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Introduction to Content Management Content Management Systems (CMS) is a phrase that refers to any way in which a user can organize electronic information.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Content Management Content Management Systems (CMS) is a phrase that refers to any way in which a user can organize electronic information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Content Management Content Management Systems (CMS) is a phrase that refers to any way in which a user can organize electronic information. CMS’ are used by webmasters to easily manage and update their website and are a great option for people that do not know much about code. By Fastwpdesign 2013

2 CMS Popularity

3 Top 5 Open Source Content Management system Here is 5 widely used and know Content Management system not in any particular order. WordPress Drupal Joomla Text Pattern Movable Type Video

4 Late 1997 - TYPO3’s development was started from scratch by Kasper Skårhøj in 1997. August 1999 went open source. Sep 1999 - IntraNet Solutions launched Xpedio, the industry’s first end-to-end Web content management system, in September 1999. Xpedio is based on core IntraNet Solutions technology, combined with technology obtained from the acquisition of Info Access in September. 2000- SilverStripe software is developed by SilverStripe Limited, a website development company founded in 2000. On 3 February 2007, SilverStripe 2.0.0 was released publicly as free and open source software. October 2001 - Movable Type is a weblog publishing system developed by the company Six Apart version 1.0 was publicly released. 2001 – Plone, a free and open source content management system that is built on top of the Zope application server. January 2001 – Initial Release of Drupal, Originally written by Dries Buytaert as a message board, Drupal became an open source project in 2001. May 2003 – WordPress 0.71-gold was released, available for download in the official WordPress Release Archive page. First Version official version of WordPress Released on January 2004. July 2004 - CMS Made Simple is built using PHP that provides website developers with a simple, easy to use utility to allow building semi-static website. 2003 – Textpattern is an open source content management system originally developed by Dean Allen, written in PHP using a MySQL database. September 2005 – Joomla 1.0 was released. 2005 – dotCMS is a CMS for building/managing websites, content and content driven web application. January 2007 – Frog CMS is an open source content management system originally developed by the company Philippe Archambault, is a port of the Ruby on Rails CMS known as Radiant. April 2011 -Melody 1.0 Released, which is based on Movable Type. Open Source CMS Timeline



7 allows non-technical staff the ability to update web site content without knowing HTML, FTP, etc. easy-to-use WYSIWYG tools, similar to Word (code view as well) workflow / approval -- can be as complex or as simple as desired each unit decides on the workflow that best meets their needs individuals who have natural responsibility for content can maintain that content themselves (with approval process if desired) consistent visual identity (CLF) standards-based code archiving / backup / recovery turnover and succession planning content more likely to be kept up-to-date (review reminders) information more easily found more cohesive user experience makes site maintenance and (re-)development easier and far less costly web professionals are freed to focus on higher-value tasks, i.e. developing interactive functionality, improving site usability Key Benefits of CMS Video

8 Downside Support Security Templates Speed

9 Why use Word Press?Why use Word Press? (Blogging) Welcome to Why Use WordPress to Power Your Small Business Website?

10 Installing a local version of WordPress on Windows 1)Download the application - 2)Install the application. 3)Run the application. ** Installing a WordPress Application on a USB Stick ** 1)Download the application - 2)Install the application on a USB Stick. 3)Run the application. Installing on a local server - Xampp 1) Download Word Press - 2) Download XAMPP portable - 3) Install Xampp on a USB or Portable drive. 4) In the ‘htdocs’ folder in Xampp create a folder called ‘wordpress’ and unzip the downloaded WordPress into that folder. 5) Read the WordPress installation guide in the folder.

11 Notes When you install using Xampp you have to go to htdocs folder and create a folder to store the WordPress in. ie wp. Find the download of WordPress which will be a zip file. Unzip this file to the folder you created. Open the folder you created and check to see if it has unzipped into the folder. You might find that it has created a folder in your folder called WordPress and put all of the files in there. If this is the case then select all of the files and folders in that folder. Cut them and paste them into your folder. Example e:/xampp/htdocs/wp/wordpress is the folder where all the files are stored Select all files and folders and cut them. Then navigate to e:/xampp/htdocs/wp and then paste them into this folder. Delete the WordPress folder when you have done it. Read the ‘readme’ file. Start up Xampp and then type in the following into your browser Localhost/wp/wp-admin/install.php to install WordPress.

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