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U.S. General Services Administration Using EMMA and AIM for DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS) LaKeisha Gill Lead PCOLS Instructor Defense Logistics.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. General Services Administration Using EMMA and AIM for DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS) LaKeisha Gill Lead PCOLS Instructor Defense Logistics."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. General Services Administration Using EMMA and AIM for DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS) LaKeisha Gill Lead PCOLS Instructor Defense Logistics Agency-Log Info Svc July 31 – August 2, 2012

2 2012 GSA SmartPay Conference “Fine Tune Your Payments Program With GSA SmartPay”

3 3 House Rules Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS (agency name) To ensure the best possible learning experience for participants, please adhere to the following house rules: Turn electronic devices to vibrate No video taping or audio recording is allowed Hold questions to end of session Ensure your participant badge is scanned to receive full credit for each course A/OPCs and F/RMs

4 Course Description A/OPCs and F/RMs Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS 4 This session is for Agency/Organization Program Coordinators (A/OPCs) and Financial / Resource Managers (F/RMs). Discussions will include instructions on using the Authorization, Issuance and Maintenance (AIM) and Enterprise Monitoring and Management of Accounts (EMMA) applications

5 5 Preliminary Steps in PCOLS Maintaining EMMA Maintaining AIM Interactive Tutorial on Creating New Managing and Cardholder Accounts Common Issues and Errors Helpful hints for using EMMA and AIM PCOLS A/OPC and F/RM Checklist Agenda A/OPCs and F/RMs Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS

6 A/OPCs and F/RMs Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS 6 Preliminary Steps in PCOLS

7 7 Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS ●Participate in online or classroom training on PCOLS –CLG005 –Deployment Packet ●Build Organizational Hierarchy in EMMA –EMMA Automated Provisioning Spreadsheet or manual provisioning –Provisions users into roles and tokens redeemed ●A/OPC completes their profile in AIM ●A/OPC completes account migration in AIM for Managing and Cardholder Accounts A/OPCs and F/RMs

8 8 Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Maintaining EMMA

9 9 EMMA Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs

10 10 Maintaining Accounts in EMMA Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Adding an Organization

11 11 Maintaining Accounts in EMMA Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Adding an Organization (Continued)

12 12 Maintaining Accounts in EMMA Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Viewing an Organization

13 13 Maintaining Accounts in EMMA Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Adding a Role

14 14 Maintaining Accounts in EMMA Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Adding a User 14

15 15 Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Maintaining AIM

16 16 Maintaining Accounts in AIM Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs The A/OPC is the gatekeeper for maintenance actions from AIM to the bank.

17 17 Maintaining Accounts in AIM Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs ●Update A/BO and Resource Manager ●Update Account Status ‾Cancel ‾Suspend ‾Reactivate ●Update Financial Information ‾Lines of Accounting ‾Merchant Category Codes ●Update Purchase Limits (Increase and Decrease)

18 18 Maintaining Accounts in AIM Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs ●Update Office Name and Justification ●Update Unit Identifier Code (UIC) and/or Obligation ●Update Organization Name ●Update Appointment and Review Dates

19 19 Maintaining Accounts in AIM Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Update A/BO Welcome User

20 20 Maintaining Accounts in AIM Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Update A/BO

21 21 Maintaining Accounts in AIM Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Update Resource Manager

22 22 Maintaining Accounts in AIM Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Update Resource Manager

23 23 Update Account Status in AIM Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Suspending a Managing Account

24 24 Update Account Status in AIM Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Cancelling a Managing Account

25 25 Update Account Status in AIM Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Reactivating a Managing Account

26 26 Update Financial Information Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs

27 27 Update Financial Information Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs

28 28 Update Financial Information Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Updating Purchase Limits (Increase)

29 29 Updating Financial Information Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Updating Purchase Limits (Decrease)

30 30 Maintaining Accounts in AIM Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Update Office Name and Justification

31 31 Maintaining Accounts in AIM Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Update Office Name and Justification

32 32 Maintaining Accounts in AIM Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Update Unit Identifier Code (UIC) and/or Obligation

33 33 Maintaining Accounts in AIM Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Update Organization Name

34 34 Maintaining Accounts in AIM Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Update Appointment and Review Dates

35 35 Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs

36 36 Creating a New Managing Account in AIM Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs

37 37 Creating a New Cardholder Account in AIM Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS Department of Defense A/OPCs and F/RMs

38 38 Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Interactive Tutorial

39 39 Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS Department of Defense A/OPCs and F/RMs

40 40 Helpful Hints for Using EMMA and AIM Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs ●Use the “Accounts in Process” tab in AIM when you would like to view the status of a workflow. ●Check POC List for users that have been removed from EMMA ●Do not make an update in AIM that has been done at the bank. ●Everyone involved in the workflow will receive a notification by E-mail

41 A/OPCs and F/RMs Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS 41 PCOLS A/OPC and F/RM Summary

42 42 PCOLS A/OPC Checklist Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs DEERS – Ensure physical work address is correct and update when necessary EMMA – Establish new Organizations and provision roles and permissions to users AIM – Utilize the “Accounts In Progress” tab to track progress of the workflow. Review and submit to the bank

43 43 PCOLS A/OPC Checklist Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs DEERS User Name Big Military Base Smalltown, AA 12345 123-456-789

44 44 PCOLS A/OPC Checklist Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs EMMA Email with the Token enclosed This is the token This is the time given to redeem the token

45 45 PCOLS A/OPC Checklist Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Adding an Organization

46 46 PCOLS A/OPC Checklist Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Adding a Role

47 47 PCOLS A/OPC Checklist Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Provisioning 47

48 A/OPCs and F/RMs Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS 48 Common Issues and Errors

49 49 Common Issues and Errors Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS A/OPCs and F/RMs Bank Submission Failure Errors: ●Error: No Maintenance Required ●Error # 01: 520117: The segment values provided are either individually not valid and/or the combination of these values are not valid. ●User ID Rights ●Error # 01: 520113: A valid organization short name must be provided ●A Valid Address

50 A/OPCs and F/RMs Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS 50 Interactive Tutorial on a Managing and Cardholder Account

51 Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS PCOLS Helpdesk and Support Department o Defense A/OPCs and F/RMs 51 Phone: 800-376-7783, Commercial line 269-961-7307, or DSN telephone number 661-7307 Email: PCOLS Website at DAU Acquisition Community Connection (ACC) or PCOLS Website at DLA Logistics Information Service Contains: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) System User Manuals (EMMA, AIM, DM/RA, REPORTING)DEERS Address Update and User Maintenance Portal Links Various Training Aids

52 Using EMMA and AIM for DOD PCOLS LaKeisha Gill Department o Defense A/OPCs and F/RMs 52

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