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Total assemblages of benthic foraminifera from a mixed siliciclastic/carbonate inner shelf; preliminary results from the bays of Soline and Nin (Adriatic.

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Presentation on theme: "Total assemblages of benthic foraminifera from a mixed siliciclastic/carbonate inner shelf; preliminary results from the bays of Soline and Nin (Adriatic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Total assemblages of benthic foraminifera from a mixed siliciclastic/carbonate inner shelf; preliminary results from the bays of Soline and Nin (Adriatic Sea, Croatia) Jelena Vidović a, Vlasta Ćosović a, Mladen Juračić a, Čedomir Benac b, a Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Horvatovac 102a, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia b Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka, V. Cara Emina 5, HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia - mixed siliciclastic/carbonate area - shallow water bays (up to 20 m) - 62 samples along the bathymetric profiles - determine the proportion of biogenous components - total benthic foraminiferal assemblages in surface sediments Soline Bay - biogenous components: bivalves, gastropods, ostracods, sea urchins, foraminifera (up to 31%) - foraminiferal assemblages are high diversified - sediment in the shallowest part is impoverished in biogenous remnants Nin Bay - biogenous components: bivalves, gastropods, foraminifera (up to 42%) - foraminiferal assemblages are high diversified Adriatic Sea with study areas and sampling stations:1. Soline Bay, 2. Nin Bay.

2 PCA ordination diagrams of sediment sections: A. Nin Bay, B. Soline Bay. Correlation of numerical values of PCA component 1 for Soline Bay with: A. water depth, B. sediment type Correlation of numerical values of PCA component 1 for Nin Bay with: A. water depth, B. sediment type Dendrogram obtained by cluster analysis Nin Bay Soline Bay

3 -sandy and gravely substrates with epifaunal genera and species: Quinqueloculina sp., Elphidium sp. (keeled species), Neoconorbina terquemi, Asterigerinata mamilla - muddy sediments with infaunal genera and species: Ammonia beccarii, A. inflata, A. tepida, Haynesina sp.

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