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DNA The Molecule Of Life. DNA Structure Nucleotides The Backbone Base Pairing The Double Helix Chromosomes Nucleosomes Genes.

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Presentation on theme: "DNA The Molecule Of Life. DNA Structure Nucleotides The Backbone Base Pairing The Double Helix Chromosomes Nucleosomes Genes."— Presentation transcript:

1 DNA The Molecule Of Life

2 DNA Structure Nucleotides The Backbone Base Pairing The Double Helix Chromosomes Nucleosomes Genes

3 Nucleotide: the basic molecule of DNA 3 parts: 1.Nitrogenous base 2.Sugar 3.Phosphate 5’ 3’

4 Nucleotides: 4 bases The nucleotides in DNA use 4 different bases: 1.GuanineG 2.CytosineC 3.AdenineA 4.ThymineT * Just think G-CAT, you know that rapper

5 Nucleotide Bases: 2 classes Purine: Adenine Guanine Pyrimidine Cytosine Thymine Purines Pyrimidines

6 The Backbone Nucleotides combine by covalent bond between phosphates and sugars

7 A single strand of DNA Written as: 5’-ACTGTCAAGGTCGAT-3’ 5’ 3’

8 Base Pairing Hydrogen Bonds for spontaneously between specific nitrogenous bases Pairing Rule: Cytosine bonds with GuanineC-G Thymine bonds with AdenineT-A

9 Base Pairing

10 A Double Strand of DNA 5’ 3’

11 How a DNA strand is written 5’ - ATAGGGCCTAGAACCTGG - 3’ 3’ - TATCCCGGATCTTGGACC - 5’ Strands are anti-parallel

12 Try writing one yourself 3’ - TTAAGCTATGCT - 5’ What is the complementary DNA strand?

13 Now draw a double strand, including bases and backbones 5’ - ATGC - 3’ 1.Does your diagram have sugars, phosphates, and nitrogen bases? 2.Are the strands anti-parallel? 3.Where are covalent bonds between nucleotides? 4.Where are the hydrogen bonds?

14 The Double Helix



17 High Resolution image of Actual DNA molecule

18 DNA within a Cell DNA combine with proteins called histones to create structures called chromosomes Each cell contains many chromosomes, each with a specific DNA sequence


20 A Nucleosome DNA strands are tightly wrapped around histone proteins to create a complex known as a nucleosome



23 Genes A gene is a specific sequence of DNA nucleotides The DNA sequence contains the information necessary to build a protein Each specific gene codes for a specific protein

24 How much DNA is there? The human genome contains 3 billion base pairs of DNA, about the same amount as frogs and sharks. But other genomes are much larger. A newt genome has about 15 billion base pairs of DNA, and a lily genome has almost 100 billion.

25 Unravel all the DNA in your body… …and it would stretch to the moon!

26 Junk DNA Only a very small percentage of your DNA (1.5%) is actually composed of coding genes, most of it is repetitive sequences or other non-coding sequences We still don’t know what the other 98.5% of DNA in our cells are for. We’ve still got a whole lot to learn

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