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Stage 6 Derivatives Pg 18-19. DerivationesVerba LatinaDefinitiones iAbsence iiAvarice iiiDebonair ivFortitude vFurtive absum, abesse, afuī To be absent.

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Presentation on theme: "Stage 6 Derivatives Pg 18-19. DerivationesVerba LatinaDefinitiones iAbsence iiAvarice iiiDebonair ivFortitude vFurtive absum, abesse, afuī To be absent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stage 6 Derivatives Pg 18-19

2 DerivationesVerba LatinaDefinitiones iAbsence iiAvarice iiiDebonair ivFortitude vFurtive absum, abesse, afuī To be absent avarus, -ī,M. Miser bonus, -a, -umGood fortis, fortis, forteBrave fur, -is, M.Thief

3 DerivationesVerba LatinaDefinitiones viInfantile viiInsuperable viiiIntentional ixLibertine xperforate infans, infantis, M.Baby superō, superāre, superavī To overcome intenteIntently libertus, -ī, M.Freedman Per + accusative Through

4 DerivationesVerba LatinaDefinitiones xiPulsate xiiRedeem xiiiRepublic xivTranscribe xvVituperate pulsō, pulsāre, pulsavī To hit emō, emere, emī To buy res, reī, F.Thing scribō, scribere, scripsī To write vituperō, vituperāre, vituperavī To curse

5 #Definitiones ATo scold harshly (Vituperate) BBabyish (Infantile) CGreed for money (Avarice) DThe state of being away (Absence) ETo buy back; to get or win back (Redeem) F A government in which supreme power resides in the body of citizens (Republic) GDone with a purpose or by design (Intentional) HSneaky; acting in a stealthy manner (Furtive) ISuave; urbane; of good family or nature (Debonair) KTo type or write out in full (Transcribe) LOne who leads an immoral or unrestrained life (Libertine) MTo throb rhythmically (Pulsate) NInner strength; firm courage (Fortitude) OTo pierce with holes (Perforate) PCannot be overcome (Insuperable) 15 6 2 1 12 13 8 5 3 14 9 11 4 10 7

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