Future – Learning DBpedia Community adaptation of Wikipedia Allows extraction of structured information from within Wikipedia entries – persons, places, things Uses RDF to formulate and present queries

6 The Future - Learning Information behaviour of the researcher of the future A British Library / JISC Study

7 The Future - Learning Study investigating how “Google generation” searching for content People born after 1993 First time anyone has profiled on a large scale information seeking behaviour by age Are there new, different, ways of searching for and using information?

8 The Future - Learning 60% of journal users view no more than 3 pages Average time spent on e journal site 4-8 minutes Young people’s information literacy has not changed since earlier generations of technology e.g CD-ROMs Poor understanding of information needs Little evaluation of information for relevance, accuracy, authority Little use of advanced search facilities Unsophisticated mental map of internet

9 The Future – A Google generation? Like all web users prefer information in short summaries They are not expert searchers 2007 UK survey found 57% of teenagers used relatively low level technology Large minority of US students enter university with low level of information literacy Project Information Literacy: Truth to be Told report

10 Learning - New roles and skills Library sites need to be assimilated to search engine look and performance. Mobile apps.(TUM RK) More analysis of users digital and literacy skills Linking high level university policies (reducing plagiarism) to information literacy (TUM RK, DCU) Investigating varied information skills requirements across subjects In university contexts, relating Information skills to student retention, and life skills in a knowledge society (TUM RK, DCU) Going outside the library – e.g. investigating new learning communities Continuing professional education

11 The Future - Research Crystaleye http:// The aim of the CrystalEye project is to aggregate crystallography from web resources, and to provide methods to easily browse, search, and to keep up to date with the latest published information.

12 The Future - Research E Science Large scale co-operative research Large scale shared infrastructures Record now includes data, not just papers New models of publication

13 Ensuring the Integrity, Accessibility, and Stewardship of Research Data in the Digital Age National Academy of Sciences, 2009 Dr. Daniel Kleppner Massachusetts Institute of Technology A sea-change in digital data and large data collections in science and engineering Policy making is increasingly data-driven and complex (e.g. climate change, environment, drug approval) Concerns about integrity (stem cell scandal, digital image manipulation) Differences in “data cultures” between fields (e.g.expectations regarding openness and sharing, etc.)

14 Dr. Daniel Kleppner Three Core Principles Integrity Accessibility Stewardship

15 Dr. R Luce – OCLC Study Researchers Value Ease of Use and Increased Efficiency –Google is ‘good enough’ –When information tools are complex or time consuming, researchers choose not to use them and make do –It’s all about working faster or simplifying life in a significant way Libraries must articulate and create our own future –“I don’t visit the library anymore –it’s all online” –Researchers: inability to create consistent and shareable metadata + disorganized storage strategies --don’t see libraries as having much to offer –Researchers require practical evidence of direct value of research tools and services

16 Dr. R Luce “… the idea of quality, provenance, and metadata about data is woefully inadequate in most science training” How is the awareness gap closed, who is responsible for training new grad students in good data practices? Who develops and disseminates institutional policies? How do we knit together emerging de-facto practices and developing standards and policies


18 Research - new roles and skills Engagement - actively seek new ways to work in the scientific enterprise with research colleagues New publication models and synergies e.g. Crystaleye/Open Access Extending skills - data archiving/ metadata standards Developing job families

19 Thank You …and thanks to TUM

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