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GRADES Moon Project To give you a chance to do a good Moon project I have changed the due date to Wednesday, March 3. I have put a new sky map for this.

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3 Moon Project To give you a chance to do a good Moon project I have changed the due date to Wednesday, March 3. I have put a new sky map for this period on the course web page and Angel. Download and print it to use for this part of the project.

4 Announcements Planet Assignment 2, due Monday Feb 23, is on Angel (later tonight). First view the movie “Formation of the Solar System” on Astronomy Place to help you answer the questions. Planet Assignment 3, due Wednesday Feb 25, is Astronomy Place tutorial “Formation of the Solar System”

5 Exam Answers Will be posted on the course web page with links from Angel Syllabus page tomorrow. Tonight we will go over some of the more confusing questions.

6 What is a FACT & what is a THEORY? A FACT is a statement about an observation - e.g. planets move on elliptical orbits. A THEORY is an explanation - e.g. a = F/m This is an explanation of why things move the way they do. It needs to be verified by tests.

7 Retrograde Motion Geocentric model uses epicycles Heliocentric models all rely on inner planets moving faster than outer planets and overtaking them. No epicycles in heliocentric models. Mars Earth Sun

8 Phase of Earth from Venus Earth Venus

9 Model Sun = grapefruit Recall map you made for homework Model Milky Way = Earth-Sun Recall in this model distance to nearest star is Washington DC to San Francisco

10 Force of Gravity F = G M m / D 2 If D -> 1/2 D o, F -> 4 F o If M -> 1/2 M o, F -> 1/2 F o

11 You see First Quarter Moon in the WEST Moon must be setting 1Q Moon sets at midnight

12 Which has the most total Energy, E=mc 2 When you are high and fast have lots of both gravitational PE and KE When plummeting to Earth, have converted gravitational PE to KE If sitting in a hanger have least energy

13 Spaceship Earth What are the motions of spaceship Eearth? Earth SPINS on its axis towards the EAST once every 24 hours Earth ORBITS around the Sun once every 365.25 days. Speed ~ 1x10 5 km/hr. Earth, the Sun & the Solar System all orbit around the center of the Milky Way galaxy once every 2.3x10 8 years. Speed ~ 8x10 5 km/hr. The Milky Way is moving toward the Andromeda galaxy, speed ~ 3x10 5 km/hr The Milky Way (along with the local group) partakes in the expansion of the universe.

14 Simplest Model of Solar System Which is simplest depends on your taste, but the most complicated is the Geocentric model. Any of the other three got credit. We didn’t discuss the geocentric model in detail so I dropped this question.

15 Spectrum in terms of Wavelength Increasing Energy = Decreasing Wavelength Highest energy = shortest wavelength = x-rays or gamma-rays. Lowest energy = longest wavelength = radio waves

16 Solar System(s)

17 Trivia Patterns

18 What does the solar system look like?

19 Sun Over 99.9% of solar system’s mass

20 Mercury A hot rock

21 Venus The cloudy planet

22 Venus The cloudy planet Surface is hotter and smoother than Mercury’s

23 Venus The cloudy planet Surface is hotter and smoother than Mercury’s It’s another rock

24 Earth The water planet

25 Earth The water planet The double planet

26 Earth The water planet The double planet Two more rocks

27 Mars A frozen planet

28 Mars A frozen planet Also a rock

29 Mars A frozen planet Also a rock

30 Asteroid Belt Lots more rocks 40 km

31 Jupiter A gaseous planet Not a rock!

32 Jupiter A gaseous planet Not a rock!

33 Jupiter A gaseous planet Not a rock!

34 Jupiter’s Moons Four largest discovered by Galileo Worlds of ice and rock IoEuropa CallistoGanymede

35 Io’s sulfur volcanoes

36 Europa’s Icy Surface

37 Saturn Giant and gaseous like Jupiter

38 Saturn Rings are made of ice chunks Artist’s conception

39 Uranus The tilted planet Also giant and gaseous

40 Uranus The tilted planet Also giant and gaseous Has many moons

41 Neptune Almost a twin of Uranus (except for the tilt)

42 Pluto A dirty ball of ice Pluto’s moon Charon is not much smaller

43 Comets Also dirty balls of ice Spend most of their time in solar system’s outer reaches Have elongated orbits Comet Hale-Bopp Comet Wild 2

44 What features of our solar system provide clues to how it formed?

45 Terrestrial Planets: Four rocks close in Jovian Planets: Four gas balls farther out Pluto: An icy oddball

46 Virtually all rotational motion in same direction (Right-hand rule)

47 Rocky asteroids between Mars & Jupiter Icy comets in vicinity of Neptune More icy comets far beyond Pluto

48 Exceptions to the basic patterns

49 Four Big Questions 1) Why does virtually everything in the solar system rotate in the same direction? 2) Why are the inner worlds rocky and the outer ones gaseous or icy? 3) Where did the comets and asteroids come from? 4) How can we explain the exceptions?

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