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International Relations Office

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1 International Relations Office
ESSCA School of Management

2 Contents ESSCA Our Mission Statement Accreditation
Our Campuses Angers Paris Budapest Shanghai Teaching ESSCA Programmes - Years 1-3 ESSCA Programmes - Master Grade de Master en Management Major in Marketing of Retail Products Major in International Business Major In Entrepreneurship Master of China-Europe Business Studies Major in Corporate Finance Major in Consulting and Financial Engineering Exchange Programmes Partner Universities Supporting Our Students Graduates Alumni Links With the Corporate World Research Centres Visiting Colleagues Contact Us

3 ESSCA: Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales d’Angers
A hundred years old and still delivering a continuously innovative education A private not-for-profit organisation - run by a foundation A member of the ‘Conférences des Grandes Ecoles’ with an accredited diploma, Master status and an EPAS-accredited ‘Grande Ecole’ programme , and AACSB accredited Various executive education programs A system of selective entrance exams Some Key Figures 3000 students on four different campuses Over 75 permanent faculty, 40 visiting professors, and 470 guest lecturers 170 partner universities worldwide An annual intake of around 500 exchange students

4 Mission Statement ESSCA's: Purpose Commitments Ambition
To educate responsible members of the business world through the transmission of skills, knowledge and values Commitments To enable its students and collaborators to achieve sustainable professional success in a complex environment, while fully taking into consideration the human and social dimensions of their activities To endow them with an acute awareness of the corporate world’s social and environmental responsibility with the capacity of changing perspective and with open-mindedness to new ideas. Ambition To contribute to the economic and social developments of its environment on a local, regional, national and international level

5 ACCREDITATIONS In May 2014, ESSCA received AACSB International Accreditation ESSCA Master in Management programme has been EPAS accredited by the EFMD since 2006, and was recently reaccredited for a maximum period of 5 years ESSCA has been a member of the selective Conférence des Grandes Ecoles since 1977 ESSCA has been delivering a State Accredited Master degree since 1980 There are 211 Business Schools in France (undergraduate and/or graduate studies) Pour valider la qualité d’une école, l’État dispose de trois procédures: la reconnaissance, le visa et le grade de Master. 1ère étape : la reconnaissance La reconnaissance d’un établissement par l’État atteste du bon niveau du corps professoral, du contenu des enseignements, des installations et des outils pédagogiques. Elle garantit aussi l’équilibre financier de l’établissement, ce qui permet aux écoles reconnues par l’État d’accueillir les boursiers de l’enseignement supérieur. L’ESSCA est reconnue par l’État depuis 1975. 2ème étape : le visa Cette expression indique que le diplôme de fin d’études est visé - signé - par le Ministre de l’Éducation nationale. Les jurys d’entrée et de sortie sont présidés par un représentant du Ministre ; le diplôme a un caractère officiel et national. L’ESSCA est habilitée à délivrer un diplôme visé depuis 1980. 3ème étape : le grade de Master L’Etat Français a pris la décision d’organiser les diplômes d’enseignement supérieur en trois grades : Licence, Master, Doctorat (schéma LMD). Certains diplômes visés donnent à leur titulaire le grade de « Master ». C’est le cas du diplôme de l’ESSCA à qui cette qualité a été donnée par arrêté en 2004. C’est une reconnaissance importante à 2 niveaux: national : elle confirme que l’ESSCA fait partie de l’élite des écoles de management. international : elle situe l’ESSCA dans l’organisation européenne des études supérieures. L’ESSCA bénéficie aussi d’une reconnaissance par ses pairs : la Conférence des Grandes Écoles. 2 voies pour entrer dans une Grande École de Commerce : * Après une CPGE, en présentant les concours ÉCRICOME ou HEC/ESC, * Après le baccalauréat, en passant un concours après-bac. La CGE rassemble les Grandes Écoles françaises de commerce et d’ingénieurs ; 34 sont des écoles de commerce. L’ESSCA a été admise à la CGE en 1977 et au Chapitre des Écoles de Gestion en 1992. Le Chapitre regroupe les meilleures écoles de commerce en France. L’admission y est prononcée après un audit rigoureux. Tous les établissements de la Conférence des Grandes Écoles possèdent au moins ces 5 caractéristiques : une très forte sélection assise sur l’existence de concours, une formation longue de niveau Bac+5, une coopération étroite avec le monde économique, l’existence d’activités soutenues de recherche, une activité internationale de grande ampleur. Parmi les 34 écoles de gestion membres de la CGE, seules 4 recrutent au Bac : l’ESSCA, la plus ancienne, l’IÉSEG et l’ESDES, et l’EMNormandie. L’ESSCA fait aussi partie d’organismes moteurs dans l’avancement des sciences de gestion dans le monde : la FESIC, Fédération des Écoles Supérieures d’Ingénieurs et de Cadres, l’EFMD, European Foundation for Management Development (qui délivre notamment les labels EPAS et EQUIS). l’AACSB, Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business,

6 Our Campuses Budapest (since 1993) Paris (since 1993)
Located in the city centre International exchange & degree programmes Paris (since 1993) Located in Boulogne Billancourt An option for the first 3 years of study, and some Master specialisations Shanghai (since 2006) In the heart of the 21st century metropolis A platform for a specialised Chinese track Angers (since 1909) ESSCA's roots and still its main campus Years 1 to 5, a majority of specialisation semesters

7 Angers A beautiful historical city in the UNESCO Loire Valley world heritage site 90 minutes south west of Paris by TGV inhabitants students in a range of institutes of higher education ESSCA programme offering: Wide range of semester courses taught in French and English at both undergraduate and graduate level Summer Programme (Angers, Brussels and Paris)

8 Paris Boulogne Billancourt - situated by the river Seine – Metro, line 10 “Boulogne Pont de St Cloud” 5000m2, 8 floor building – welcoming approx. 745 students Business incubator ESSCA programme offering: Summer Programmes for International Students Undergraduate and Master Year 1 in English offered at Fall & Spring Semesters

9 Budapest Beautiful capital city of Hungary
Situated in the West side of the city, close to Corvinus University with access to Corvinus library ESSCA programme offering: All programmes taught in English – Undergraduate and Master level Opportunity to learn Hungarian language Summer Programmes for master level students

10 Shanghai 15 minutes from the BUND
Same building as the Alliance Française ESSCA programme offering: All programmes taught in English undergraduate & Master level. Opportunity to learn Mandarin also, Summer Programme with cultural excursions, company visits and study trips

11 Teaching Teaching: a devoted team A permanent faculty of 75 professors
40 international visiting professors / year 470 adjunct professors or practicioners / year Pedagogy: a careful balance Theory & practice Individual performance & team work Instruction & education Autonomy & tutored learning

12 ‘ESSCA PROGRAMME’ Years 1-3
1st Cycle (Years 1 to 3) S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 Angers or Paris Angers or Paris (all courses taught in English) Obligatory semester abroad Acquisition of a general competence in management studies Management Sciences and Humanities a solid grounding in all the major management disciplines: Marketing, Management, Finance, Accounting, Economics , Law... Languages 2 mandatory foreign languages Electives third language, cultural workshops, student associations, sports 2 mandatory internships 8-week discovery work placement after S2, 8-week sales internship after S4, semester abroad during either S5 or S6 – study/internship

7 post-graduate programmes, specialising in 7 areas: Grande Ecole Diploma - ESSCA Master in Management (in French) Major in Marketing of retail products Major in International Business Major in Entrepreneurship Major in Corporate Finance Major in Consulting an Financial Engineering Master of China-Europe Business Studies (Double Diploma with AMS)

14 Specialisation semester taught in French
GRANDE ECOLE DIPLOMA ESSCA MASTER IN MANAGEMENT MASTER 1 MASTER 2 Semester A Semester B Semester C Semester D One pre-specialisation study semester in Angers Management Marketing Expertise Financial Management PLUS One internship Non-Business graduates joining at Master level : Fundamentals of Management programme followed by pre-specialisation semester Specialisation semester taught in French Marketing Marketing of Consumer Packaged Goods Web marketing Logistics & Procurement Corporate Communication Management Marketing of Services and Management Revenue Management of Automotive Networks Management Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management of Companies in the Social & Solidary-based economy Human Resource Management Project Management Finance Banking and Finance Auditing Internship Min. 4 months In France or abroad + Master thesis

15 Applied Research Semester
MAJOR IN MARKETING OF RETAIL PRODUCTS GRANDE ECOLE MASTER’S DEGREE – Taught in English MASTER 1 MASTER 2 Semester A Semester B Semester C Semester D g PARIS or ANGERS Core Courses The various types of Marketing Digital Management Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Leadership and Strategy Electives French Language Country Risk Analysis ANGERS or SHANGHAI (Angers) Core Courses International Marketing Country Risk Analysis Business and Market Dynamics (Angers) Electives European Intergration and Business Environment International Strategic Management International Monetary Governance French Language (Shanghai ) Core Courses Strategic and Supply Chain Man. Branding & Retailing in Asia Cross Cultural Man. & Negotiation (Shanghai) Electives Digital Marketing Asian Business Research Project Asian Economy and Geopolitics Chinese Language ANGERS Core Courses Brand Management Sales Development Retailer’s Strategy and Marketing Digital Expertise Electives Luxury Marketing Services Marketing and Management French Language Master Thesis: Applied Research Semester 30 ECTS credits A six-month in-company internship *Students can work at any of the ESSCA campuses

16 Applied Research Semester
MAJOR in International Business GrandE Ecole Master’s Degree - Taught in English MASTER 1 MASTER 2 Semester A Semester B Semester C Semester D BUDAPEST or SHANGHAI (Budapest) Core Courses Cross-Cultural Management Crisis Management Starting New Ventures Doing Business & Management in the CEE Electives Economic Intelligence Project Management Product and Process Innovation French Language Hungarian Language (Shanghai) Core Courses Branding and Retailing in Asia Asian Business Research Project Digital Marketing Asian Economy and Geopolitics Strategic & Supply Chain Management Cross-Cultural Man. And Negotiation Chinese Language ANGERS Core Courses Leadership and Strategy Digital Marketing Country Risk Analysis Business and Market Dynamics International Strategic Management Electives European Integration and Business Environment ANGERS This semester specialises in international trade and global markets. Preparing students for international business careers. Core Courses Business Communication in an International Environment Business Internationalization Global Supply Chain Management International Trade Environment Electives Luxury Marketing Services Marketing and Management French Language Master Thesis: Applied Research Semester 30 ECTS credits A six-month in-company internship Students can work at any of the ESSCA campuses

17 Applied Research Semester
Major in Entrepreneurship GRANDE ECOLE MASTER’S DEGREE - Taught in english MASTER 1 MASTER 2 Semester A Semester B Semester C Semester D BUDAPEST Core Courses Economic Intelligence Product and Process Innovation Starting New Ventures Electives International Monetary Governance Cross-Cultural Management Crisis Management Doing Business in the CEE Geopolitics French &/or Hungarian Language ANGERS Core Courses Leadership and Strategy Country Risk Analysis Business and Market Dynamics Electives European Integration and Business Environment International Strategic Management Digital Marketing French Language Master Thesis: Applied Research Semester 30 ECTS credits A six-month in-company internship *Students can work at any of the ESSCA campuses ANGERS Core Courses Business Modelling and Planning Business Development and Intrapreneurship SME Strategic Management Social and Web Entrepreneurship +Electives

18 Applied Research Semester
MAJOR IN CORPORATE FINANCE GRANDe ECOLE MASTER’S DEGREE – Taught in english MASTER 1 MASTER 2 Semester A Semester B Semester C Semester D BUDAPEST Core Courses Economic Intelligence International Monetary Governance Starting New Ventures Electives Product and Process Innovation Cross-Cultural Management Crisis Management Doing Business in the CEE Geopolitics French &/or Hungarian Language PARIS Core Courses Corporate Finance Financial Markets Quantitative Methods for Finance Financial Information Systems International Accounting Electives French Language Master Thesis: Applied Research Semester 30 ECTS credits A six-month in-company internship *Students can work at any of the ESSCA campuses ANGERS Core Courses Management Control and Reporting Advanced Corporate Finance Internal Auditing and Risk Management Project Financial Management CFO’s Environment

19 Applied Research Semester
MAJOR IN CONSULTING AND FINANCIAL ENGINEERING GRANDe ECOLE MASTER’S DEGREE – taught in english MASTER 1 MASTER 2 Semester A Semester B Semester C Semester D BUDAPEST Core Courses Economic Intelligence International Monetary Governance Starting New Ventures Electives Product and Process Innovation Cross-Cultural Management Crisis Management Doing Business in the CEE Geopolitics French &/or Hungarian Language PARIS Core Courses Corporate Finance Financial Markets Quantitative Methods for Finance Financial Information Systems International Accounting Electives French Language Master Thesis: Applied Research Semester 30 ECTS credits A six-month in-company internship *Students can work at any of the ESSCA campuses ANGERS Core Courses Corporate Finance & Portfolio Management Finandial Risk Anaylisis VBA & Quantitative Methods Financial Engineering Derivatives, Equity and Fixed Income

20 Applied Research Semester
MASTER OF CHINA-EUROPE BUSINESS STUDIES (Double Diploma with AMS) MASTER 1 MASTER 2 Semester A and B Semester C Semester D September: Semester A in Antwerp, Belgium with Antwerp School of Management January: Semester B in either Angers (France), Budapest (Hungary) or Shanghai (China) with ESSCA June: 2 months in a ‘China Consulting Project’ in Europe and/ or China depending on project August: China Coonsulting Project Defense ANGERS or BUDAPEST International Business Specialisation Semester International Marketing and Business Strategy Business Internationalisation International Business Development Project Global Chain Supply Management Students will have a choice of elective modules including a French language module Master Thesis: Applied Research Semester 30 ECTS credits An in-company internship *Students can work at any of the ESSCA campuses 20

21 All 3rd year programmes are taught in English
Exchange Programmes French-speaking Exchange students are integrated into ESSCA's Management programme in Angers English-speaking exchange students have a wide choice of suitable programmes taught in English: ANGERS Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer Programme BUDAPEST Fall semester Spring semester Summer programme PARIS Summer Programme Fall Semester Spring Semester SHANGHAI* *A limited number of places for exchange students *** Are these available? I can’t find any information about them on the website. All 3rd year programmes are taught in English

22 Partner Universities 170 universities in 47 countries
Approx 550 incoming students ( ) Approx 514 outgoing students ( ) Double Diploma agreements with partner universities in 11 countries Full list of Universities and Countries here

23 Supporting Our Students
Welcome services for international students: Our ESSCA welcome team greets students at the train station and takes them to student residences. Help with opening bank accounts, buying travel cards etc. Orientation and welcome days at ESSCA at the beginning of each semester. The Student association organises integration and social events and activities all year round. Individual academic advice through a tutor system. Specific French language and Cultural Studies courses for all international students. Social Networking Sites that create communities: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, Pinterest, Viadeo and LinkedIn Click here here to see the welcome team in action!

24 Our Graduates Graduate Careers
The annual "labour market entry survey" shows an excellent placement record in France or abroad: Work contract signed before their graduation : 53% 90% of graduates were hired in less than 3 months Where They Work Finance Audit Chartered Accounting Management Control Financial Engineering Banking Specialists Trading rooms and Stock Exchange Commerce Sales Purchasing and Logistics Exports Consultancy Management Organisation Strategy Information Systems Marketing Product Management Webmarketing Publicity and Communication Market Research Interface Marketing Revenue Management Human Ressources

25 The Alumni Association
Currently counts more than 7,500 active members Has an office on the Angers campus Has a representative on the board of the ESSCA foundation Provides career advice and coaching for young graduates Edits an annual directory, a monthly newsletter and an alumni website Entertains a network of clubs worldwide: - Barcelona - Brussels - Budapest - Hong Kong and Shanghai - London - Madrid - Montréal - Munich - New York - USA West Coast - Sydney - Tokyo and 14 clubs in the major French cities

26 Links with the Corporate World
The corporate world is present at ESSCA on many different levels: In institutional governance In academic life (entrance examination boards, teaching, steering committees) Through partnerships, research contracts and executive education Through links to the labour market (internship offers, recruitment forums)

27 Research ESSCA's increasingly multinational faculty is committed to high standards and continuous improvement in its research activities. Research activities are expected to underpin the academic development of the programmes. They are organised in 5 research centers which highlight the school's distinctive competencies: ESSCA Research Center in Risks and Finance ESSCA Research Center in Retailing Social & Solidarity-based Economics Strategic Innovation & Entrepreneurship European Integration

28 Our Colleagues From Partner Universities
Visiting faculty (Angers) Aims to enhance the teaching and research dimension of our programmes A teaching assignment of one course (45 hours) is expected for visiting faculty staying for a semester. Applications should be sent to Dr. Benjamin MORISSE, vice dean: and include : a vitae, a description of the research project, the associated publications’ strategy and potential contributions for teaching

29 Contact: Carol CHAPLAIS ESSCA School of Management International Relations 1, rue Lakanal BP ANGERS Cedex 01 France

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