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 50 years ago people were living in tents in the desert  Stumble across enormous oil reservoirs  Sell oil as a main supplier to U.S.A.  Running out.

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Presentation on theme: " 50 years ago people were living in tents in the desert  Stumble across enormous oil reservoirs  Sell oil as a main supplier to U.S.A.  Running out."— Presentation transcript:


2  50 years ago people were living in tents in the desert  Stumble across enormous oil reservoirs  Sell oil as a main supplier to U.S.A.  Running out of resources  Turning to tourism  Building fast and carelessly  Rapid growth cannot be maintained

3  Large construction projects emitting large amounts of gas  Transporting oil in tankers require fuel for tankers which emits more gas  Desalination plants emit vast quantities of CO2  Rapid Growth calls for more energy meaning more pollution.

4  Desalination plants pour large amounts of heated toxic sludge in Persian Gulf.  Sand from Palm Islands releases silt into water that buries essential sea grass.  E. Coli bacteria has been illegally disposed of into the sea.  ‘Cruddy’ water is perfect habitat for bacteria  “It’s a cesspool. Our tests show too many E. Coli to count. It’s like swimming in a toilet. Keith Mutch- Offshore Sailing Club owner.

5  Waste Management cannot keep up with rapid growth.  One incident where a waste management truck dumped waste down the drain that led to a suburb.  Waste has been dumped into the ocean which provides proper habitat for E. Coli virus to thrive and flourish.

6  Desalinate an equivalent of 4 billion bottles of water a day. That is equivalent to 330,000,000 gallons of water.  Pump huge amounts of heated toxic sludge from the process into the gulf.  Salinity is at lethal level. 47,000 parts per million.  Desalination plants are responsible for 40% of CO2 emissions in Dubai

7  Informing kids.  Using solar energy.  Building rainwater storage towers.  Build by code.  Build more cities like Masdar.  Alternative energy sources.

8  Oil is Dubai’s main energy source.  Relies on imported fuel. As their reserves are shrinking  Electricity is also a main energy source.  Dubai uses 6,161 megawatts of energy a day as of 2010.  The max capacity is 7,830 megawatts.  Dubai is trying to establish civil nuclear generator.

9  Trying to establish 4 civil nuclear power plants.  Make up for 20% of Dubai’s energy income.  Trying to diversify energy incomes to make less dependent.  Nuclear Power gives off less emissions.

10  Many surrounding countries have terrorists.  This might make Dubai an eye catcher.  Radiation meltdown can be dangerous.

11  peaceful-nuclear-power  < .   .  environment/28dubai.html

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