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Photo credit: L. Barnett Program Planning and Implementation.

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Presentation on theme: "Photo credit: L. Barnett Program Planning and Implementation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photo credit: L. Barnett Program Planning and Implementation

2 ©Wikimedia Commons The National Atlas of the United States Road Map

3 Outcomes (Review of objectives and documented change) Outputs (Activities) Inputs (Resources)

4 "Spock" by NBC Television-Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons It’s Highly Logical We’ll miss you…..

5 Goals  General statements  Aligned with over all mission  Flexible or adaptable  Not measurable Objectives Specific Time-sensitive Quantifiable or measurable Milestones Outcomes Evaluation of achievement Change Short, medium term IMPACTS Broader changes Longest term

6 Refuge Phenology Monitoring Needs: Goal: Understand baseline data on our monarch population Objectives: Increase milkweed plants by a certain percent in 5 years Collect seeds and redistribute Use land management tools at different times of year (ie prescribed burning) Photo Credit: Will Kerling

7 Refuge Phenology Monitoring Needs: Goal: Better knowledge of timing and location of mayfly emergence Objective: Observers submit observations on locations around region in May to July

8 Refuge Phenology Monitoring Needs: Goal: Increase public involvement in observing nature and recording observations Objective: Collect average of 5 targeted animal or plant observations per week on visitor center’s phenology calendar Staff/interns transfer observations into Nature’s Notebook on monthly basis


10 "Road in Norway" by Piotr Małecki Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

11 Long-Term

12 ©Steven Pavlov Wikimedia Commons

13 Biology/ScienceOutreach Management questionsEducation SpeciesEngagement Abundance/richnessRepeat visitation Ecosystem healthCommunity relationships RestorationBehavior change Photo Credit: L. Barnett

14 Outcomes ( Expected change or impact) Outputs (Activities) Inputs (Resources) Engage, Collaborate, Promote, Baseline, Restore Photo Credit: L. Barnett

15 Post-it Up! Questions: What are some skills I have to share? One skill per post-it page

16 Post-it Up! Questions: What are some skills I’d like to learn? One skill per post-it page

17 We need help!  Entering past data from existing phenology observations collected  Entering observation data collected on student field trips  Collect new data on target species, individually or in a cohort  Recruiting other volunteers to help  Creating species and phenophase identification pages for other to use in the field


19 Youth/School Observation Activities

20 Scavenger hunts Observation activities Macro- invertebrate search Macro- invertebrate search Bird & nature walks Journaling Youth/School Observation Activities

21 Lecture Series on Seasonal Change Scavenger hunts Observation activities Macro- invertebrate search Macro- invertebrate search Bird & nature walks Journaling

22 Ecosystems Youth/School Observation Activities Lecture Series on Seasonal Change Scavenger hunts Observation activities Macro- invertebrate search Macro- invertebrate search Bird & nature walks Journaling Migration patterns Bird & nature walks Local foods Ethno- botany

23 Ecosystems Youth/School Observation Activities Lecture Series on Seasonal Change Weekly Phenology Hikes Scavenger hunts Observation activities Macro- invertebrate search Macro- invertebrate search Bird & nature walks Journaling Migration patterns Bird & nature walks Local foods Ethno- botany

24 Ecosystems Youth/School Observation Activities Lecture Series on Seasonal Change Weekly Phenology Hikes Scavenger hunts Observation activities Macro- invertebrate search Macro- invertebrate search Bird & nature walks Journaling Migration patterns Bird & nature walks Local foods Birds Blooms Butterflies Nature walks Ethno- botany

25 Ecosystems Youth/School Observation Activities Lecture Series on Seasonal Change Weekly Phenology Hikes Data & Phenology Calendars Scavenger hunts Observation activities Macro- invertebrate search Macro- invertebrate search Bird & nature walks Journaling Migration patterns Bird & nature walks Local foods Birds Blooms Butterflies Nature walks Ethno- botany

26 Ecosystems Youth/School Observation Activities Lecture Series on Seasonal Change Weekly Phenology Hikes Data & Phenology Calendars Scavenger hunts Observation activities Macro- invertebrate search Macro- invertebrate search Bird & nature walks Journaling Migration patterns Bird & nature walks Local foods Birds Blooms Butterflies Nature walks Ethno- botany

27 Ecosystems Scavenger hunts Observation activities Macro- invertebrate search Macro- invertebrate search Bird & nature walks Journaling Migration patterns Bird & nature walks Local foods Bird Walk Bloom Walk Butterfly Walk Nature walks Ethno- botany ACTIVITIES Tied to Objectives

28 World Café Discussion: -Three questions to discuss. -5 minutes per question. -In groups, assign a scribe. -Switch groups. Scribe remains with table. -After 4 rotations, share and post results.

29 World Café: 1)What activities do you already do at your site?

30 World Café: 2)Which of these activities involve phenology or phenophases of species?

31 World Café: 3)How, if t all, can these activities address one of the regional management, science, or outreach questions?

32 World Café: Share Results

33 Take a break!

34 Long-Term Data Long-Term Engagement

35 Goals  General statements  Aligned with over all mission  Flexible or adaptable  Not measurable Objectives Specific Time-sensitive Quantifiable or measurable Milestones Outcomes Evaluation of achievement Measured change IMPACTS Broader changes over time Longest term

36 Short 1-3 years OUTCOMES Goal: Determine the timing and location of mayfly emergence Objective: Recruit X number of volunteers to enter mayfly phenophase data in Nature’s Notebook Count the number of observers recruited to enter mayfly data 10

37 Medium 3-5 years Short 1-3 years OUTCOMES Goal: Determine the timing and location of mayfly emergence Objective: Recruit X number of volunteers to enter mayfly phenophase data in Nature’s Notebook Count the number of observers recruited to enter mayfly data 1050

38 Long 5+ Medium 3-5 years Short 1-3 years OUTCOMES Goal: Determine the timing and location of mayfly emergence Objective: Recruit X number of volunteers to enter mayfly phenophase data in Nature’s Notebook Count the number of observers recruited to enter mayfly data 1050100


40 Record the arrival of spring with Nature’s Notebook at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum (Chaska, MN – suburb of Twin Cities) late April/early May 2015

41 Final Thoughts…. Tell us:  Something you learned  Something you still have a question about  Something you’d like to share

42 Connect with USA-NPN… Sign up for a phenology e-newsletter Become an observer Discover new tools and resources USA-NPN and USFWS Partnership Team: LoriAnne Barnett NPN Education Coordinator Erin Posthumus NPN USFWS Liaison 520-622-0363

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