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Section 6.6: The British Are Defeated. The French ships brought military supplies from Europe They attacked British ships on their way to the colonies.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 6.6: The British Are Defeated. The French ships brought military supplies from Europe They attacked British ships on their way to the colonies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 6.6: The British Are Defeated

2 The French ships brought military supplies from Europe They attacked British ships on their way to the colonies American Sea Captain John Paul Jones became a naval hero –He successfully raided many towns along the coast of Great Britain and scored a naval victory in a battle with the British warship Serapis in September of 1779

3 Benedict Arnold Benedict Arnold had fought in the battles of Quebec and Saratoga General Washington appointed him to command West Point, the strongest and most important fort in America However, Arnold felt that he was not getting enough credit Arnold plotted to turn West Point over to Great Britain and, in return, was promised a high British army rank

4 Plans for the takeover were to be delivered to Arnold by John Andre, a major in the British army On the way, Major Andre was stopped by three men and searched –They found the plans he had hidden in his boot heel Major Andre was tried, convicted as a spy, and hanged Benedict Arnold escaped to Great Britain, spending his remaining years in shame as an American traitor –A traitor is someone who turns against his or her own country

5 How the British were Defeated The British captured the ports of Savannah and Charleston However, a force of militiamen skilled at frontier sharpshooting beat the British back at Kings Mountain, North Carolina General Nathaniel Greene lured the British Army, led by Lord Cornwallis, inland in North Carolina –Lure – to draw in someone or something by hinting of gain –Inland – a region of land that is far away from the coast

6 Greene recaptured most of the inland positions previously occupied by the British Lord Cornwallis invaded Virginia in an effort to redeem himself –Redeem – to release from blame for something by doing something else better However, the Americans pushed him back Cornwallis moved his men north to Yorktown, Virginia With French Count Francois Joseph Paul de Grasse controlled the Chesapeake Bay and Washington attacking from the North, Cornwallis had no way to escape

7 The British fought hard, but they had too few men so on October 19, 1781, Cornwallis surrendered When Great Britain’s Lord North heard of the defeat of Cornwallis, he reportedly said, “It is all over.” The war had come to an end –The Americans won the Revolutionary War with help from the French fleet

8 Treaty of Paris Great Britain recognized America’s independence with the signing of the Treaty of Paris on September 3, 1783 The treaty established the new nation’s boundaries – Canada on the North, the Mississippi River on the West, and Florida on the South Signing of the Treaty of Paris

9 6.6 PowerPoint Questions 1.) John Paul Jones was a(n) ___ sea captain. 2.) ___ was a traitor. 3.) The British captured the ports of ___ and ___. 4.) Lord Cornwallis surrendered at ___. 5.) The Treaty of Paris set the American boundary from the ___ on the West. C.T.) Which American leader do you think did the most to win the Revolutionary War? Why?

10 Chapter 6 Review: Identifying Facts commander Declaration of Independencemilitia Hessians loyalists pardon traitor petition postmaster Second Continental Congress statesman three-pronged attack 1. A ___ is a group of citizens who serve as soldiers in times of war. 2. An official statement forgiving someone of something is called a ___. 3. The ___ chose John Hancock at its president. 4. A written paper asking for a right or benefit from someone in power is called a ___. 5. The Second Continental Congress chose George Washington to be ___ of the American army. 6. The second Continental Congress made Benjamin Franklin the ___. 7. The British hired ___ to fight against the Americans. 8. Thomas Jefferson wrote the ___. 9. General Howe wanted to defeat the Americans at once with a ___. 10. A ___ was an American who supported the king of Great Britain. 11. Benedict Arnold was a ___. 12. Someone who knows and practices government ideas is a ___.

11 Chapter 6 Review: Understanding Main Ideas 1. What events immediately followed Lexington and Concord? 2. Why did the Congress write the Declaration of Independence? 3. What strengths did the Americans have during the Revolutionary War? 4. What strengths did the British have during the Revolutionary War? 5. Why was the Battle of Saratoga a turning point of the war? 6. What finally won the war for the Americans? 7. The French got nothing from the war. Why do you think they helped the Americans?

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