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AMSED The Association For Migration, Solidarity, and Exchanges for Development Good practices at local level to facilitate the integration of migrants.

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Presentation on theme: "AMSED The Association For Migration, Solidarity, and Exchanges for Development Good practices at local level to facilitate the integration of migrants."— Presentation transcript:

1 AMSED The Association For Migration, Solidarity, and Exchanges for Development Good practices at local level to facilitate the integration of migrants in France

2 History AMSED, located in Strasbourg, France, was started in 1998, and immediately began its work with development in Algeria. Since then AMSED has become a prominent leader in the field of Euro- Mediterranean relations and youth work, contributing its services to countless exchanges and projects.

3 What does AMSED do? International workcamps International exchanges and training Support for youth and youth activities Solidarity tourism Sponsorship for employment Public writer Outdoor activities in a suburb

4 International workcamps A stay of two to three weeks spent in direct contact with the local population in a dynamic of cultural exchange, sharing and solidarity… Mornings of manual work during which you assist in a project that benefits the local community or association. Sharing communal life with a group of 10 to 20 volunteers where everyone joins in with the tasks of everyday life

5 Where? France Nepal Morocco Burkina Faso Bolivia


7 International Exchanges and Training AMSED participates in international exchanges and trainings, as well as facilitates international training sessions These training sessions range in topics from the European Programs previous “Youth in Action” and “Euro-Med Youth” actually Erasmus +, to vocational training for development

8 Examples Training of Beekeepers in Algeria: facilitated by French beekeepers to train interested Algerians how to maintain hives and make honey in 2006 Cheese making: facilitated by French cheese artisans to educate interested Algerians in the production of cheese and care of animals in 2005-2006 Transformation and customization of used textile: ongoing project for non qualified women in Algeria

9 Solidarity Tourism To promote development through economic stimulation, as well as intercultural experiences through immersion Part of the costs go to finance local development projects

10 Support for Youth and Youth Activities This program provides information and to support youth looking to develop their own project This support is in the form of information and dialogue and advice on how to become involved and develop a European project

11 Context of migration in France

12 Distribution of migrants by country of birth in 2009 2009 in %Number Europe37,72 049 985 EU (27)33,51 817 905 Spain4,6252 259 Italy5,7311 229 Portugal10,8584 714 UK2,8151 405 Other EU member States9,5518 298 Other European countries4,3232 079 Africa 42,72 317 341 Algeria13,3721 796 Morocco12,2663 985 Tunisia4,4236 480 Other African countries12,8695 081 Asia14,2773 302 Turkey4,5242 258 Cambodge, Laos, Vietnam3,0162 061 Other Asian countries6,8368 983 America5,4292 213 Total 100,0 5 432 841 Total population in 2013: 63.9 M Total population in 2009: 62.8 M

13 Challenges related to migration Language barrier Less favourable housing conditions, more overpopulated, «ghettos» in the suburbs surrondings urban centers Unemployment, unskilled jobs, no orientation to fight against discrimination in the labor market,no “positive discrimination” no employment quotas”

14 Our aim is to … Facilitate the access to their rights by tackling the challenges of inclusion and integration

15 Good practices at local level to facilitate the integration of migrants

16 Sponsors For Employment Started in 2004, this program mobilizes volunteers to help those in search of a job, often women. Through their know-how, these volunteers give advice, moral support, and guidance in an effort to help return those in need to employment.

17 Result In 2013 117 people followed 48 found job (cleaning, home care, baby-sitting, delivery, factory work, catering …)

18 Mediation for access to rights and health in the suburb of Cronenbourg Individualized support and administrative assistance Guiding to specialized services and steps to take, translating, writing/filling the files in need. Ex: affidavit, request for information, apply for social housing, request for social aid / judicial process…

19 Result In 2013 313 people in difficulty benefited from this service.

20 Public Writer Designed for those who struggle with the writing or reading the French language, this permanent program provides aid for interpreting documents, filling out official forms, and provides information to those in need 245 people in 2013. Basic computer courses for elder people

21 Outdoor activities in high migrant density suburb To fight against social isolation and to promote cultural tolerance and diversity During one week in summer, we organize intercultural artistic workshops in cooperation with national and international partners.


23 CONTACT INFORMATION For more information please see our website: Or call or e-mail!   or Association AMSED 17, Rue de Boston, STRASBOURG France, 67 000


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