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Inventory of electronic Point-of-Sale systems from Avant – Finland, real Point of Sale system - e-purse chipcard.

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Presentation on theme: "Inventory of electronic Point-of-Sale systems from Avant – Finland, real Point of Sale system - e-purse chipcard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inventory of electronic Point-of-Sale systems from Avant – Finland, real Point of Sale system - e-purse chipcard - disposable or reloadable at ATMs or over the Internet - Jan 2001 – half a million customers Beenz – incentive-based “currency” delivered by and used with online merchants in US and UK - Merchants pay 1 cent per been, and merchants can redeem accumulated beenz with for half a cent each - 1 Million beenz users in December 2000 - over 1.5 billion beenz in circulation ($7.5 Million worth) Bibit – Internationally deployed international payments facilitator offering Internet multi-currency payments Bluetooth – offers local area low power radio link between devices

2 CEPS - Common Electronic Purse Specifications CheckFree – SSL based system for electronic bill payment - Centered in US, allowing 4.1 million customers to pay bills electronically Chipknip – Netherlands, e-purse combined with debit card - 13.5 Million cards issued, 190,000 POS terminals Chipper – Netherlands, compatible now with Chipknip 20 million cards issued. Recently announced that chipper will gradually be taken out of the market Click&Pay Net900 – Germany, through Deutsche Telekom - MicroBilling for purchasing internet content - Clicking on pay links invoke a charge on your phone bill Clikpay –Ireland, links customer directly to Bank of Ireland’s server, where credit card information is entered over SSL connection. Bank informs merchant of successful payment

3 CLIP – targeted for low-value transactions (under 25 Euro) - from EuroPay - 20 million cards have Clip branding in Germany and Spain CVC code (card verification code) – to reduce credit card fraud - starting April 2001, UK VISA and worldwide MasterCard cards will have a 3-digit code printed over the magnetic strip for use in card-not-present (mail order/telephone order) transactions CyberCash – now basically of historical interest, one of the original micropayment schemes Danmønt (Dancoin) – prepaid chip card for small value payments DigiGold – open source based scheme - DigiGold is exchanged in grams, backed by grams of e-gold E-gold Ltd. – Issues e-gold 100% backed by gold bullion in allocated storage, basically a Central Bank that issues four types of metal-based currencies - total of 4 kg of e-gold in world-wide circulation

4 e-port – virtual POS in Moscow - prepaid scratch cards for online payment Earthport – server-based wallet - partnered with Egg (online bank) Ecash (DigiCash) – defunct eCharge Phone – virtual POS, phone company handles billing electronic giro – Finland – use of e-banking for online payments EMPS – electronic mobile payment services, Finland, pilot only Fundamo - South Africa, Europe - Real and virtual POS, pilot underway in South Africa - Allows payments from mobile-to-mobile, mobile-to-POS, mobile to internet. Geldkarte – e-purse of the German banks - approx ½ million cards, - monthly transactions valued at over 6 million Euros GiSMo - Gismo allows account-based payments for internet shopping, but using a GSM phone to verify the buyer's identity and authorize the transaction

5 Internetcash – USA - prepaid stored value card (value is stored on server, activated using the PIN number on the card) - web sites accepting Internetcash allow the user to pay, micropayments can be as low as 50 cents. Leonia Online Credit Card Payment – customer and merchant must both deal with the bank – since the bank knows the customer’s details, no card information is sent over the internet, money is transferred between accounts at the bank Magex – secure digital content download and payment over the internet including digital rights management and micropayments Metax – unmanned petrol pumps in Denmark paid by mobil phones and billed to credit card account Millicent – Japan, micropayment scheme Mobilix Open Mobile Payment – credit/debit card payment over a mobile phone, initially for prepaid airtime packages Denmark (700,000 targeted users)

6 Mondex – stored value card, money transferable between cards Movilpago – low value payment services via mobile phone for POS and internet shopping Spain initially, but targeted for 30 counties Octopus Card – Hong Kong - transit system card initially - Multi-modal contactless transportation ticket reloadable electronically, combined with an e-purse. Odysseo – new wallet for credit-card based micropayments online Open Plan – UK online banking via PC or mobile phone Paiement CB sur mobile – France - Debit/credit card payment over dual-slot mobile phone – USA - Internet payment scheme (portal and transaction engine) allowing Americans consumers and businesses to pay government fees, fines and certain taxes; making payments on loans and leases; making donations; and obtaining certain forms and documents.

7 Paybox – Germany, other countries to follow - Real and virtual POS payment via mobile phone Paysafecard – Austria, Germany is next (summer 2001) - disposable prepaid stored value card for internet payments - suitable for micropayments SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) – Europe - 21 countries, Asia/Pacific - 9 countries Solo – Finland, Sweden – internet banking Sonera Mobile Pay – Finland, mobile payment - pilots ongoing TELEpay Light – Italy, uses SSL 128-bit to transfer credit card data Worldpay – Bank-centric multi-currency payment system based on credit and debit card - enables card payments made over the Internet to link with existing bank clearing systems - accepts 160 currencies from customers and settles in 76 currencies

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