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JOINTS FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION STRUCTURAL CLASSIFICATION Synarthroses: immovable Amphiarthroses: slightly movable Diarthroses: freely movable STRUCTURAL.

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Presentation on theme: "JOINTS FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION STRUCTURAL CLASSIFICATION Synarthroses: immovable Amphiarthroses: slightly movable Diarthroses: freely movable STRUCTURAL."— Presentation transcript:



Synarthroses: immovable Amphiarthroses: slightly movable Diarthroses: freely movable STRUCTURAL CLASSIFICATION Fibrous joints: bones joined by fibrous tissue; no joint cavity Cartilaginous joints: bones joined by cartilage; no joint cavity Synovial joints: joint cavity present mainly axial skeleton

4 JOINTS (cont) FIBROUS Sutures: seams of cranial bones; (synostoses=fused bones) coronal, lambdoid, sagital sutures Syndesmoses: bones connected by ligaments between tibia and fibular, between radius & ulna Gomphoses: peg-in-socket; fibrous teeth in the alveolar socket

Synchondroses: bones joined by hyaline cartilage eg-epiphyseal plate. Symphyses: fibrocartilage pad between eg-pubic symphysis, intervertebral discs


7 Synovial Joints Those joints in which the articulating bones are separated by a fluid-containing joint cavity All are freely movable diarthroses Examples – all limb joints, and most joints of the body

8 Synovial Joints: General Structure
Synovial joints all have the following Articular cartilage Joint (synovial) cavity Articular capsule Synovial fluid Reinforcing ligaments


10 Range of Motion of Synovial Joints
nonaxial—slipping movements only uniaxial—movement in one plane biaxial—movement in two planes multiaxial—movement in three planes

11 Synovial Joints: Plane
intercarpal intertarsal carpometacarpal tarsometatarsal vertebrocostal intervertebral

12 Synovial Joints: Hinge
elbow interphalangeal (finger; toe) ankle (tib-fib w/ talus) knee—modified hinge

13 Synovial Joints: Pivot
atlantoaxial radioulnar

14 Synovial Joints: Condyloid
radiocarpal knuckle (metacarpophalangeal) metatarsophalangeal

15 Synovial Joints: Saddle
thumb (carpometacarpal)

16 Synovial Joints: Ball-and-Socket
shoulder (glenohumeral) hip (coxal)



19 muscle tendon bursae synovial cavity Fig , p. 656

20 muscle femur vein artery patella fat pad ligament tibia

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