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Prasun Sinha Faculty Advisor, Sankalpa India (also Associate Prof., CSE) Reaching Out through Innovations.

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Presentation on theme: "Prasun Sinha Faculty Advisor, Sankalpa India (also Associate Prof., CSE) Reaching Out through Innovations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prasun Sinha Faculty Advisor, Sankalpa India (also Associate Prof., CSE) Reaching Out through Innovations

2 What is holding back the country that once was the epicenter of knowledge? Low literacy rate: 60% (US: 99%) 15% of students reach high-school Diseases Many severe diseases: measles, tuberculosis, polio, malaria, cholera 2.47 million HIV+ Malnutrition 5.6 million child deaths every year 50% of children underweight (similar to sub-saharan Africa) Poverty 37% below poverty line

3 Impact of Contributions from Indian Americans Education Health Sanitation Agriculture Energy Relief Efforts Sanskardham Vidyalaya for Hearing Impaired, Mumbai suburb (supported by, Columbus) Sukhdev Raj Soin Hospital, Haryana (non-profit, by Ohio based Rajesh K. Soin)

4 Change through Innovations Feel the pulse Travel, read, think, interact Come up with brilliant ideas to address the problems considering unique constraints Example 1: Micro-financing: Grameen Bank (Prof. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize, 2006) Grameen Bank supported businesses In Bangladesh

5 Example 2: Lifestraw : $2, 20 liters per day, 1 year

6 Vermitank Converts biodegradable garbage into best quality organic manure Vermibox For houses without courtyard. Converts biodegradable garbage into manure Example 3: Vermibox and Vermitank

7 Example 4: Parabolic-Mirror Community Cooker, Bhadal, Narmada Valley

8 Example 5: Dannon in Bangladesh: Cooler bags and Microplants Coolerbag equipped salespersonChildren enjoying Shokti-doi (Energy Yogurt)

9 My Appeal (Summary) Increase awareness to comprehend the issues and the constraints Challenge yourself to find innovative solutions Motivate yourself to put your ideas into action Reward yourself with inner-satisfaction

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