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11 States now have More People on Welfare than they do Employed!

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5 11 States now have More People on Welfare than they do Employed!



8 House




12 Montana Retired Max Baucus (D) Republican Pickup DemocratRepublican Newly appointed John Walsh to fill vacant seat. Walsh was the Lt. Governor. April poll shows him with 36%, has $697,365 cash on hand Congressman Steve Daines. April poll shows freshman with 49% has 2.2 million cash on hand

13 South Dakota Retiring Tim Johnson (D) Republican Pickup Republican Mike Rounds former Governor Primary June 10. Has over a million dollars cash on hand Democratic State Senator Larry Rhoden Has $72,000 on hand Stace Nelson State Representative. $33,000 Rick Weiland has $384,000. State Director AARP

14 West Virginia Retiring Jay Rockefeller (D) Republican pickup RepublicanDemocract Shelley Moore Capito was elected to Congress in 2000. $4.2 million on hand. Natalie Tennant, Secretary of State, has $151,000 on hand Romney had 55.8%

15 Georgia Retiring Saxby Chambliss (R) Primary May 20 Swing State RepublicanDemocrat Congressman Paul Broun elected 2018, Physician, 4/16 poll 11%, $401K Congressman Phil Gingrey elected 2003, Physician, 9%, $2.5 million Congressman Jack Kingston, elected 1993, 15%,$2.3 million David Perdue Chairman and CEO of Dollar General, 8,500 stores, 19%, $1.3 million Michelle Nunn daughter of former Senator Sam Nunn. $2.4 million on hand.

16 Kentucky Swing State RepublicanDemocract Mitch McConnell Senate Republican leader, is also effectively tied with his Democratic rival, Alison Lundergan Grimes, elected in 1984 and has 52% disapproval, $10.9 million cash on hand Alison Lundergan Grimes, Secretary of State. Has $5 million. Bill Clinton is helping her with funds

17 Alaska Swing State Primary August Mark Begich (D)Daniel Sullivan (R) In 2008 won by 3,953 votes or 43% He hails from heavily Republican state. Voters don’t dislike him : they just don’t like the color jersey he is wearing, Has $2.8 million on hand, Obama 43% Served as states Attorney General and Commissioner of Department of Natural Resources, Has $1.1 million Feb poll 30%. Will face off with Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell, $94K, 25% and Joe Miller (Teal Party),has231K, 20%

18 Arkansas Swing State Mark Pryor (I)(D)Tom Cotton (R) Obama is deeply unpopular and Pryor supported Obama’s health care law. United States House of Representatives representing Arkansas's 4th congressional Graduate Harvard Law School. Cotton served a tour in Iraq and Afghanistan, before leaving the military with the rank of captain in 2009. Huffington Pollster showed Cotton has 45.9% and Pryor with 42.4

19 North Carolina Primary May 6 Swing State Kay Hagan (I)(D)GOP Race May 6 Thom Tillis, House Speaker,39%,Has $1.3 million Greg Brannon, Physician, 20%, $207K Mark Harris, Baptist Minster, 15%, $408K Heather Grant, Nurse, 2%, $107.00 Won on the ticket with Obama against a weak incumbent Elizabeth Dole. Television ads have succeeded in driving down her poll numbers on her support for ACA. In 2012 Romney won the state. Has $8.5 million

20 Michigan Retiring Carl Levin (D) Swing RepublicanDemocratic Terry Lynn Land, Secretary of State, Polls at 43%, has 4.3 million on hand, grew up in trailer park, and is waging a war on women, new adds start today. 5 million has been spent attacking Peters vote for ACA Congressman Gary Peters, elected, 2009, Polls at 40%, has 3.4 million on hand. His attack adds clamed her grandparents sold the trailer park, rezoned it forcing families to leave.

21 Colorado Swing State DemocraticRepublician Incumbent Mark Udall, April 21 st poll shows 45% and has 4.7 million on hand. Congressman Cory Gardner, poll shows 44% and has 2.1 million on hand. Running attack adds on Udall’s vote for ACA

22 Louisiana Swing State Runoff in December Mary Landrieu (I)(D) Bill Cassidy (R) Rob Maness (TP) Over a million dollars have been spent attacking Landrieu for supporting ACA. Polling less than 50% Congressman Bill Cassidy was an associate professor of medicine with Louisiana State University for the last twenty years. Retired from the Air Force after 32 years of service. Tea Party candidate could force a runoff in December




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