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SKILL WIKI Mapping the Business Landscape Team Revolutionaries GSJ Gurgaon 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "SKILL WIKI Mapping the Business Landscape Team Revolutionaries GSJ Gurgaon 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 SKILL WIKI Mapping the Business Landscape Team Revolutionaries GSJ Gurgaon 2013

2 The service A skill wiki –Based on exchange of skill –Transacted through barter –With an added opportunity to contribute to building social infra structure via contribution to the skill bank towards underprivileged members of the society

3 The process1/4 What skill do you wish to offer How much of time do you wish to offer What skill do you wish to learn How long do you wish to engage in learning

4 The process2/4 Registration confirmation and entry into data base Skills tagging done Data entry reflects time commitments offered/ intended

5 The process3/4 Registration confirmation and entry into database Match found Skill exchanged / shared

6 The process 4/4 Example –1000 points credited to account holder while on boarding –Get 100 for skill offering –Redeem 50 for skill learning System gives points every time a skill if offered on the network and points can be redeemed for availing new skills, merchandise etc.

7 The customer 1.People from 1.Urban slums 2.Rural area 3.Students 4.Maids and their children 5.Educationists 6.Service providers such as 1.Doctors / Agriculture engineer etc.

8 Value proposition Knowledge sharing Access to expertise NetworkingBarter Generating Talent pool for partner organization Experience sharing

9 Key activities 1.Organising exchange nights 2.Creating a web portal 3.Publicising and branding 4.On boarding volunteers 5.Building partner networks 6.Arranging exchange trips / camps 7.Facilitating webinars 8.Accessing receivers of the service 9.Creating partner networks 10.Matching skills offered to skills required in database – Creating software

10 Exchange nights Organising exchange nights –A theme based exchange event where people who offer skills and people who want to learn that skill come under the same roof –An expert is invite to give a talk cum demo –Sponsors invited to host stalls @ the event Products can be bought @ discount –Partners asked to pitch in with logistics and other help –Volunteers man the execution of the event

11 Delivery Channels Web portal Exchange events –Theme based exchange nights –Workshops –Trips & Field visits

12 Revenue Stream Corporate donations (CSR funds) Sponsorships Crowd funding Brand merchandise Stalls @ exchange events Ads in exchange catalogues & websites Content leasing –DVD/ Library

13 Key resources Logistics –Space/ infrastructure for exchange event –Transportation Local networks –NGO –Volunteers –Partners Content –Created by experts and people who are offering a skill

14 Key Partners Large Corporations SMBs NGOs Individuals –Volunteers Partners offering space –Cultural centres, community centres Local unions –Panchayats etc. Registrations Partners –Telecom –Offline – drives –Eventbrite

15 Competition Yellow pages Local service directories Online Libraries –Youtube –Coursera –Khan academy –GSJ 12 – Sim sim

16 Relationships One to one One to many

17 Relationships Expertise based –I do not know something and want to learn from an expert Difference based –I know one skill and want to learn and completely different skill A software guy wanting to learn violin Shared experience –Want to link up and share experiences with someone who is going through similar experience Students appearing for exams, new mums

18 Bring on the revolution!!!

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