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Ammonia Triborane: A Promising New Candidate for Amineborane-Based Chemical Hydrogen Storage Chang Won Yoon and Larry G. Sneddon J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006,

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Presentation on theme: "Ammonia Triborane: A Promising New Candidate for Amineborane-Based Chemical Hydrogen Storage Chang Won Yoon and Larry G. Sneddon J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ammonia Triborane: A Promising New Candidate for Amineborane-Based Chemical Hydrogen Storage Chang Won Yoon and Larry G. Sneddon J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 13992-13993

2 Boron Compounds

3 Ammonia Triborane

4 Synthesis of Ammonia Triborane Kodama Binder

5 Figure 1 Acid-induced hydrogen release from ammonia triborane.

6 Figure 2 Metal-catalyzed hydrogen release from aqueous (~0.45 wt %) ammonia triborane solutions containing ( ★ ) RhCl 3 (6.9 mol %); ( ■ ) 5 wt %- Rh/Al 2 O 3 (7.0 mol %-Rh); ( ● ) [Rh(COD)(Cl)] 2 (7.2 mol %); ( ▲ ) 5 wt %- Rh/Al 2 O 3 (1.4 mol %-Rh); ( ◆ ) no catalyst.

7 Table 1. The amounts of ammonia triborane, water, and catalyst for the screening experiments.

8 Figure 3 Hydrogen evolution following repeated additions of ammonia triborane to an aqueous solution containing 5 wt %-Rh/Al 2 O 3.

9 Figure 4 Hydrogen release at different temperatures ( ▼, 50; ▲, 35; ●, 20; ■, 0 ℃ ) versus time for 4.9 wt % aqueous solutions of ammonia triborane catalyzed by 5 wt %-Rh/Al 2 O 3 (1.1 mol %-Rh).

10 Figure 5 Rhodium (5 wt %-Rh/Al 2 O 3, 1.0 mol %-Rh) catalyzed H 2 release from a 22.7-wt % aqueous solution of ammonia triborane (1.8 mmol) yielding 6.1 wt % H 2 [wt % = H 2 -wt/(NH 3 B 3 H 7 + H 2 O + Rh/Al 2 O 3 -wts)].

11 Conclusions Under these concentrated conditions, 11 B NMR studies show that the hydrolysis reaction yields condensed polyborates. The real utility of this process as a chemical hydrogen storage system will ultimately depend on the development of new "off-board" methods to regenerate ammonia triborane from these borates.

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