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CEDAR Physical Science Module 2 Tom DeRosa Creation Studies Institute 1.

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1 CEDAR Physical Science Module 2 Tom DeRosa Creation Studies Institute 1


3 Air and Humidity Water is one of the most important components in air. Water evaporates in air and the air has the ability to hold it. Humidity Defined: how much moisture (water) is in the air 3

4 Sweating Sweating is a way we let heat out of our system. Sweat is basically water and salt which evaporates giving us a cooling effect because it takes the heat away from our bodies. Water + heat (from our bodies) Vapor

5 Heat Index Heat Index is a combination of heat and water temperature. When the temperatures are high and the humidity is high like in Florida you will sweat a great deal. When the temperatures are high and the humidity is low you don’t sweat as much. 5 Temperature reached 112 0 F that afternoon July 2007 in Glendive, Montana. We did not sweat very much in the Bad Lands

6 Absolute Humidity: The mass of water vapor contained in a certain volume of air. This the concentration of water vapor in the air. Saturated is when the air has reached its maximum concentration. Relative Humidity: is given in percent and compares the amount of water vapor the air has at certain temperature and to the maximum amount it can store. 6

7 How we feel For example, if the air temperature is 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 degrees Celsius) and the relative humidity is zero percent, the air temperature feels like 69 degrees Fahrenheit (21 C) to our bodies. If the air temperature is 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 C) and the relative humidity is 100 percent, we feel like it's 80 degrees (27 C) out. People tend to feel most comfortable at a relative humidity of about 45 percent. 7

8 Relative Humidity Pompano Beach, Florida Current Conditions Partly Sunny 86ºF High/Low 90º/77º Relative Humidity 66 % Pressure 30.00 in Visibility 10 mi Wind Direction SE 8

9 The Composition of Air 9 Other Gases Ozone – variable Sulfur Oxides-variable Nitrogen Oxides – Variable

10 10 Oxygen20.9523.2032.00O2O2 90.2-182.95 Nitrogen78.0975.4728.02N2N2 77.4-195.79 Carbon Dioxide 0.030.04644.01CO 2 194.7-78.5 Hydrogen0.00005~ 02.02H2H2 20.3-252.87 Argon0.9331.2839.94Ar84.2-186 Neon0.0018 0.0012 20.18Ne27.2-246

11 Composition by volume Oxygen 20.95 Nitrogen 78.09 Argon 0.933 Carbon Dioxide 0.03 Neon 0.0018 Hydrogen 0.00005 11

12 A Privileged Planet 12 The composition of the earth’s atmosphere is not only unique in the solar system but through out the Universe. God has created the earth to have life on it.

13 For this is what the LORD says - he who created the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited — he says: "I am the LORD, and there is no other.” Isaiah 45:18 13

14 Combustion When Oxygen combines with substance and it ignites into heat and light it is called combustion The Oxygen gas is perfect to combine with living systems to give them energy to live. If the amount of Oxygen is increased by 1 % there will 70% the Natural Forests Fires. 14

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