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Vocabulary #8 F. lurk lurk (verb) to stay hidden, usually ready to attack or spring out suddenly. At night, many children imagine that monsters lurk in.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary #8 F. lurk lurk (verb) to stay hidden, usually ready to attack or spring out suddenly. At night, many children imagine that monsters lurk in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary #8 F

2 lurk lurk (verb) to stay hidden, usually ready to attack or spring out suddenly. At night, many children imagine that monsters lurk in their bedroom closet. lurk

3 surpass surpass (verb) to do better; be greater than This season’s crops of apples should easily surpass last year’s. surpass

4 monotonous monotonous(adjective) having little or no change; boring because of sameness The slow, constant movement of the waves was monotonous. monotonous

5 remnant remnant (noun) that which remains or is left over Mom made pot holders from a remnant of cloth. remnant

6 confine confine (verb) keep or hold within limits; to restrict 2. to keep physically restricted; to shut up We built a fence to confine our dog to the yard. confine

7 biodegradable biodegradable (adj.) readily broken down or rotted, especially by the action of bacteria Paper is biodegradable, but most plastic is not. biodegradable

8 grave grave ( adjective) 1. important; worthy of being deeply considered; serious 2. dangerous; threatening The judge spoke to the jury in a grave tone. grave

9 trial trial (noun) 1.the act of trying or testing; something that causes hardship The new plane did extremely well on its first trial. 2. (adj) of or for a trial or test The plan had a trial run today. trial

10 unruly unruly (adjective) hard to control; disobedient The wild animals in the forest were unruly. unruly

11 primitive primitive (adjective) 1. of or belonging to earliest times We studied primitive humans. 2. very simple Clinics in Haiti could only provide primitive treatment. primitive

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