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Degree and Curriculum Options: Doctoral Level Focus David Gotthelf, Ph.D., NCSP Newton Public Schools Newton, Massachusetts.

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Presentation on theme: "Degree and Curriculum Options: Doctoral Level Focus David Gotthelf, Ph.D., NCSP Newton Public Schools Newton, Massachusetts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Degree and Curriculum Options: Doctoral Level Focus David Gotthelf, Ph.D., NCSP Newton Public Schools Newton, Massachusetts

2  How to balance student needs with multiple credentialing requirements?  What is the focus of the curriculum?  What to include in the curriculum?  Health Service Providers? Legislative efforts?  What will help students to be competitive on the job market?  Internship & credentialing requirements

3  Newton Public Schools is a large suburb just west of Boston ◦ 85,000 residents  Majority are high SES  Many are in health care and/or mental health care ◦ Over 13,000 students  15 elementary schools  4 middle schools  2 high schools  About 25% of our students are on 504 plans or IEPs.

4  The demand for mental health services has increased significantly along with the mental health needs: ◦ ASD ◦ Anxiety and Stress in and out of school ◦ Trauma related to family dysfunction  At-Risk behaviors, including suicide and homicide  Newton: 3 completed suicides this year, including one last week.

5  Neuropsychological approach to assessment  RTI approach to social/emotional learning ◦ Awareness and use of evidence-based curriculum ◦ Training school psychologists to be able to train teachers and administrators  Ability to assess at-risk behaviors

6  NPS has 22 school psychologists  11 are licensed HSPs; 13 are doctoral level  All are building-based, providing assessment, direct service, and consultation.  We have a department head and meet as a department on a regular basis.  Given the increasing mental health demands, we are finding it less helpful to train practicum students, and more helpful to have doctoral level interns.

7  NPS working collaboratively with local training programs and the MSPA in an effort to have the Massachusetts Licensing Board recognize schools as bona fide doctoral level intern settings.  NPS applied for and has been recognized by MA Licensing Board as a Health Service Setting  NPS is moving forward regarding stipends and recognition by APPIC and the APA  NPS has testified in support of legislation regarding schools as internship sites.


9  Working knowledge of basic neuropsychological assessment instruments  Risk assessment training  Experience working with special populations, particularly students with ASD.  RTI approach to SEL and the ability to train teachers and staff.  Consultation training and experience

10  Establishment of a working relationship between the state Dept. of Education and the state licensing board. ◦ NASP and state school psychology associations taking leadership roles in this area  Ensuring that internship credentials are based on realistic needs, not policies that are actually unnecessary. ◦ Example: Schools do not need to have a psychology department, a requirement of the MA Licensing Brd.  Making sure schools and other internship sites actually practice what they preach.

11  What outcome does this group desire?  How do we set an action plan?

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