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The Interactive Program Plan Poster based on Caffarella’s Interactive Model of Program Planning Erica Inge for ADLT602 The show will start automatically.

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Presentation on theme: "The Interactive Program Plan Poster based on Caffarella’s Interactive Model of Program Planning Erica Inge for ADLT602 The show will start automatically."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Interactive Program Plan Poster based on Caffarella’s Interactive Model of Program Planning
Erica Inge for ADLT602 The show will start automatically.

2 The Managerial Skills for
Social Services Supervisors Program Budgeting/Marketing Evaluation Building a base of support Program Objectives

3 The Managerial Skills for
Building a base of support The Managerial Skills for Social Services Supervisors Program Budgeting/Marketing Evaluation Program Objectives

4 A pre-planning meeting was held to formulate a program plan.
The program plan was pitched to the organization that holds the grant monies. Potential program participants completed a needs assessment. Developers of program courses held focus groups with potential participants.

5 The Managerial Skills for
Budgeting/Marketing Evaluation Building a base of support The Managerial Skills for Social Services Supervisors Program Program Objectives

6 To provide training courses that focus on supervisory functions (including such subjects as best practices in delivery of social services, building effective teams and creating a safe and secure workplace environment) as they relate to the practice of social work in Virginia. Upon completion of the program, supervisors will be able to explain the rules and regulations to their workers and will be able to guide them through the process of good social work practice. To equip supervisors with the necessary skills to access data in statewide casework information systems. With this knowledge, supervisors will be able to run reports for upper-level management and for their own management needs. Additionally, supervisors will be able to monitor case work, identify problems with proper case documentation and will be able to guide their front-line workers in the correct maintenance of their case records. To provide training courses on administrative functions for social services supervisors. The anticipated outcomes of this segment of the program include: supervisors will know their supervisory style and how that style affects their leadership; know how to build an effective and close-knit team; know how to manage difficult employees; and manage employee hiring, evaluation and termination processes. To establish a community of practice for supervisors. Supervisors will be able to communicate on a regular basis with other supervisors in their region or across the state. The creation of a community for supervisors will enable them to share ideas and work through issues and frustrations. Supervisors will feel connected to those individuals who share similar challenges.

7 The Managerial Skills for
Budgeting/Marketing Building a base of support Program Objectives The Managerial Skills for Social Services Supervisors Program Evaluation

8 One Group-Pretest-Posttest Design
Sample Pretest Intervention Posttest Posttest to be delivered via electronic survey posted to the online community of past and present participants in the program.

9 The Managerial Skills for
Evaluation Building a base of support Program Objectives The Managerial Skills for Social Services Supervisors Program Budgeting/Marketing

10 $12,827 total costs for first year of program
with anticipated participant count of 1,840 The marketing strategy for the program will include a combination of electronic communication as well as presentations made at regional meetings. VISSTA has a built-in process for announcing new courses and this marketing channel will be used to promote the Managerial Skills for Social Services Supervisors program.

11 The Managerial Skills for
Budgeting/Marketing Evaluation Building a base of support Program Objectives The Managerial Skills for Social Services Supervisors Program The show will loop. Press Esc to stop.

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