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JEFFERSON’S FIRST TERM Democratic-Republican 1800-1804 “We are all Republicans and we are all Federalists”

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Presentation on theme: "JEFFERSON’S FIRST TERM Democratic-Republican 1800-1804 “We are all Republicans and we are all Federalists”"— Presentation transcript:

1 JEFFERSON’S FIRST TERM Democratic-Republican 1800-1804 “We are all Republicans and we are all Federalists”

2 First peaceful transfer of power from one ruling party to another

3 Significant actions by Jefferson Wants to limit gov’t Continues to pay off debts Appoints Federalist judges Refused to renew Alien and Sedition Acts Pardons those imprisoned Repays fines Reverses Naturalization time back to 5 years Cuts government spending and gov’t workers Reduces military spending Keeps National Bank

4 Significant Events Marbury v. Madison- Appointed Justice V. New Secretary of State: Argument over “Midnight judges” Supreme Court established concept of Judicial Review where Supreme Court is now empowered to declare laws unconstitutional which strengthened the judicial branch’s power. Chief Justice John Marshall (Federalist) leads court for 30 years. Refuses to hear Marbury’s case / it was unconstitutional

5 Louisiana purchase $15 million purchase from France for all Louisiana terr. U.S. land size doubles. Jefferson uses “Necessary and Proper Clause”

6 Lewis and Clark expedition 1803-06 Extraordinary journey to- map and explore Louisiana Territory. Establish friendly relations with Indian tribes. Locate Northwest Passage

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