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Gross Anatomy of the Muscular System

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1 Gross Anatomy of the Muscular System
Lab Week of February 18, 2008 Marieb & Mitchell: Exercise 15 Martini: Chapter 11

2 Organization of Skeletal Muscle Fibers
fascicles fibers fibers of a single fascicle always parallel fascicles of a muscle can be arranged in various ways

3 Muscles are classified by how the fascicles are organized
Parallel (e.g., biceps brachii muscle) most common arrangement Convergent (e.g.,pectoralis muscle) fascicles fan or triangle shaped, converge to attach

4 Muscles are classified by how the fascicles are organized
Pennate (unipennate, bipennate and multipennate) fasicles form angle toward tendon Circular (e.g.,orbicularis oris) sphincter, contracts to reduce diameter of opening

5 Origins and Insertions
The ends of skeletal muscles are always attached to other structures fixed end is called ORIGIN usually attached to bone or cartilage movable end is called INSERTION usually proximal to insertion

6 How are muscles named? location in the body Origin and Insertion
e.g., temporalis muscle Origin and Insertion first part = origin, 2nd part = insertion Fascicle Organization e.g., Rectus means “straight” e.g., transverse means “across” e.g., oblique means “oblique angle”

7 How are muscles named? Relative Position
e.g., superficialis, internus, lateralis, etc… Structural Characteristics (shape and size) e.g., deltoid, rhomboid, major, longus, etc… Action e.g., abductor, extensor, rotator, etc…

8 Muscular Actions Agonists (prime mover) Antagonist Synergists Fixators
responsible for a particular movement Antagonist against movement of agonist Synergists aid agonists, stabilize an action Fixators specialized synergists immobilize the origin of agonist so all tension is exerted at the insertion point

9 Muscles of the Head and Neck
Epicranius frontalis action: raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead

10 Muscles of the Head and Neck
Epicranius occipitalis action: tenses and pulls scalp posteriorly

11 Muscles of the Head and Neck
Orbicularis Oculi action: closes eye, squinting

12 Muscles of the Head and Neck
Orbicularis oris action: constricts mouth (whistle, kissing)

13 Muscles of the Head and Neck
Zygomaticus action: the elevates corners of mouth and upper lip smiling muscle antagonist to depressor anguli oris

14 Muscles of the Head and Neck
Levator Labii Superioris action: raises upper lip, opens lips

15 Muscles of the Head and Neck
Depressor Labii Inferioris action: depresses lower lip

16 Muscles of the Head and Neck
Depressor Anguli Oris action: draws corners of mouth down frowning muslce antagonist to zygomaticus

17 Muscles of the Head and Neck
Depressor Anguli Oris action: draws corners of mouth down frowning muslce antagonist to zygomaticus

18 Muscles of the Head and Neck
Masseter origin: zygomatic arch insertion: mandibular ramus action: elevates mandible closes jaw

19 Muscles of the Head and Neck
Temporalis action: elevates mandible closes jaw

20 Muscles of the Head and Neck
Sternocleidomastoid origin: clavicle or manubrium insertion: mastoid process action: together: flex neck 1 side: bends head towards shoulder and turns face to opposite side

21 Muscles of the Head and Neck
Scalenes origin: cervical vertebrae insertion: Ribs 1-2 action: elevates ribs, flexes neck

22 Muscles of the Head and Neck
Splenius Capitis action: extend and hyperextend head

23 Muscles of the Trunk and Back
Erector Spinae iliocostalis spinalis longissimus together: extends vertebral column along: lateral flexion

24 Muscles of the Trunk and Back
External Intercostals origin: rib above insertion: rib below action: elevates ribs inspiration

25 Muscles of the Trunk and Back
Internal Intercostals origin: rib below insertion: rib above action: depresses ribs breath out

26 Muscles of the Trunk and Back
Diaphragm origin: xiphoid process, cartilage of ribs 4-10, lumbar vertebrae action: expands thoracic cavity, compresses abdominopelvic cavity

27 Muscles of the Trunk and Back
Transverse Abdominus insertion: linea alba action: compresses abdominopelvic cavity

28 Muscles of the Trunk and Back
Internal Oblique insertion: linea alba action: compresses abdomen, depresses ribs, flexes or bends spine

29 Muscles of the Trunk and Back
External Oblique insertion: linea alba action: compresses abdomen, depresses ribs, flexes or bends spine

30 Muscles of the Trunk and Back
Rectus Abdominus origin: pubic symphesis insertion: xyphoid process action: depresses ribs, compresses abdomen, flexes vertebral column

31 Muscles of the Trunk and Back
Trapezius origin: midline of neck and back insertion: clavicles and scapular spines action: elevation, depression, rotation, adduction of scapula, extension of head

32 Muscles of the Trunk and Back
Rhomboid Major origin: T2-T5 spinous processes insertion: vertebral border of scapula action: adduction of scapula

33 Muscles of the Trunk and Back
Rhomboid Minor origin: C7 and T1 spinous process insertion: vertebral border of scapula action: adduction of scapula

34 Muscles of the Trunk and Back
Levator Scapulae origin: C1-4 transverse process insertion: vertebral border of scapula action: elevates scapula

35 Muscles of the Trunk and Back
Pectoralis Minor origin: anterior surface of ribs 3-5 insertion: coracoid process of scapula action: depresses and contracts scapular end of clavicle (in complement with subclavius muscle)

36 Muscles of the Trunk and Back
Serratus Anterior origin: ribs insertion: scapula action: abducts scapula, swings shoulder anteriorly

37 Gross Anatomy of the Muscular System
Lab Week of February 25, 2008 Marieb & Mitchell: Exercise 15 Martini: Chapter 11 MUSCLES OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES

38 Pectoralis Major Origin Insertion Action
Cartilages of ribs 2-6, body of sternum, inferior medial clavicle Insertion Humerus (greater tubercle and lip of intertubercular groove) Action Flex, adduct, medially rotate shoulder joint

39 Latissimus Dorsi Origin Insertion Action T6-12, lumbar, sacrum, ileum
Humerus (floor of intertubercular groove) Action Adduction, extension, medial rotation at the shoulder joint

40 Coracobrachialis Origin Insertion Action Coracoid process of scapula
Humerus (shaft) Action Adduct, flex at shoulder joint

41 Supraspinatus Origin Insertion Action Rotator cuff group
Supraspinous fossa of scapula Insertion Humerus (greater tubercle) Action Abduction at shoulder joint, stabilizes joint Rotator cuff group

42 Infraspinatus Origin Insertion Action Rotator cuff group
Infraspinous fossa of scapula Insertion Humerus (greater tubercle) Action Lateral rotation at shoulder joint Rotator cuff group

43 Teres Minor Origin Insertion Action Rotator cuff group
Lateral border of scapula Insertion Humerus (greater tubercle) Action Lateral rotation at shoulder joint, stabilizes Rotator cuff group

44 Subscapularis Origin Insertion Action Rotator Cuff Group
Subscapular fossa of scapula Insertion Humerus (lesser tubercle) Action Medial rotation at shoulder joint Rotator Cuff Group

45 Teres Major Origin Insertion Action Inferior angle of scapula
Humerus (lip of intertubercular groove) Action Extension, adduction, medial rotation at shoulder joint

46 Deltoid Origin Insertion Action Clavicle, scapula (spine and acromion)
Deltoid tuberosity of humerus Action Altogether  Abduction at shoulder joint Anterior  flexion, medial rotation at shoulder Posterior  extension, lateral rotation at shoulder

47 Biceps Brachii Origins Insertion Action Long head Short head
Supraglenoid tubercle of scapula Short head Coracoid process of scapula Insertion Tuberosity of radius Action Flex at elbow AND shoulder joint, supination

48 Brachialis Origin Insertion Action Humerus Ulna
Flexes forearm (elbow joint)

49 Triceps Brachii Origin Insertion Action
Long: Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula Lateral: humerus Medial: humerus Insertion Olecranon of Ulna (for all 3) Action Long: extension elbow joint, extension and adduction at shoulder joint Lateral and Medial: extension at elbow joint

50 Brachioradialis Origin Insertion Action Distal humerus radius
Flexion at elbow joint

51 Pronator Teres Action Pronation (forearm)

52 Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Action Flex, adduct wrist

53 Flexor Carpi Radialis Action Flex, abduct wrist

54 Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
Action Flexion at proximal interphalangeal Flexion at metacarpophalangeal Flexion at wrist

55 Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
Action Extend, abduct wrist

56 Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
Action Extend, abduct wrist

57 Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Action Extend, adduct wrist

58 Extensor Digitorum Action Extension at finger joints and wrist joints

59 Adam Packet 1: muscles of the head, neck, chest and back
Using the Adam software, identify the muscles in the packet (pgs 8-16). Answer questions 1-15 on a SEPARATE piece of notebook paper and turn it in by NEXT LAB PERIOD. NOTE: You will find the answers in Exercise 15 of Marieb and Chapter 11 of Martini.

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