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1 Minnesota MSP Grants June 2007 Leader Learning x Teacher Learning for Student Success Highlighting Professional Development Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School.

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1 1 Minnesota MSP Grants June 2007 Leader Learning x Teacher Learning for Student Success Highlighting Professional Development Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District Grant: Professional Development in Mathematics

2 2 DISTRICT DEMOGRAPHICS  Suburb of Minneapolis  10,600 Students  10 Elementary Schools, 3 Junior Highs, 1 High School  22% Free and Reduced Lunch  25% Minority; 9% ESL; 11% Special Education

3 3 Guarantee for Better Student Learning ADOPTION-INITIATION Opening up the Process IMPLEMENTATION Building Capacity and Rethinking Leadership INCORPORATION Sustaining Capacity and Leadership WHAT WE TEACH HOW WE TEACH IT HOW WE MEASURE IT NO SMALL TASK: CHANGING MATH CHANGING MINDS

4 4 Mathematical Knowledge Required for Teaching The demands of teaching require that teachers possess a specialized knowledge of mathematics that differs from common content knowledge. The ability to decompress or “unpack” mathematical concepts is essential as teachers strive to manage the development of their students’ understanding. Hence, teaching requires a pedagogical content knowledge comprised of a much deeper understanding of mathematics than has been typically recognized.

5 5 CURRICULUM RENEWAL A Vision For Improvement Action Taken Organizational Structure Strategic Plan District Math Coordinator Teaching Practices Focus on Teaching Rather than Teachers Professional Development Increased Professional Development Budget AllocationFederal Title Programs Leadership Training for Principals, Mentors for Elementary, and Board of Education


7 7 A Community of Learners This project was strengthened by the perspectives and knowledge the team brought to the collaboration. The learning was not only for the participants— the planning enriched the practices of all involved. -Nancy Nutting, consultant

8 8 Elementary Math Mentor Model Team of 5-7 teachers in each building, including Special Education and Title 1 staff Facilitate late start sessions examining student work Help set pacing schedule Develop common assessments Share expectations and enthusiasm for the curriculum Assist in Summer 2005 Institute and facilitate complete use of the curriculum in each building in 2005-2006

9 9 Sioux Trail Team My own understanding has grown and now I am able to take my students to a higher level because I am at a higher level. Had I just had an inservice on a curriculum, I would have only taken it as far as my own understanding would allow. Without this deeper understanding, my teaching would have reverted to past habits that were more comfortable. Learning the math content at a deeper level has increased my ability to help students understand mathematical concepts.

10 10 2004-2006 Professional Development Building capacity among teachers through Summer Institutes, Professional Development Days, Late Start Days, Department Meetings and Staff Meetings Rethinking leadership among administrators and teachers through administrative sessions focused on mathematics and collegial work among staff

11 11 Summer Institute 2004 Over 75 teachers from all elementary school sites (including Title I and Special Ed) Ten full days in June, 2004  Learning components of Everyday Mathematics  Learning significant math content: number sense, computation, geometry, algebraic concepts  Working as school teams and grade level teams

12 District 191 Elementary Staff Development in Mathematics - 2004-05 Sept. 1 ½ day Professional Development Day All elementary teachers/admin 5 schools AM, 5 schools PM – at grade band sites Mentors from 5 schools AM. 5 schools PM, meet at specified site Oct. 18 ½ day Professional Development Day All elementary teachers/admin 5 schools AM, 5 schools PM – at grade band sites Mentors from 5 schools AM. 5 schools PM, meet at specified site Jan. 28 ½ day Professional Development Day All elementary teachers/admin 5 schools AM, 5 schools PM – at grade band sites Mentors: Grades 3-6 AM and K-2 PM, at Vista View Feb. 11 ½ day Professional Development Day All elementary teachers/admin 5 schools AM, 5 schools PM – at grade band sites Mentors: Grades K-2 AM and 3-6 PM, at Vista View School based Study Groups – Reading Helping Children Learn Mathematics Sept 23 2 hr. late start – mentors + rest of staff at school sites Focus on Student Work from Everyday Math Nov. 10 2 hr. late start – mentors + rest of staff at school sites Focus on Student Work from Everyday Math Dec. 7 2 hr. late start Building Plans Mar. 2 2 hr. late start – mentors + rest of staff at school sites Focus on Student Work from Everyday Math May 10 2 hr. late start – mentors + rest of staff at school sites Focus on Student Work from Everyday Math Sept. 14 or 15 Math Mentors meet in grade band groups Nov. 3 or 4 Math Mentors meet in grade band groups Feb. 22 or 23 Math Mentors meet in grade band groups April 18 or 22 Math Mentors meet in grade band groups School based Staff Meetings may include professional development in mathematics and discussion of math program

13 13 Summer Institute 2005 Extensive training for all Elementary Staff Mentors assist their colleagues with lessons learned Content focused on number sense, algebraic thinking, and geometry Extended support from University/College professors, publisher consultants, and teacher experts

14 14 Summer 2005 Teacher Quotes I felt a lot of aha’s throughout the two weeks. Finally many math concepts had meaning to me. …Math for me has always been teaching/learning a traditional algorithm, mastering it, and then moving on. Now, I’ve learned to connect math to become more meaningful and understandable

15 15 Summer 2005 Teacher Quotes With the addition of each lesson, discussion, and activity, my knowledge and confidence has increased. I’ve become more flexible in my own mathematical thinking.

16 16 Summer 2005 Evaluation My questions and concerns were effectively addressed during the training. I learned from the knowledge and experiences of the others in the room. I gained new knowledge and/or skills to teach math. I am confident about my ability to teach Everyday Math. Over 90% of teachers responded strongly agree or agree to:

17 17 District 191 Elementary Staff Development in Mathematics - 2005-06

18 18 Summer Institute 2006 Approximately 120 K-8 teachers attending Teachers selected 2 math content areas to study in depth throughout the 8 days Instructional concerns include the following: differentiating instruction, Special Education, ELL, Title I, Gifted & Talented, Struggling Students, and Math Games

19 19 Administrators Three professional development sessions –Set goals, develop strategies –Experience mathematics from the curriculum materials –Discuss research about best instructional practices in mathematics –Examine tools to help lead the implementation of new learning materials

20 20 Quote - Elementary Teacher I have a clearer understanding about what my students know and how to address their missing information or misunderstandings. I have the materials and information to move students further in math understandings than ever before. I believe my students are developing a stronger understanding of mathematics, its application and the relationships within math topics.

21 21 CAREI Findings Students in Math Mentor classrooms averaged higher change scores across all three grade-band groups (grade 3 to 4; grade 4 to 5; grade 5 to 6). A significant statistical difference was found for the 4th to 5th grade and 5th to 6th grade groups which shows that students in Math Mentor classrooms increased their composite mathematics standard scores on the ITBS at a rate greater than that of their peers in non-Math Mentor classrooms.

22 22 CAREI Findings There appears to be a difference in the level of questioning Math Mentors use in interacting with their students about mathematics that is not as prevalent in non-Math Mentor classrooms. Math Mentors, in their second year of implementation, generally engage students in higher order thinking and address the mathematical content in a deeper way than their colleagues.

23 23 CAREI Findings District 191’s elementary mathematics teachers generally feel that students are having greater success and are more excited about mathematics when compared to previous classes. They feel that students with high and average mathematical abilities are having more success using Everyday Math, but have concerns about how students with low mathematical abilities are faring with the Everyday Math curriculum. Teachers are very confident in the ability of Everyday Math to help students meet grade level standards and in their own abilities to accurately assess student learning.

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