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E NVIRONMENTALLY P REFERABLE P URCHASING Lisa Dulude Office of Energy & Sustainability Snohomish County Executive’s Office Snohomish County’s Lessons Learned.

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Presentation on theme: "E NVIRONMENTALLY P REFERABLE P URCHASING Lisa Dulude Office of Energy & Sustainability Snohomish County Executive’s Office Snohomish County’s Lessons Learned."— Presentation transcript:

1 E NVIRONMENTALLY P REFERABLE P URCHASING Lisa Dulude Office of Energy & Sustainability Snohomish County Executive’s Office Snohomish County’s Lessons Learned

2 Tips for Getting Started 1.Support from the top Executive level support Presentations and communication with Council early on about why the EPP is important 2.Make the case Multiple lenses: economy, environment, equity

3 Tips for Getting Started 3.Policy Development No need to ‘reinvent the wheel’ What are the ‘triggers’ and ‘caps’ for your policy?  Does it apply to all purchases?  Only purchases over a certain amount?  Our EPP applies to all goods, services, and construction

4 Tips for Getting Started 3.Policy Development Balancing price, performance, and the environment Will you be collecting and tracking ‘green purchasing’ data? How will the policy be enforced and to what extent? Emphasis on Life Cycle Cost Assessments (LCCAs) LCCA means “the evaluation of the total cost of an item to the County over its estimated useful life, including costs of selection, acquisition, operation, maintenance, and where applicable, disposal, as far as these costs can reasonably be determined, minus the salvage value at the end of its estimated useful life.” Existing Halogen BulbsLED Bulbs (replacement) Year 1: Purchase & Installation Cost $2,465$13,985 Annual Energy Savings (kwh) x55, 245 Annual Energy Cost Savings x$4,420 Lifetime Maintenance Cost$4,500$225 Lifetime Replacement Cost$44,800$13,760 Lifetime Energy Cost$128,000$21,760 Total Lifetime Cost Savings x$141,555

5 Provide Flexibility Excerpt from Section 8a of EPP: Non-toxic and Least Harmful Chemicals Toxic chemicals that should not be purchased in any product or service include, but are not limited to:  Volatile organic compounds (VOCs);  Persistent bio-accumulative toxins (PBTs);  Formaldehyde (often found in paint, carpeting, adhesives, furniture, and casework);  Endocrine disrupters such as: ◦ Flame retardants (e.g. polybromide diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) ◦ Pesticides ◦ Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) ◦ Surfactants (contain nonylphenols) ◦ Epoxy (contain Bisphenol A) ◦ Plastics (many contain phthalates and Bisphenol A) ◦ Toxics such as lead, asbestos, and mercury; and ◦ The County will reduce or eliminate the purchase and use of products that contribute to the formation of dioxins and furans.

6 Provide Flexibility 1. Balancing Needs Section 1 & Section 5: Nothing in the policy shall be construed as requiring the procurement of products or services that do not perform adequately for their intended use, exclude adequate competition, or are not available at a reasonable price or in a reasonable period of time. 2. Greatest Extent Feasible Section 1 & Section 8: All of the Guidelines set forth in Section 8 of this policy shall be met to the greatest extent feasible and practicable for the purchase of products and services.

7 Implementation Phased approach “Warm-up” period through the end of the year New form next year to be submitted with purchase requests Finding/developing language for bids, specs, contracts, etc.

8 Implementation Tools County’s Green Product Resource Guide EPP “All Hands” training (Intro to Green Purchasing) Internal green purchasing site with additional resources listed

9 Implementation Tools

10 Next Steps… 2014: New form(s) with specific EPP questions that must answered Individual department meetings and trainings ◦ Working with departments to select a 3-5 items (goods and/or services) to start ◦ Office products & bids, specs, contract language Continued work with departments and offices ◦ Incorporating EPP into bids, specs, and contract language ◦ Getting more familiar with resources and tools

11 Thank You! Lisa Dulude Snohomish County Energy and Sustainable Development Analyst 425-388-3968

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