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Preparing for Cross-Cultural Ministry. Culture Learned and shared attitudes, values, and ways of behaving of a people.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for Cross-Cultural Ministry. Culture Learned and shared attitudes, values, and ways of behaving of a people."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for Cross-Cultural Ministry

2 Culture Learned and shared attitudes, values, and ways of behaving of a people

3 Biblical Concepts All people are created in God’s image All people are affected by the Fall All people are in need of redemption

4 How to Think about Culture Receive the good Reject the evil Redeem the broken

5 Differences It is not right or wrong – it is different Many of your customs and practices are strange and different

6 Time Orientation Concern for punctuality and amount of time expended Careful allocation of time to achieve the maximum within set limits Tightly scheduled, goal-directed activities Rewards offered as incentives for efficient use of time Emphasis on dates and history

7 Event Orientation Concern for details of the event, regardless of time required Exhaustive consideration of a problem until resolved A “let come what may” outlook not tied to any precise schedule Stress on completing the event as a reward in itself Emphasis on present experience

8 Dichotomistic Thinking Judgments are black/white, right/wrong – specific criteria are uniformly applied in evaluating others Security comes from the feeling that one is right and fits into a particular societal role Information and experiences are systematically organized; details are sorted and ordered to form a clear pattern

9 Holistic Thinking Judgments are open-ended – the whole person and all circumstances are taken into consideration Security comes from multiple interactions within the whole of society – one is insecure if confined to particular roles or categories Information and experiences are seemingly disorganized; details stand as independent points complete in themselves

10 Crisis Orientation Anticipates crisis Emphasizes planning Seeks quick resolution to avoid ambiguity Repeatedly follows a single authoritative, preplanned procedure Seeks expert advice

11 Noncrisis Orientation Downplays possibility of crisis Focuses on actual experience Avoids taking action; delays decisions Seeks ad hoc solutions from multiple available options Distrusts expert advice

12 Task Orientation Focuses on task and principles Finds satisfaction in the achievement of goals Seeks friends with similar goals Accepts loneliness and social deprivation for the sake of personal achievements

13 Person Orientation Focuses on persons and relationships Finds satisfaction in interaction Seeks friends who are group-oriented Deplores loneliness; sacrifices personal achievements for group interaction

14 Status Focus Personal identity is determined by formal credentials of birth and rank The amount of respect one receives is permanently fixed; attention focuses on those with high social status in spite of any personal failings they may have An individual is expected to play his or her role and to sacrifice to attain higher rank People only associate with their social equals

15 Achievement Focus Personal identity is determined by one’s achievements The amount of respect one receives varies with one’s accomplishments and failures An individual is extremely self-critical and sacrifices in order to accomplish ever greater deeds People associate with those of equal accomplishments regardless of background

16 Concealment of Vulnerability Protection of self-image at all costs; avoidance of error and failure Emphasis on the quality of performance Reluctance to go beyond one’s recognized limits or to enter the unknown Denial of culpability Refusal to entertain alternative views or accept criticism Vagueness regarding personal life

17 Willingness to Expose Vulnerability Relative unconcern about error and failure Emphasis on completion of event Willingness to push beyond one’s limits and enter the unknown Ready admission of culpability and weakness Openness to alternative views and criticism Willingness to talk freely about personal life

18 Misconceptions They are just like us They want to be like us They are so happy We are first ones to minister to them What works for us will work for them

19 Misconceptions About Us They think they can do anything They only care about themselves They are all violent and immoral All Americans are Christians All Americans are rich

20 Why We Prepare We do not want to cause unnecessary offense We do not want the Gospel to be misunderstood We do not want to hinder the ongoing ministry

21 Things to do Follow directions from missionaries and team leaders Pray for wisdom and understanding Seek to understand the culture Assume the role of a learner Beware of jumping to conclusions

22 Becoming a Learner Look Listen Ask questions Be teachable – don’t be a “know it all” See everyone as your teacher

23 Things to avoid Talking about your home country Telling them the problems with their country Giving money or making promises you cannot keep Speaking, dressing, or behaving in a way that might be misinterpreted

24 Apply the “One Another's” Prefer one another (Romans 12:10) Greet one another (Romans 16:16) Accept one another (Romans 15:7) Forgive one another (Ephesians 4:32) Serve one another (Galatians 5:13) Pray for one another (James 5:16) Fellowship with one another (1 John 1:7)

25 Cultural Adjustment Map

26 Practical Areas Dress code Language Behavior Attitude Love

27 Special Caution You have the potential to be a great blessing to the long-term ministry You also have the potential to cause major problems for the long-term ministry It is not about you!


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