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Test readiness review ESA ’s prototype BLANC P-E LAMLyon October 2003 Mechanical test plan.

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Presentation on theme: "Test readiness review ESA ’s prototype BLANC P-E LAMLyon October 2003 Mechanical test plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Test readiness review ESA ’s prototype BLANC P-E LAMLyon October 2003 Mechanical test plan

2 Schedule Behavior of the clamp and Zerodur bar in the cold condition Sine low level (check the numerical analysis) Qualification sine test and random test (after optical test) Implementation for the cold test Conclusions } done

3 Dummy mirror line Shim (under clamp) Behavior of the clamp (and the Zerodur) in the cold condition

4 Temperature probe (5) Liquid nitrogen entrance Icebox Specimen (inside) Specimen equipped How

5 Star the testCheck the parameters Specimen in the liquid nitrogen view from outside Temperature probe Clamp Dummy mirror line

6 Vibration test Sine low level (check the numerical analysis) done Qualification sine test and random test (after optical test)

7 Dummy (aluminum) stack Shaker interface 4 x 3 screw M4 Dummy (zerodur) mirror line X Z Displacement probe Y Driver 1 Driver 2 Driver 3 Dummy (aluminum) mirror line

8 Probe 3 axis (5) Specimen equipped

9 Driver (3)

10 Hz g 0,5g 20Hz2000Hz 2oct/mn = 3’19" Hz g 20g 20Hz100Hz 2oct/mn = 2’10" 5Hz 1g Sine low level (on each axis) done Qualification sine (on each axis)

11 -15dB -12dB -9dB -6dB -3dB 0dB s dB 30s Timing = 3 mn 1,86g RMS 10,5g RMS 2 mn 2,63g RMS 3,72g RMS 5,26g RMS 7,43g RMS Hz g 2 /Hz 0,15g 2 /Hz 100Hz400Hz Timing = 2’ 20Hz 0,03g 2 /Hz 2000Hz 0dB 3dB/oct -5dB/oct 10,5g RMS 0,01g 2 /Hz Random (on each axis)

12 Vacuum chamber Radiation shield  500 x 460 (aluminum) Cold plate  500 (aluminum) Entrance window  150 Exit window  150 Cryostat of the university of Durham Cryogenic cooler (2) Implementation for the cold test

13 Cold plate  500 (aluminum) Ring interface (aluminum) Foot (aluminum) Bipod arm (G10) Screw Bipod node (Stainless steel or invar) Isostatic 3 point mount Bracket (invar)

14 Conclusions Test of the clamping done Nothing broken so the result is OK Sine low level done I haven’t enough time to give an conclusion (see the report) Vibration test (qualification sine and random) in accordance to our shaker, we suggest this profile (qualification sine and random) to test the prototype Implementation status (in progress)

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