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The Rise of the NEW Republican Party. Forerunners of the Republican Party Liberty Party –Abolitionist party formed in 1844 –Not enough to be presidential.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rise of the NEW Republican Party. Forerunners of the Republican Party Liberty Party –Abolitionist party formed in 1844 –Not enough to be presidential."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rise of the NEW Republican Party

2 Forerunners of the Republican Party Liberty Party –Abolitionist party formed in 1844 –Not enough to be presidential hopeful Free Soil Party –Opposed extension of slavery, not necessarily abolition –Disliked that slavery competed with white labor force –Did not win election of 1848, but enough to show North opposed expansion

3 Forerunners of the Republican Party Whig Party collapses after split over Kansas-Nebraska Act The Know Nothings –Anti-Immigrant –Anti-Catholic –Split over issue of slavery

4 Republican Party Republican Party was formed on July 6, 1854 in Michigan, after local groups demanded new party United over opposition to Kansas-Nebraska Act and keeping slavery out of territories Included: –Free-Soilers –Antislavery Whigs –Democrats/Nativists from the North –Temperance supporters Biggest competition – The Know Nothings because attracted the same voters.

5 Democratic Platform in 1856 supported the compromise of 1850 Opposed federal interference in slavery Supported the building of the transcontinental railroad. Democrats chose James Buchanan –“Kansasless”, as away in G.B. –Many Southern friends, although a Northerner

6 The Election of 1856 After 1955, Republicans had issues to challenge Democrats for Presidency Republicans chose John C. Fremont Whigs chose Millard Fillmore Participation of Eligible Voters: 78.9%!!! What does this tell us?

7 Election of 1856 Results

8 Effects of Election of 1856 Showed the following things –Democrats could win the presidency with a national candidate who could compete in the North without alienating Southerners –Know-Nothings and Whigs were in decline –Republicans were a political force in the North

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