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D3 Tambal – Tolentino THYROID CA
Salient Features 39 year old female, No exophthalmos, 25x20cm multinodular anterolateral neck mass which moves with deglutition with a 5x3cm hard nodule, palpable cervical adenopathies, no fever, no weight loss, no tremors, no easy fatigability, no abdominal pain
Clinical Impression Thyroid Cancer
Differential Diagnosis
Papillary Cancer The Most Common Thyroid Cancer arises as an irregular, solid or cystic mass that arises from otherwise normal thyroid tissue Cervical metastasis (spread to lymph nodes in the neck) are present in 50% of small tumors and in over 75% of the larger thyroid cancers Distant metastasis (spread) is uncommon, but lung and bone are the most common sites
Characteristics of Papillary Thyroid Cancer
Peak onset ages 30 through 50 Females more common than males by 3 to 1 ratio Prognosis directly related to tumor size [less than 1.5 cm (1/2 inch) good prognosis] Accounts for 85% of thyroid cancers due to radiation exposure Spread to lymph nodes of the neck present in more than 50% of cases Distant spread (to lungs or bones) is very uncommon Overall cure rate very
Differential Diagnosis
Follicular Cancer The Second Most Common Type of Thyroid Cancer considered more malignant (aggressive) than papillary carcinoma It occurs in a slightly older age group than papillary and is also less common in children Mortality is related to the degree of vascular invasion Vascular invasion is characteristic for follicular carcinoma and therefore distant metastasis is more common Lung, bone, brain, liver, bladder, and skin are potential sites of distant spread Lymph node involvement is far less common than in papillary carcinoma.
Characteristics of Follicular Thyroid Cancer
Peak onset ages 40 through 60 Females more common than males by 3 to 1 ratio Prognosis directly related to tumor size [less than 1.0 cm (3/8 inch) good prognosis] Rarely associated with radiation exposure Spread to lymph nodes is uncommon (~10%) Invasion into vascular structures (veins and arteries) within the thyroid gland is common Distant spread (to lungs or bones) is uncommon, but more common than with papillary cancer Overall cure rate high (near 95% for small lesions in young patients), decreases with advanced age
Differential Diagnosis
Medullary Cancer The Third Most Common Thyroid Cancer originates from the parafollicular cells (also called C cells) of the thyroid This cancer has a much lower cure rate than does the "well differentiated" thyroid cancers (papillary and follicular) Overall 10 year survival rates are 90% when all the disease is confined to the thyroid gland, 70% with spread to cervical lymph nodes, and 20 when spread to distant sites is present.
Characteristics of Medullary Thyroid Cancer
Occurs in 4 clinical settings: Sporadic, MEN II-A, MEN II-B, Inherited medullary carcinoma without associated endocrinopathies Females more common than males (except for inherited cancers) Regional metastases (spread to neck lymph nodes) occurs early in the disease Spread to distant organs (metastasis) occurs late and can be to the liver, bone, brain, and adrenal medulla Not associated with radiation exposure Usually originates in the upper central lobe of the thyroid Poor prognostic factors include age >50, male, distant spread (metastases), and when seen in patients with other endocrine tumors due to MEN II-B syndrome. Residual disease (following surgery) or recurrence can be detected by measuring calcitonin (a hormone that should be measured every 4 months for the first few years and then every 6 months for ever)
Differential Diagnosis
Anaplastic Cancer The Least Common Thyroid Cancer Anaplastic tumors are the least common and most deadly of all thyroid cancers Only 10% of patients are alive 3 years after it is diagnosed. Most patients with anaplastic thyroid cancer do not live one year from the day they are diagnosed. Anaplastic thyroid cancer often arises within a more differentiated thyroid cancer or even within a goiter. Cervical metastasis (the spread of the cancer to lymph nodes in the neck) are present in the vast majority (over 90%) of cases at the time of diagnosis. The presence of lymph node metastasis in these cervical areas causes a higher recurrence rate and is predictive of a high mortality rate.
Characteristics of Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer
Peak onset age is 65 and older. It's very rare in young patients. It's more common in males than females by 2 to 1 ratio. It typically presents as rapidly growing neck mass. It can occur many years after radiation exposure. The spread to lymph nodes of the neck is present in more than 90% of cases. The distant spread (to lungs or bones) is very common even when it's first diagnosed. The overall cure rate is very low. It typically requires a very aggressive treatment plan with surgery, radiation, and sometimes even chemotherapy. It often requires a tracheostomy to maintain the patient's airway.
Clinical Diagnosis Papillary Cancer
What work ups are needed, if any?
MALIGNANT VS. BENIGN History taking Physical examination
Laboratory evaluation Fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB)
Most important diagnostic tool in evaluating thyroid nodules and should be the first intervention Inexpensive, easy to perform, causes few complications
Successful diagnosis by the cytologist depends on accurate sampling of the nodule and specimen cellularity At least 3 aspirations Ensure adequacy of specimen Minimize false negative results
A sensitive TSH assay is useful in the evaluation of solitary thyroid nodules Benign = low serum TSH Malignant = cannot be determined
SERUM THYROGLOBULIN Not helpful diagnostically
Elevated in most benign thyroid conditions Other thyroid function tests are usually not necessary in the initial workup
SERUM CALCITONIN Elevated levels are highly suggestive of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) Once the mainstay in the diagnosis of FMTC Replaced by sensitive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays for germline mutations in the RET proto-oncogene Currently used as tumor markers to monitor patients who have been treated for MTC
Treatment Options
Surgical Treatment thyroid lobectomy, isthmusectomy, and removal of any pyramidal lobe or adjacent lymph node total or near-total thyroidectomy Patients with a nodule that may be papillary cancer should be treated by thyroid lobectomy, isthmusectomy, and removal of any pyramidal lobe or adjacent lymph nodes Most authors agree that patients with high-risk tumors (judged by any of the classification systems discussed above) or bilateral tumors should undergo total or near-total thyroidectomy. When patients are found to have a minimal papillary thyroid carcinoma in a thyroid specimen removed for other reasons, unilateral thyroid lobectomy and isthmusectomy is usually considered to be adequate treatment, unless the tumor has evidence of angioinvasion, multifocality, or positive margins. The optimal surgical strategy in the majority of patients with low-risk (small, unilateral) cancers remains controversial. The focus of the debate centers around outcome data and risks associated with either lobectomy or total thyroidectomy in this group of patients.Proponents of total thyroidectomy argue that the procedure (1) enables one to use RAI to effectively detect and treat residual thyroid tissue or metastatic disease; (2) makes the serum Tg level a more sensitive marker of recurrent or persistent disease; (3) eliminates the contralateral occult cancers as sites of recurrence (because up to 85% of tumors are multifocal); (4) reduces the risk of recurrence and improves survival; (5) decreases the 1% risk of progression to undifferentiated or anaplastic thyroid cancer; and (6) reduces the need for reoperative surgery with its attendant risk of increased complication rates.32Investigators that favor lobectomy argue that (1) total thyroidectomy is associated with a higher complication rate than lobectomy; (2) recurrence in the remaining thyroid tissue is unusual (5%) and most are curable by surgery; (3) tumor multicentricity seems to have little prognostic significance; and (4) patients who have undergone lesser procedures, such as lobectomy, still have an excell If intraoperative frozen-section examination of a lymph node or of the primary tumor confirms carcinoma, completion of total or near-total thyroidectomy should be performed
Non- Surgical approach
External Beam Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy Radioiodine Therapy TSH Suppresion Therapy External beam radiotherapy is occasionally required to control unresectable, locally invasive or recurrent disease42 and to treat metastases in support bones to decrease the risk of fractures. It also is of value for the treatment and control of pain from bony metastases when there is minimal or no RAIU. Single and multidrug chemotherapy has been used with little success in disseminated thyroid cancer. Adriamycin and Taxol are the most frequently used agents RADIOIODINE TREATMENTWell-differentiated thyroid cancer still incorporates radioiodine, though less efficiently than normal thyroid follic- ular cells. Radioiodine uptake is determined primarily by expression of the NIS and is stimulated by TSH, requiring expression of the TSH-R. The reten- tion time for radioactivity is influenced by the extent to which the tumor retains differentiated functions such as iodide trapping and organification. After near-total thyroidectomy, substantial thyroid tissue often remains, particularly in the thyroid bed and surrounding the parathyroid glands. Consequently, 131I ablation is necessary to eliminate remaining normal thy- roid tissue and to treat residual tumor cells.IndicationsThe use of therapeutic doses of radioiodine remains an area of controversy in thyroid cancer management. However, postoperative thyroid ablation and radioiodine treatment of known residual PTC or FTC clearly reduces recurrence rates but has a smaller impact on mortality, par- ticularly in patients at relatively low risk. This low-risk group includes most patients with stage 1 PTC with primary tumors <1.5 cm in size. For patients with larger papillary tumors, spread to the adjacent lymph nodes, FTC, or evidence of metastases, thyroid ablation and radioiodine treatment are generally indicated. As most tumors are still TSH-respon- sive, levothyroxine suppression of TSH is a mainstay of thyroid cancer treat- ment. Though TSH suppression clearly provides therapeutic benefit, there are no prospective studies that identify the optimal level of TSH suppres- sion. A reasonable goal is to suppress TSH as much as possible without subjecting the patient to unnecessary side effects from excess thyroid hor- mone, such as atrial fibrillation, osteopenia, anxiety, and other manifesta- tions of thyrotoxicosis. For patients at low risk of recurrence, TSH should be suppressed into the low but detectable range (0.1–0.5 IU/L). For patients at high risk of recurrence or with known metastatic disease, complete TSH suppression is indicated if there are no strong contraindications to mild thyrotoxicosis. In this instance, unbound T4 must also be monitored to avoid excessive treatment.
How would you manage the patient. Immediate postop
How would you manage the patient? Immediate postop? In the next 4 to 6 weeks? Long term plans?
Total Thyroidectomy vs. Less than Total Thyroidectomy
Surgical Treatment Total Thyroidectomy vs. Less than Total Thyroidectomy INDICATIONS for TOTAL THYROIDECTOMY Patients older than 40 years with papillary or follicular carcinoma 2) Anyone with a thyroid nodule with a history of irradiation 3) Patients with bilateral disease
Postoperative therapy
Radioiodine Therapy- 75% of patients with metastatic differentiated thyroid CA can be detected and treated by 131I External Beam Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy - required occasionally to control unresectable locally invasive or recurrent disease -treatment and control of pain from bony metastases when there is no appreciable radioiodine uptake. Thyroid Hormone – suppress and reduce the growth stimulus for any possible residual thyroid cancer cells -Low-risk patients: TSH levels of 0.1µU/L -High-risk patients: <0.1µU/L
Follow-Up -Initially at 6-month intervals Radioactive iodine
-Scan at 4-6 weeks postoperatively -repeat scan at 6-12 months after ablation -repeat scan at 1 year -and every 2 years thereafter Thyroglobulin Measurement -Initially at 6-month intervals - annually if the patient is clinically disease free - >2 ng/mL ; suggestive of metastatic disease or persistent normal thyroid tissue
Imaging -6 to 12 months after remnant ablation with high or
intermediate risk 6 and 12 months; cervical US to evaluate the thyroid bed and central and lateral cervical nodal compartments; Annually for at least 3 to 5 years, depending on the patients’ risk
Complications of Radioactive Iodine Therapy (131I) and Doses at Which They Are Observed
Acute Long term Neck pain, swelling, and tenderness Hematologic Bone marrow suppression (>500 mCi) Leukemia (>1000 mCi) Thyroiditis (if remnant present) Fertility Ovarian/testicular damage, infertility Increased spontaneous abortion rate Sialadenitis (50–450 mCi), taste dysfunction Pulmonary fibrosis Hemorrhage (brain metastases) Chronic sialadenitis, nodules, taste dysfunction Cerebral edema (brain metastases, 200 mCi) Increased risk of cancer: Anaplastic thyroid cancer, Gastric cancer, Hepatocellular cancer, Lung cancer, Breast cancer (>1000 mCi), Bladder cancer Nausea and vomiting (50–450 mCi) Hypothyroidism Bone marrow suppression (200 mCi)
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